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joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm not too sure about her either after the last two panels here and how well she gets along with Hayama.

Sensei was the mastermind all along.

joined Jun 25, 2019

You get a mess-up!
You get a mess-up!

Expect Sensei so far.

I was talking about us readers.

Joke on you, i was already mess up before.

joined Jun 25, 2019

You get a mess-up!
You get a mess-up!

Expect Sensei so far.

joined Jun 25, 2019

For what we know, Aoyama may even be non-binary.

Or an alien for all we know.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's quite the menagerie of messed-up people isn't it? Kodama Naoko would be proud.

Only Sensei and Austin seem to be normal so far.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Those guesses don't really fit in well with the narrative, unless Nene is so in need of attention that even if she dies soon she still needs to drag someone into it. But that would just mean she is using Kou, which is no better really.

Back to Nene the AW so because unless an extrem situation, Nene's attitude can't be really justified whatsoever.

By making it just a test to see how it works out, she inadvertently made Kou unable to refuse.

Unless like Yori in Whispering a love song she try to make Kou fall in love with her, i don't see how Kou will say yes in the end,even more that Kou want to make them go back together.

But author wanted to show another thing and not ok Nene actions.

What actions Nene has done was OK to begin with ? So far she had mostly act like a b*tch and the only time she wasn't, it was the flashback.

But if Nene and Kou wanted to do a mere decent thing they can talk like normal people about it.

Nene can't even had a conversation about why she break up with Amane so i doubt she can have normal conversation about that.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Oh no, she done it intentionaly. Author wanted to show that she clearly pressed Kou into relationships knowing that Kou is too soft to refuse. And then she selfishly continued using Kou softness for her plan to hurt Amane so much that she cannot be around them anymore. In this situation she don’t care what Kou wants because she never talk to her about it or ask her “Is it ok?”

Dunno, Nene still give Kou till fall for a real answer so it's not like she really cornered her by giving her no choice.

@BugDevil I know, i had the same reflexions but since the thing Nene seem to craving for is attention i think it's the reason why. My theory is like she was angry when Kou make attention to Amane, i believe she can have been jealous of the attention Amane receive from the camera Senpai and so she gone cuckcoo. I don't have better theory right now since Nene doesn't know that the Senpai know about their relation so there is no way the Senpai have come to talk to Nene and said to get far away from Amane fro whatever reasons. The other theory is that Nene will start to live overseas at fall and so she does that because she know she won't see them anymore after. That or she know she will die at fall cause of severe disease and she doesn't care anymore.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Bullshit. If Nene just wanted to get Amane off her case flat out stonewalling her and cutting contact should do the trick. (I've personally done that with a tiresomely admiring coworker, for the record.) Instead she basically strings her along and -pay attention because this is the key point- goes out of her way to be hurtful and nasty knowing full well the other party is still blindly smitten enough to just meekly take it.

That's behaviour neither acceptable nor excusable but certainly an extremely effective narrative tool for making Nene look like an utter cuntbucket. Too effective, probably, if the audience is supposed to start viewing her in a more positive light somewhere down the road...

I mean, the whole point is that Nene can't really put Amane out of her head probably because of something out of Amane's control and so instead of trying to find the courage to cut the ties herself, Nene try to make Amane cutting the ties herself instead.

For the moment i don't think the point is to put Nene in a more positive light because if it was then the author is doing a poor job. I think the positive light will probably come when we will find out the reason why she act like a total douche or it will never come and will find out Nene is a demon who need maidens's sadness from a broken heart to survive.

Some people kind of forgetting that Nene behavior hurting not only Amane but Kou too. Like, she dragged Kou without her knowing in this cafe to show off. Yes, to Amane’s workplace, when she working. And then just cut her conversation with Amane and leave Amane crying alone. What Kou feels about it? Is it ok to do this to Kou whom Nene clamed to love?

I don't think she really mean to hurt Kou directly. On that point i think she really love Kou because she think Kou can provide all the attention that Amane seem to lack from Nene's perpective. She is hurting Kou but it's mostly for hurting more Amane.

last edited at Jun 26, 2019 7:26AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

On that subject i had a question: Is Aoyama a girl or a boy ? Can't really put my finger on it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yukiko has no interest in showing straight relationships

If i was nitpicky i said we've seen Saku's parents.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Neither did the dorm girl or Saku's other siblings.

If you talk about Yukari, i think she pull off a Maki so i don't think she will be in a relation of any sort and for Saku's siblings, they don't have that much screentime anyway to get a focus on their relation.

joined Jun 25, 2019

To add to what Buggy pointed out I'd reiterate that if you've concluded the relationship ain't working out for you then the decent thing to do is to break up properly - not leave the bewildered other party hanging in a limbo and emotionally abuse them for le shitz und giggles while you're at it.

If you leaving the no excuses factor (I know it's a big factor but for the sake of the argument i will leave it aside), you have someone who doesn't want to let go and someone who move on but the one who don't want to let go still trying to hit on the other, it will piss off most of peoples and they will try d*ck moves to make them stop. I don't accept the emotional abuse but it's mostly due to Amane who can't let go.

Of course if Nene had given a justification to Amane then Nene d*ck moves will seem less "d*ck" but still bad, but shehave not so it feel just like Nene is a total d*ck

joined Jun 25, 2019

She has a million questions and not a single answer.

I know this trope, it's the "peoples don't talk to each other about a misunderstanding and so they end up mad at each other for stupid reasons" one, it's pretty common like Zubat in caves.

I don't think it's particularly childish for her age to feel that way.

Maybe childish wasn't the good word to describe it. I think it's not really the good attitude to have when someone told you they want to break up. I know Amane need answers and to be fair she deserved it but still clingy to the hope of getting back together if the person is really serious about break up is basiccaly daydreaming.

last edited at Jun 25, 2019 9:14PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Senpai is crushed and stops her music because her one inspiration is gone.

I think it's the one bit i don't feel right. I think the kouhai will not reciprocate the love but Senpai will try to make the Kouhai love her with the love song.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well if Amane cheated I wouldn't say that but, I'm guilty, I know I will still hate Nene even after it is explained why she is a bitch to Amane.

Although we have seen the way Amane thinks about her and I wouldn't say that's how a person who cheated would think about their ex, but this is fiction and real life so anything could happen

I will not say Amane is the bad one here because obviously not but her attitude of not letting Nene go is still somewhat chilldish because if you consider that Nene is really over Amane (which she obviously not) then having an ex you will still consider as a friend is still trying to make a move on you is somewhat obnoxious.

But here it's somewhat ok because Nene does that for whatever reasons unknow just to try to cut the ties with Amane. For me it's pretty obvious that Kou will try to put them together and will say no in fall.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Remember when we'd constantly get updates for this and the whole comment section is on fire? Good times.

Well it's a monthly release so it can't be helped.

1 x ½ discussion 25 Jun 09:56
joined Jun 25, 2019

All of my wat.

My thoughts exactly. It's putting way too much dark and "if" to the current situation. She work in a pharmacy, she is not a drugs dealer. Even with that, thereno way other peoples in the pharmacy didn't find about some lacking items. We don't even know what crimes she is talking about, for all we know she can just exagerrated about it. There is too much gray areas in your theory for it to work.