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Stretch discussion 28 Aug 12:02
joined Oct 28, 2014

Sometimes I imagine Shou with the same face and smile of this subject, as they are cut from the same cloth, xd

Le troll

And speaking of the chapter itself, it was interesting, plus it gives the feeling that lately are focusing on the feelings of Ran, which makes me wonder if the end of the fourth volume will be focused on Ran Like the previous volume, or instead it will focus on Keiko with a visit to his mother or fixing their problems with the ex.

Stretch discussion 05 Aug 19:07
joined Oct 28, 2014

My happiness by this chapter is simply indescribable, is finally reaching the big time

I don't know, it feels like the valentines chapter; yes it shows they are a couple, but they still don't get it. Can people be this ignorant?

Nah, I was just talking about the dream of Ran, say that this is the closest we have had confirmation that Ran is in love with Keiko, which seems a welcome development and with small steps like these is that they get to that great day, even if it means 41 chapters ahead, well, if it happens as we hope someday.

last edited at Aug 5, 2015 7:10PM

Stretch discussion 05 Aug 18:10
joined Oct 28, 2014

The translation is up:

My happiness by this chapter is simply indescribable, is finally reaching the big time

Stretch discussion 03 Aug 18:44
joined Oct 28, 2014

Shou Stand by me h tank completely translated..
if anyone interested.

Thank you very much for letting us know, with this we can say that all volumes that this author has published have been completely translated into English and for me this is a very good thing.

Although all volumes have been translated, there is still material that has not been translated and is the following:

-Implicity: The most recent series that is publishing at Comic LO and that neither Chapter X or Chapter 1 have been translated into English. As a curious note, Chapter X was published in May 2013 (the same month that began Stretch) and Chapter 1 was published in June 2014 and Chapter 2 has not been published yet, so we can say that our dear Stretch is consuming all the time to this author.

-Deodorant: A oneshot 6 pages published in the Weekly Big Comic Spirits, where a character looks like Ran, but with the difference that the girl shows interest in a man, xd.

-A Oneshot 6 pages published in Yawaspi for the first anniversary and where it shows a bit of the author's life, but unfortunately it has been deleted from the site and have not copy. Interestingly this author tends to draw himself as a woman, in the case of this oneshot was represented as a female demon with horns and covered with bandages and a oneshot published in the Comic LO is represented as a loli and did the same with editors, xd.

-A Interview on the website Women Insight, very interesting indeed.

-A Interview in the magazine You, where the girl demon appears.

Bonus track 1: The avatar of the author, that is, the girl demon appears on the sign of free samples on the second page of chapter 39.

Bonus track 2: August calendar has been published in Yawaspi. Two chapters have been listed for this month, one for the August 6 and the other for August 27, although dates are subject to change.

Bonus track 3: A new series started by Toruneko in Yawaspi and the funny thing is that the author had previously dedicated exclusively to adult material, primarily in the publishing Akaneshinsha, which is the same where Higashiyama Shou has published much of their work. In the case of Toruneko, they recognize that the author comes from the world of adult material, but do not say his name, but the author confirmed his true identity on Twitter. So I wonder, when Higashiyama Shou will say is Akiri ?

last edited at Aug 3, 2015 6:45PM

Stretch discussion 19 Jul 18:13
joined Oct 28, 2014

Well, actually three weeks should not be considered a real delay considering how erratic it is the pace of publication of this series. According to my predictions the fourth volume could end up in Chapter 42, which will be divided into Part A and B, while Chapter 41 will be a long chapter to prepare the ground for Chapter 42, that could explain the delay of one week, because they need extra time for extra-long and extra juicy chapter. Anyway, all this is speculation based on what I've seen so far and could end up being different.


-The Volume 1 compiles the chapter 1 to 11, for a total of 11 chapters.

-The Volume 2 compiles the chapter 12 to 22, for a total of 11 chapters, plus 22 was divided into A and B.

-The Volume 3 compiles the chapter 23 to 32, for a total of 10 chapters, plus 27 and 32 were divided into A and B.

Based on the above, one could predict that the fourth volume will have 10 chapters in order to be similar to the third volume, also we could say that Chapter 41 will be extra long and Chapter 42 will be divided into A and B, which also will be extra long , in order to reach a minimum of pages equal to the previous volume.

last edited at Jul 19, 2015 6:15PM

Stretch discussion 19 Jul 17:31
joined Oct 28, 2014

Very good news, the date of publication of the next chapter has been changed to August 6, instead of August 27 as was previously reported. Again they have not given an explanation of the change in the date of publication.

