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Anemone discussion 24 Feb 20:30
joined Aug 23, 2011

Gotta crack a few eggs if you want to make an omelette.

Also, I agree, it would've been better without the last page. Sometimes what you can't see is better than what you can.

joined Aug 23, 2011

I don't know why but that last page cracked me up. I imagined her making that scooby doo sound xD

Is there even a point to the battle of band now that the jig is up and hima being the manager of lorelei is not an issue,
Like aki my girl I love you but what's the point of trying to make up with Mrs Incel here, she clearly doesn't deserve any sympathy from you let alone your love. Like life was so beautiful before shiho returned I don't recall a single dialogue of any of the SS girls being like "oh miss shiho so much" so why are they going to such lengths for some that left on her own

Incel vs Cuck. No matter who wins, they're both still losers

joined Aug 23, 2011

Gotta say I thought the Kaede spinning like her obi was being pulled was kind of hilarious/adorable. Sad for Aoi, but at the same time it's one of those little things that makes me get why all these girls are falling for this total dork.

It seems like she only did the spin after seeing Aoi's serious face. That's less dork, more dark lol

joined Aug 23, 2011

Welp, guess Yuki is a cuck now.
I'm with the people hoping it's just admiration... it would be too sad otherwise, what with her being the only decent human being in this series (excluding Hitomi, of course)

joined Aug 23, 2011

As everyone's favourite small time youtuber Will Smith once said, "Aww, das hawt"

joined Aug 23, 2011

My only Christmas gift to myself this year was a Dyson...

joined Aug 23, 2011

I thought China censors kissing?
Either way, noice

joined Aug 23, 2011

It is confusing but that just seems like a style choice by the other (plus maybe bad translation, though it seemed fine to me).
There are no jump cuts, it goes straight from one scene to another making you think there's missing/out of order pages. For example the latest chapter showed the galgame screen then went right to a flashback the next page without any transition panel etc, making it look like pages are missing.
Another thing the author does is begin chapters with characters referencing events that the reader has never seen. Making it seem like we missed a whole chapter.

I guess the author was going for a "random snippets of their everyday life" feel? They do mention they were expexting it to be shorter, which would go better with the non standard format of the writing.

joined Aug 23, 2011
  • People panicking over Miura-sensei, calling him subhuman ("man-thing"), fearing that Kanon would somehow fall in love with him (wtf?). I get that some older mangas have made some questionable choices to motivate the story, but Miura did absolutely nothing to warrant all the hate and suspicion (calling out a student for sleeping in class is absolutely nothing).

People are projecting their salt onto the teacher. Kanon is shown fangirling over a male character then getting blushy over the teacher. Then she was both relieved and a bit irritated that teacher didn't give her special treatment, implying if it's for him she wants to be special. Needless to say, the implication is a bit much for some people on a yuri website reading yuri tagged manga to handle.

Spoilers for ch8:
I haven't read ch8 but it's been spoilered by several people. I thought Kanon being straight/bi could be a possibility until the spoilers. I get you lot are excited, we live in exciting times after all, but please use spoiler tags in the future.

  • Weird debate over how this manga is not yuri enough and should stay as subtext, even after Saki made it clear she had massive crushes on both her old piano teacher and would like to gay-marry Kanon.

Saki is full on "if I fall for another straight girl I'ma go full on ar15 incel" gay. Lmoa talk about bad luck (for a fictional character), being both self aware and constantly falling for straight girls.

joined Aug 23, 2011

This might my inner asian speaking but I wouldn't mind a bittersweet ending with them breaking up in favour of their education.
As long as there's no time skip where one of them is marrying a dude...

joined Aug 23, 2011

Man... just read the raw ch20 Konomi told Yukiko that she loves her. Yukiko said she loves her back but the way she said it... idk. Konomi noticed it and murmured that she's happy even if it is a lie
Poly is the best solution tho I hardly think that's gonna happen

Therapy is the best solution lmao

joined Aug 23, 2011


joined Aug 23, 2011

'love the manga ! Really !

But that credit page made me excitedly tell the "is your refridgerator running ?" pun to my girlfriend and she threw me a deadpan look before asking me where the hell on the internet I was getting lost. Thank you so much for that, ahahah.

I came to the comment section just for that joke too lol

joined Aug 23, 2011

Hopefully they smash and not die

joined Aug 23, 2011


joined Aug 23, 2011

Looking for a manga where it starts of with girl A's ex-boyfriend trying to pull her into a car (because they just broke up?) and girl B seeing that and saving her. I think it was non-japanese. Also I believe girl B was hot.

Found it.

The car scene turned out to be chapter 10, girl A ditching ex-bf to get in a taxi with girl B. Close enough lol
Also, it seems mangadex has the full series.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Looking for a manga where it starts of with girl A's ex-boyfriend trying to pull her into a car (because they just broke up?) and girl B seeing that and saving her. I think it was non-japanese. Also I believe girl B was hot.

joined Aug 23, 2011

NuclearStudent posted:

Discrimination is certainly not cliche. I can hardly remember any yuri mangas which use the term lgbt. Some people are really offended if it's not a fairy tale world

The bullying part was rather ham but described something basically realistic

Outside of dedicating entire chapters or arcs to it, what would have made the bullying part less "ham"?

Outside of multiple chapters a better way would've been as backstory, instead of the as the intro. For example, if the drama was completely cut from the beginning and moved to the end of the chapter, so she's having a flashback in the bathtub. This way the reader only learns at the end why she ran away, after being introduced to the cute characters.
Rushed exposition usually feels better as a flashback than as a proper part of the story. If it's part of the story then it's just a rushed or "ham-fisted" story, which is better done as multiple chapters. As a flashback, even 1 or 2 pages of textless panels showing the classmates and parents would do the job. Since by that point the reader would already know the teen is gay and repressed.

About the chapter, this is looking pretty cute. Hopefully the parents/classmates stay out of the picture for a while so we (I) can enjoy some whole repressed thirst yuri.

joined Aug 23, 2011

I'm guessing most of the people commenting here don't read much manga outside DynastyScans?
Bleeding from the mouth is a typical way of showing emotional damage (since it's internal damage, d'you get it?) in comedy manga. The dude isn't actually happy, he's dying on the inside since he just got NTRed.
Also, his hair turned white. That's a trope which typycally doesn't signify happiness and approval.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Well, that was dissapointing. This should be tagged "subtext" +"lesbian sidecouple".

joined Aug 23, 2011

Didn't know they sell Brewdog outside the UK. Author is based for knowing my beer of choice.

joined Aug 23, 2011

Yuri friendzoned. Can't say I've seen that one before lol

Image Comments 14 Sep 05:50
joined Aug 23, 2011

Unfortunately, I read this in Gordon Ramsay's voice.

Olive oil, in

last edited at Sep 14, 2020 5:51AM

Hinatama discussion 20 Jun 17:59
joined Aug 23, 2011

That gif completely blindsided me.