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joined Mar 24, 2015

Erika when she does something good while harboring a small feeble thread of self interest in her heart: god im such a monster, literally irredeemable

You understand her so well.
Damn, I want to hug Erika and comfort her so much.

Erika best girl

Erika best girl

That chapter was juicy. Keep that shit coming!

joined Mar 24, 2015

I hope Senpai and Fuyuki make out hardcore and Eri runs away crying. One can dream~

Dreams do come true [tears in eyes]

That was an awesome chapter. Definitely no doubt in my mind that Eri likes Fuyuki, but she's going to have to work hard to convince me she's good enough for her.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Sensei's too reserved about her feelings, she set this all up but I just cannot foresee this going well for her. Is she trying to break her own heart, and force herself to give up on Mei?

The plot had to move eventually, so I guess this was how. It's not a great idea, though D: #TeamMaria

joined Mar 24, 2015


joined Mar 24, 2015

Why are we not talking about Yanagi telling the vice pres, "I'll make you fall for me" and the vice pres actually falling for her?!

Looks like everyone is getting paired off to make room for Itsumi and Rin. I was Team Yanagi, damn it. This development is interesting, though.

joined Mar 24, 2015

13.1 Somewhat Summary!

The last chapter was largely about Kyou and how he came to have feelings for Eri, so no one cared. This chapter starts with Fuyuki and Kisaki-senpai~ talking about their dogs. Senpai brought her dog, Kojirou, for the short film they're shooting. The girls all love him.

Fuyuki bumps into Eri, who's wearing a long, black wig. Idr if I mentioned in a previous summary, but Kyou initially wanted Fuyuki to be the main character of the film because she has long, black hair. Eri could see that Fuyuki was reluctant to take the role, so she said that she herself could just wear a wig and stepped in. Eri is weird about wanting Fuyuki's approval on this wig, because Eri is weird about everything, and I hate her. Fuyuki does say it's cute, and Eri lights up. Fuyuki also looks kinda like dazed/enamored with this new look, which is a bummer.

It's time to shoot, so Eri leaves. Senpai also has to leave because they're using her dog to shoot, so Fuyuki is left with Ino--the girl in the previous chapter who asked Kyou why he was even with Eri. Ino says that Eri is surprisingly good at acting. Fuyuki responds with something along the lines of, "Everyone else may not think so, but I've always thought she was pretty serious." Ino says something like, "She should be more serious about her boyfriend." Fuyuki never really acknowledges this comment about Eri because a nearby NPC complains about how they're out of cold drinks. Fuyuki volunteers to get the rest of the drinks that they left at the hotel. By time time Fuyuki turns her attention back to Ino, Ino is already moodily walking away.

On the way back from getting the drinks at the hotel, Fuyuki runs into Eri, who is trying to cool down with a hand-held fan. They small talk about the movie for a second. Fuyuki gives Eri a drink and comments on how the wig looks like real hair. Fuyuki reaches out to touch it, and that's when Eri reaches up to take her hand.

Fuyuki is, understandably, confused lol. She asks Eri if there's something wrong, and Eri says no. She puts Fuyuki's hand against her cheek, and Fuyuki is REAL flustered by that. By way of explanation, Eri just says that Fuyuki's hand is cold, and it feels nice.

I'm pretty bad at translating internal monologues, so this next part is rough. Fuyuki thinks about how Eri has always been a touchy person. But then there's some stuff I didn't super get... Something about Fuyuki being less... "reluctant"? Something else about being rejected? I don't even know who is being rejected because Japanese has no pronouns lmao. I'm sorry, someone fluent has to do this part.

But yeah, that's about it, aside from the probably major part I couldn't figure out how to translate, ahaha.