Maybe Shou thought he wouldn't be able to deliver on August 6 and now he can? That's possible.

Indeed, what you say is very likely, he might have thought it would not be able to publish the chapter until August 27, but something happened and now may publish the chapter on August 6. Chapter 41 should be published on July 30, so anyway there is a delay.

Stretch discussion 19 Jul 17:00
joined Oct 28, 2014

Very good news, the date of publication of the next chapter has been changed to August 6, instead of August 27 as was previously reported. Again they have not given an explanation of the change in the date of publication.

Stretch discussion 16 Jul 04:16
joined Oct 28, 2014

A child groping an adult woman, a break until 27 August without any explanation, no doubt, Higashiyama Shou is preparing to publish a new chapter of Implicity at Comic LO, xd.

No need to despair, considering it is almost certain that the end of the fourth volume will be with Chapter 42, then to 41 we could begin to see preparations, then give way to 42A and 42B, which could be a real mindfuck as usual with this series with the end of the volumes. We only have some patience and wait for things to happen, for now will enjoy Slice of Life, which until now the "filler" has been of good quality.

Stretch discussion 12 May 10:30
joined Oct 28, 2014

Today goes on sale the third volume and is now available in several stores like Amazon, Honto, CDJapan, etc. As usual Comic ZIN give an illustration as a bonus for shopping at their stores.

Comic ZIN Bonus

Stretch discussion 02 May 19:53
joined Oct 28, 2014

Cannot see it :(

The link seems to work smoothly and to view adult material need an account and blocking off R18, rest not think there could be more problems.

Can someone translate?

A few minutes ago I asked Binbou Scanlation translate this fanart because they translated the first, so just wait for the translation.

last edited at May 2, 2015 7:53PM

Stretch discussion 01 May 21:12
joined Oct 28, 2014

Guys, the big day has come, someone has published an excellent fanart in Pixiv, hopefully the next step is doujinshi, xd.

Fanart in Pixiv (NSFW)

Stretch discussion 01 May 18:34
joined Oct 28, 2014

Good news

Already available the cover of the third volume and frankly I must say that Ran is incredibly beautiful and I'm already counting the days to have the three volumes in my hands.
Third volume

Stretch discussion 01 Apr 08:25
joined Oct 28, 2014

Well, now Ran and Keiko can have a marriage certificate from the government of Shibuya, xd and now Shou must have a smile on his face. By the way, I want to see the certificate in the series in the very near future, xd.

Stretch discussion 24 Mar 11:14
joined Oct 28, 2014

Bad news

Guys, I regret to inform that Chapter 33 has been postponed until April 2, for reasons of work in the third volume.

Below the explanation about the delay, I would like someone to translate it because I did not understand very well the last part of the message:




Stretch discussion 22 Mar 12:39
joined Oct 28, 2014

Good news.

Volume 3 has appeared on Amazon, its release date is May 12, 2015 and will have 136 pages. By the way, Jnko, you can already pre-order, xd.

Stretch discussion 10 Mar 19:28
joined Oct 28, 2014

jnko, you're my new hero, and I had wanted to see this material and besides that quality of your scans is very good, which is something I appreciate. I have written in the blog of the translator about the new scans, we only need to wait for their response.

Stretch discussion 27 Feb 20:18
joined Oct 28, 2014

^ what kind of extra material are there ? I may be interested in buying it if there are more than the chapter we already got here in Japanese

I have not bought the volumes, but I have the intention of doing so. The reviews that have made Akiba Blog imply that there is a good amount of extras or at least we have more material than published online, so I would say that it is so worth the buy.

If you want you can take a look for yourself:

Volume 1 Review by Akiba Blog

Volume 2 Review by Akiba Blog

I recommend you open how many links you find on these reviews, as many include images or links to other reviews.

Unfortunately the picture below is an exclusive bonus of Comic ZIN shops that came with the first volume.

Stretch Volume 1 Comic ZIP Bonus

And the exclusive bonus of Comic ZIN shops that came with the second volume

Stretch Volume 2 Comic ZIP Bonus

last edited at Feb 27, 2015 9:37PM

Stretch discussion 27 Feb 18:26
joined Oct 28, 2014

what's with this messed up release plan?

