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joined Jul 26, 2016

Kayo's concentrations of Unwitting Flirt have to be breaking some safety regulations somewhere...

Sisters discussion 15 Aug 12:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

how hard is it to get to a sisters pussy i wonder

Very easy according to various erotica, which are a well-regarded expert source on such matters. :v

Their Story discussion 15 Aug 12:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

Good Guy Tattletale.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Senpai's forehead turned me into Satou-sensei D:
send help

...on another note, leave it to the basketball club to handle a rebound like a pro amirite? :U

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also. They are probably use to thinking of Fujishiro as a bit of a jerk and a bully. You probably would get a little weary if someone you didn't like started hanging with one of your friends, right?

At least asking that friend for their side of the story before shunning them is just common courtesy (and basic decency), right? Especially when they're rather visibly finding the turn of events awkward.

joined Jul 26, 2016

She's also plain terrible at subterfuge.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well you gotta hand it to Fujishiro - if nothing else the girl doesn't waste time hesitating.

I'm thinking that Fujishiro and her old group were shitty to them in the past and they're leaving Kurokawa behind due to her forgiving Fujishiro so easily. At least thats what i think, they don't seem like malicious people but i could be wrong.

Seems like mighty dubious grounds for cutting out a pal without so much as inquiring what's going on... I suspect the point Ajichi's making is rather that the "cool girl" clique has no monopoly on arbitrary prejudices and knee-jerk clannishness.

joined Jul 26, 2016

My meme-fu is rusty but when did Russian peasant carts turned ersatz MG carriers become one...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

That's a bridge for them to cross when they get to it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, nobody said that setup is any healthier for the men. It just abuses them differently.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kid sis is adorbs.

Also, ahoge seems to be a hereditary family trait. Nio and Chidori have different model (and "flat-noodle" hair instead of slightly wavy) than their mother, guess they get that from the absent dad...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

So far the only iteration of this franchise I've personally encountered where the writing didn't lick goats to one degree or another has been that Totally Not Senran Kagura Bhikkhuni game.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how even Shiori's ahoge keeps leering at Kaoru.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Normal" and "sexist" are not exactly mutually exclusive descriptors y'know.

joined Jul 26, 2016

38.2..? That's not even properly sick.

It's well past the "fever threshold" marked on my trusty old thermometer (37 deg), and quite enough to make you feel well and truly fever-ridden. Definitely "stay at home to rest" levels of properly sick.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chapter 20 was a proposal isn't it? And Hana-chan basically accepted.

Marriage proposal, no.
Proposal to become her sweets making slave for life, yes.

TBF the difference is probably pretty academic - especially as far as Miya-nee is concerned.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mimika isn't a pedophile (QED her reaction to Ririha and Isuzu), she's Yuzuphile. o3o
(And to her credit works hard to not cross any moral and legal thresholds there either.)

Also hilarious which generally gets a character forgiven a lot.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Fascism turns people into gay

Looking at the obliviously homoerotic propaganda imagery those kinds of regimes tended to produce this seems rather plausible. If now somewhat at odds with their professed reactionary values and rampant homophobia, but then consistency and self-awareness were never the strong suits of that particular ideological current...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean those are also super creepy and abusive but no. Grooming children to be soldiers is child abuse as far as I'm concerned.

Well go picket any number of institutions then, but honestly, at that point you might as well stop reading this series given it's more or less about such.

Bit like reading a story set in a monastery and then complaining about the characters being religious, y'know?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Then there's the fact that military schools are pretty much universally super creepy and abusive even in modernity. sure you're not committing the common confusion with "reform schools" - a form of juvenile prison - discussed here...?

last edited at Aug 7, 2018 10:32AM

Ayakashiko discussion 07 Aug 10:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, what are Kuuko and Yukime doing in the literal closet together?

Peeping, looks like? : |

joined Jul 26, 2016

Damn, this place is so fascistic, I hate it.

Besides what Nya-chan said - strict discipline kind of comes with the territory - this is an early 20th century school. By modern (Western, at least) standards period education systems were categorically hair-raisingly autocratic.
This depiction is a lot milder than memoirs of real period civilian boarding schools I've read, such as Orwell's Such, Such Were the Joys...

This school looks more like a "future officers school" than a school for grunts though. It's pretty tame actually. Teaching them maths, literature, history, science, etc... is pretty useless if you only intend to send them on some war front.

Enlisted grunts don't go into fancy academies but boot camps so, yeah. They also start a whole lot older (around 20 was the typical early-1900s age requirement for draft or enlistement) except in dire national emergencies when the older youths are already all in uniform.
Maths and sciences are pretty important for eg. engineers and artillerists though - no coincidence such "technical" branches have long been the "thinking man's services" alongside the Navy. (The cavalry, conversely, was stereotypically the refuge of the... less cerebral... officers, demanding as it did more split-second decision-making and on-the-fly improvisation than diligent planning.) And officers are universally expected to be pretty well-educated; military history in particular has always been something of a focus in search of useful models and experiences to emulate. Incidentally Western and Westernized militaries during the "Long Nineteenth Century" had a raging hard-on for Classical Antiquity and the Napoleonic Wars as models.

last edited at Aug 7, 2018 8:00AM

Ayakashiko discussion 06 Aug 23:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

Kuuko and Yukime are doing that "concerned parents" thing again...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Or rather a military academy for female officers during this time period, period. (Pun intented.) Even the most progressive-minded ones weren't letting women in beyond maybe as enlisted personnel in the various support and rear-echelon branches. Manning AA guns was maybe the closest to actual "combat service" they were willing to consider.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ever read Fuuka?

Spoiler Warning:

Yuu getting splattered by a bus is just the traumatic set up for the real story of how Touko becomes an idol which will conclude over a hundred chapters from now.

Yeah, but we aren't talking about another series, we're talking about this one, and that kind of twist is rare in the most favorable conditions, and doesn't really seem like Nakatani-sensei's style.

Fussing about the fact that a thing has happened once somewhere is not a great way to go through life.

I'm just saying we should keep our minds open to all the glorious possibilities.

My money is on the ninja pirate robot zombie apocalypse blind siding everyone leaving Yuu as the sole grizzled survivor. She tirelessly roams the post apocalyptic wasteland in an endless quest to avenge her fallen love.

Fast forward to the final battle where Yuu discovers that the terrible enemy she has been hunting is really what remains of Touko who has been rebuilt into a soulless cyborg killing machine by the ninja pirate robot zombie overlords.

Try as she might, even the battle hardened Yuu is unable to maintain her composure as she stands before the twisted mockery of her former love. She is struck down mercilessly as her mind overflows with emotion and the memories of the only person she ever loved. As the coming darkness closes in she desperately embraces Touko one last time before triggering the detonator on her explosive vest and putting an end to both of their suffering once and for all.

The sad part? This is already a better script than most actual shounen mangos have... :/