Idk if Ino is going to be a real contender for Kyou, but she could at least serve as a plot point. She could confess to Kyou out of frustration. Then, the next time Eri blows off Kyou, he could bring it up as an "other people want me, so are you treating me like I'm unworthy?" type thing. Eri is a head-f*ck as usual and I'm not going to try to figure that out right now.

joined Mar 24, 2015

this shit keeps getting better and better ngl it's a banger

100% not the words I would've used to describe this and I love it

joined Mar 24, 2015

Is it implied the boy also got lost in a vacuum somewhere for x number of years? Probably not, but that was the first thing I thought of rather than him being a potential love interest.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Came for the nice boat, stayed for the yuri

joined Mar 24, 2015

AHHHH When she held her wrists uppppp- shit got me nervyyyy ^_^^^^^

BRUH I had to look away. How do I get me a Nanao?

joined Mar 24, 2015

What the heck is wrong with Shizuku's eye in the last panel? That's just ... eerie.

Omg I didn't even notice. Terrifying

joined Mar 24, 2015

you're so weird for this. why the animosity towards fuyuki?

Wait why did you think I hate on Fuyuki? I just thought of a way to break this shit show, though obviously it didn't happen. Sorry about that.

Lol don't apologize for someone misunderstanding you. Live your life!

Agreed though that if the wedding is Eri's, I am not remotely interested. Even if it's to Fuyuki. Eri would have to do some serious maturing for me to be like 4% okay with that outcome.

This most recent chapter was such a bore, too. Kyou is fine, but he is not the reason any of us are here.

joined Mar 24, 2015

I could have read it wrong, but in the chapter where Fuyuki is telling Senpai (I also saw Sasaki on that tiny furigana lol) that she walked in on Eri and Kyou, I think she tells Senpai that it won't be the same between her and Eri. She seems to know it's game over. But there's no good way of ditching your supposed best friend, you know? She could confess to end it but it's painful enough already.

That said, that might be totally wrong lol.

joined Mar 24, 2015

New raw up. Seems like Eri's jealousy is getting obvious. Fuyuki's been by Senpai's side and Eri keeps looking at them, even getting bothered because she overhears Fuyuki call Senpai by her name, saying, "I can carry that for you, Sasaki-san." She's kinda cold to Kyou but idk if that's just her being in a pissed off mood because of Sasaki. Kyou asks her about the script and she's just half listening, eventually asking him "Fuyuki's girlfriend's name is Sasaki. Did you know?" To which he replies "Why would I?". The second half of the chapter is just about Kyou's pov of meeting the two as kids and if the next chapter is about him it'll be disappointing since I don't give a shit about his character. And by the looks of it it's probably gonna ba about how he feels out of place or jealous that Eri has loved Fuyuki more than him their entire lives.

Thanks for your spot-on translation! I loooove Eri's jealousy. Fuyuki and ~Sasaki-san~ aren't even flaunting their relationship. They're just being themselves and Eri is pissed. Delicious.

If there's anyone I want to hear from right now, I'd agree that it's not Kyou lmao. Fuyuki's POV would be nice. She's at least honest with herself, so we'd likely get a clearer explanation on her feelings than we would from Eri's POV. I wonder why Fuyuki kinda went fetal after pushing Eri away. Was it her own trauma around seeing Kyou and Eri hooking up, or was it a result of feeling like she hurt Eri's feelings/wasn't being a good friend? Truly hope it's not the latter.

Anyhow, if we do get Kyou's perspective on essentially competing with Fuyuki his whole life, it will make it even clearer that Eri has feelings for her.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Came for the KyouMami, stayed for the GUM Beer Root

joined Mar 24, 2015

So I was right! It says that next chapter is to be announced. So, there might be a break.

If you're on comic-walker, I wouldn't say so. It usually says that for a bit and then updates the date a few days before the release.

I hope we see a reverse. That Eri walks inn on them having sex.

My guess is that Eri is going to have to share a room with them at the training camp. Eri will have to deal with seeing them together all day, and then once they're in their room, Senpai will go out of her way to make Eri uncomfortable. I could see Eri pretending to sleep so she doesn't have to talk to them, but then she has to listen to them make out or something. You know, Senpai saying something like, "Oh, she's asleep. She won't hear anything. And if she does, oh well." That'd be awesome, though I doubt Fuyuki would go that far.