Well, Stretch volumes tend to have a lot of extra material, so creating all that extra material should take a good amount of time. In addition, we have been lately victims of a mixture of bad circumstances, first vacation at last year, after waiting three weeks for the 32B and now this, but I imagine after it is published the third volume all will return to the normal. Also, Shou must have these freedoms, if we want the story unfold as good as before, so the wait in the end it will be worth it.

Image Comments 27 Feb 17:59
joined Oct 28, 2014

Well, it's a great idea to be practicing for the big moment and the next stretch are the scissors.

Stretch discussion 26 Feb 21:33
joined Oct 28, 2014

Bad news, Stretch is going to take a break until March 26, but there is something good with this, you can give by confirmed that the third volume will be published in late March or early April, as this same situation happened with the second volume.

Stretch discussion 17 Feb 15:15
joined Oct 28, 2014

Let's be realistic. Nothing but drama next chapter.
If to big just delete it Nezchan

I doubt he can find a good piece of porn to trace for them having sex.

I do not think it's a problem for him, after all he is a hentai mangaka and the way it makes the sex scenes I think is very good.

If future scene between Ran and Keiko is equal or similar to as it was the scene between Hikaru and Megu, then I will be very satisfied.

But back to reality, if we are lucky that scene happen in Chapter 100, xd

last edited at Feb 17, 2015 3:50PM

Stretch discussion 27 Jan 15:10
joined Oct 28, 2014


And it's less than a day before the new chapter! Sha-ba-da-doo!

What do you think Ran would actually smell like?

No doubt, Ran smells like a lily flower, xd

Stretch discussion 25 Dec 19:23
joined Oct 28, 2014

The impossible has happened, Shou has updated his blog, but hey, it's the typical standard publication. I wonder when it will come out of the closet and will accept that is Akiri and is the author of Stretch, since it would be nice to see in this blog Stretch publications. For now will hear some songs recommended.

Stretch discussion 22 Dec 19:53
joined Oct 28, 2014

This manga has serious problems with their identity, xd. On the one hand, we have the two interviews that have been made about this manga have been in josei magazines, plus everyone initially thought it was a josei. But on the other hand, we have Yawaspi is a product derived from Weekly Big Comic Spirits, a seinen magazine, moreover, Yawaspi series are published under the label Big Spirits Comics Special. If we look at Seiga Nicovideo and some online stores, you can also see that the series is listed as seinen.

Watching the series that are published in Yawaspi, would think that anything is possible in this magazine, so a final yuri not see improbable.

Stretch discussion 20 Dec 06:59
joined Oct 28, 2014

Well, I'll come out in defense of hentai, xd. I became a fan of Shou thanks to its hentai manga, since I seem genuine gems, and then it was that I met Prism and then Stretch, which served to confirm my taste for this artist. If someone wants to try one of their manga hentai, recommend it to 100 Hearts.

Effectively, Shou is publishing two series, one is Stretch and the other is called Implicity, which is being published at Comic LO. The problem with Implicity is that just has published two chapters, chapter xx was published in May 2013 and Chapter 1 (56 pages) was published in June this year, besides that announced the series in April 2013, so it seems that this series will be published annually, xd.

Apart from Implicity Shou has published two oneshots under the name Akili. The first was published in Yawaspi, the January 7, 2014 as part of the celebration for the first anniversary of Yawaspi and curiously Shou represent himself as a woman. The second was Deodorant, published in the Weekly Big Comic Spirit No. 30-2014, published on June 23, 2014, consists of 6 pages and has a main character that looks like Ran.

Shou also gave two interviews. A two-part interview (first part, second part) in Woman Insight in mid-June this year, because of the publication of the first volume of Stretch. The second interview was given in the josei magazine You No. 1-2014, published on December 14, 2013, where curiously Shou represent itself in the same way as it did in the oneshot published in Yawaspi, ie as a woman.

So far Shou has published four volumes of hentai manga, the first volume of Prism and the two volumes of Stretch. In the past Shou has also performed other tasks such as illustrator of magazine covers Genron and the designer of the packaging of two onahos, xd. He was also designer of Murya Kamiyu who represents the company that published Genron. He also participated in Elect-LO-nica Compilation, when composing two songs under the name Quasar and also he served as an illustrator in this compilation