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joined Feb 19, 2015

No-rae calls Seol-a cute. No-rae can now call me dead

joined Feb 19, 2015

Back to the fluffy slice-of-life comfort zone I see. Both parties being TOTALLY CASUAL gal pals with each other at the moment. Now we wait for the No-rae's Ex Story Arc to get things moving again, TO THE LAND OF FLUTTERING FEELINGS

joined Feb 19, 2015

SEOL-A CURSING. Never thought I'd see that

joined Feb 19, 2015

In the infinite expanse of time between Mondays, I find the time to compile a list of remaining plot material Ssamba has yet to cover (please append if I've missed anything):

1) No-rae's ex
2) What Ji-hwan had to do with Seol-a attending this university (possible 'you owe me something, I'll have No-rae pls k thx hur hur' plot device here)
3) Yu-ji shenanigans (currently being covered)
4) Seol-a's accident (ditto as above)
5) Meetup with Seol-a's family (Seola's other oppas and parents)

I reread the series (god I need a life) to extract the above. Am I missing anything?

joined Feb 19, 2015

I got the distinct feeling that Yu-ji was being very sarcastic when she said what she said.

Agree with Random Reader. In the panel before Yu-Ji starts talking you can see her frowning as the girls were gossiping and even as she's elaborating you can see her pull a slightly ironic expression (eyebrows are high up, that sardonic grin as she says, 'This is something you all know anyways, no point in discussing it').

Or she could be your run-of-the-mill bitch

joined Feb 19, 2015

Huh, FF is free up to chapter 10 on comico until the end of this month.

What's the occasion?

joined Feb 19, 2015

Fan art author art (!!!) by samba:

Original in Korean:


(feat 먹고싶다 프링글스)
술이 약한 우릐노래...
전 노래 하나에 꽂히면 질릴 때까지 그 노래 하나만 주구장창 반복재생하는 못된 버릇이 있어여-_ㅠ
아끼지마 나오고 그것만 밤이고 낮이고 계속 듣다보니 이젠 환청까지 들릴 지경...
이 무서운 집착을 끝내고자; 아끼지마를 들으면서 한 장 그려봤습니다...
뭔가 그림이라도 한장 그리고나면 약간 진정이 되는 것같더라구염. 소화기효과?


이렇게 잘라놓고 보니 제 취항도 참 한결같다는 생각이.....;

Translation by taeyeonlikesgirls (post):

“you didn’t even drink that much..;;” (too close! >o<)

(i’m craving pringles..)
norae can’t hold alcohol that well..
I have a bad habit of endlessly repeating the song that i recently got into -_ㅠ
ever since 아끼지마 had come out i have been listening to it all day and night to the point where i’m having auditory hallucination..
so i have drawn this out while listening to 아끼지마 in order to end this scary obsession i have..
somehow after i draw one, it calms me down like a fire extinguisher?

now that i’m looking back, my tastes are pretty singular, I think….;


So it would appear that ssamba is trying to murder us.


joined Feb 19, 2015

Doesn't No-Rae's thought process kinda mirror Mari's from Girlfriends? The scene when Mari's accepted that she's in love with Akko while running up the subway station stairs to greet her? They've come to terms with their feelings and diffused their angst, and seem to have resolved to keep the friendship and only the friendship up. If Sssamba's going to do it like Girlfriends, then I look forward to No-Rae doing something dramatic for Seol-a to reconsider their friendship in another light (like Akko did) >:)

joined Feb 19, 2015

Hahahaha Seol-A had a major Orz moment

joined Feb 19, 2015

Hahahahaha No-Rae's face when Seol-A's hugging her makes her look like a Country Ball

joined Feb 19, 2015

@No Rae Fa So La Ti Do

You have no idea the squeals you elicited when I saw 'future wife'. God that caught my breath. Btw, you're missing a 'Mi' in your username.

joined Feb 19, 2015

You guys called it. Not a continuation of the main story. But it's a Q&A

joined Feb 19, 2015

It's not exactly a scanlation group. I just do rough translations for FF/whatever other manhwa I find interesting on /u/

What is /u/ exactly? Is there a site?

joined Feb 19, 2015

Anybody notice though? That Fluttering Feelings is projected to be less ahem NSFW than other trending yuri? I mean the image art for Tan Jiu's Their Story is pretty OUT there compared to FF, which has arguably less romantic, but undeniably very affectionate image art by the author; like they're just skinship or bosom friends? Nevertheless one of the loveliest manhwas (and comics in general) I've ever read and has a very likable, emphatic MC in No-Rae.

And I'm new to this whole forum thing. I actually created an account here just so I could thank halmoni. Halmoni, you do awesome work. Thank you for doing what you do for us :') Actually, more than that, would you mind telling me about the scanlation group you're part of? You guys seem like an amazingly cool group of people, doing all of this.

Thanks again!