Or the flip, Eri will be roomed with Kyou, who I'm sure will be expecting some affection she doesn't want to give. Meanwhile, she'll be wondering the whole time what Fuyuki and Senpai are doing in their room... which is nothing, but you know. Anything she imagines will probably be worse than reality, but not knowing for sure is pretty awful in its own way.

last edited at Feb 16, 2024 2:43PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

11.2 Somewhat Summary for anyone interested

Not too much happens, but now I'm really starting to think Eri does actually like Fuyuki and isn't aware. A lot of her internal dialogue, now that I've taken some time to read it, really seems to suggest it. I've never thought of a "friend" the way Eri does. You'd think that would cause her to reflect on what that actually means for her. Alas.

Anyway. Fuyuki pushes away Eri (good). Fuyuki says it's because she's a bit sweaty. It's awkward. Eri kinda stammers her way into asking about "that senpai" coming to the training camp for the film club. Fuyuki says yeah because Senpai has experience taking pictures of dogs, I think, but also says she figured it would be nice to have some company.

Eri says "that's good" to the fact that Awesome Kurokawa Senpai is coming. Fuyuki says, "Well, I don't know if it's a good thing, but, well, I'm happy." Then she says she has to go back to campus, so they part awkwardly.

The part with Eri alone in her room, she's wondering who's really important to Fuyuki. She thinks about Fuyuki saying she was happy that "that senpai... no, her girlfriend" is coming to the training camp. It ends with Eri asking, "Why is she coming?"

I hope Senpai and Fuyuki make out hardcore and Eri runs away crying. One can dream~

last edited at Feb 15, 2024 11:38PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

So, is the translator waiting for volume 2 to come out, to work on the whole thing?

Volume 2 has been out for about a month, and the raws are online, so I'm going to say no. I think they're more focused on Citrus+.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Looks like witnessing that scene is too much for Fuyuki. Eri about to lose everything lol.

GOOD. She should lose everything lmao

But Eri is showing some romantic interest in Fuyuki....? Hard to tell, but kind of seems so

I think her behavior is pretty much the same as it has been. I think Eri was excited to see Fuyuki, especially after receiving her birthday gift (the lipstick they're talking about in this chapter) and knowing Kyou asked Fuyuki to stay away on her birthday (though Fuyuki does try to say she missed it because she really was running an errand. Eri dismisses that since she knows Fuyuki came to drop off her present at the very least).

In the last chapter, Eri mentioned something about them being touchy in the past, so when Fuyuki touched her face to comment on the lipstick, I think Eri got physically close to her without even thinking about it. She was just happy to share that intimacy. But that triggered Fuyuki who physically pushed her away. Which I LOVE. Eri can take a short walk off a long pier. Cruel place for a cliffhanger tho lol

joined Mar 24, 2015

Also love that Serina is becoming a recurring character now.

Word! Serina still best girl.

I love her! I was so happy to see her again. I'm low key shocked that she seems to have an actual thing for Asumi, though, to the point of picking shifts so Asumi will pick her again. If she has a crush on Asumi, I feel for her, because I know that's not going anywhere.

I guess the point right now is where is this manga as a whole going lol but I'm down for the ride.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Logical thinking? In my yuri manga??

joined Mar 24, 2015

Based on chapter 10 part 3, it seems that Eri figured out that she was Fuyuki's first love. The only thing I caught that clued her into Fuyuki's feelings was that Fuyuki was really touchy with her. I didn't understand too well, so I couldn't tell if it was Eri narrating in real time or a future Eri narrating (probably the former bc I don't think I've seen the latter in this manga).

But it seemed that she understood she caused Fuyuki pain and was sorry for it. She seemed to regret something, because she says if she'd known about Fuyuki's feelings sooner, she would've... done something. Lmao I didn't understand. She also wondered about how their relationship would look going forward.

Someone who is actually fluent, please rectify all of this lol

joined Mar 24, 2015

Just another poster here to say the art is breathtaking. Wow. I'm glad I checked this one out.

joined Mar 24, 2015

I'd take wholesome on this, though. The purity is strong.

joined Mar 24, 2015

But, man... I wanted to see them fuck lmao

Same x 472847294