Bullshit. If Nene just wanted to get Amane off her case flat out stonewalling her and cutting contact should do the trick. (I've personally done that with a tiresomely admiring coworker, for the record.) Instead she basically strings her along and -pay attention because this is the key point- goes out of her way to be hurtful and nasty knowing full well the other party is still blindly smitten enough to just meekly take it.
That's behaviour neither acceptable nor excusable but certainly an extremely effective narrative tool for making Nene look like an utter cuntbucket. Too effective, probably, if the audience is supposed to start viewing her in a more positive light somewhere down the road...
I mean, the whole point is that Nene can't really put Amane out of her head probably because of something out of Amane's control and so instead of trying to find the courage to cut the ties herself, Nene try to make Amane cutting the ties herself instead.
For the moment i don't think the point is to put Nene in a more positive light because if it was then the author is doing a poor job. I think the positive light will probably come when we will find out the reason why she act like a total douche or it will never come and will find out Nene is a demon who need maidens's sadness from a broken heart to survive.
Some people kind of forgetting that Nene behavior hurting not only Amane but Kou too. Like, she dragged Kou without her knowing in this cafe to show off. Yes, to Amane’s workplace, when she working. And then just cut her conversation with Amane and leave Amane crying alone. What Kou feels about it? Is it ok to do this to Kou whom Nene clamed to love?
I don't think she really mean to hurt Kou directly. On that point i think she really love Kou because she think Kou can provide all the attention that Amane seem to lack from Nene's perpective. She is hurting Kou but it's mostly for hurting more Amane.
last edited at Jun 26, 2019 7:26AM