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joined Jun 25, 2019

The distinction between romantic and platonic affection is vague and kinda arbitrary anyway.

It's because it's the first time Shima is so close to someone so she doesn't know how to act and doesn't seem to understand the affection of Adachi for her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Subaru is not the one to die, the person he tells that to is the one who dies.
Also over time I started hating Subaru.

I mean, in Isekai Quartet he trigger two times the curse and he was the one dying but like i said i don't read Re:Zero because Isekai is not my favorite thing.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well, she feel relieved that Adachi didn't yearn for her especially but just another person, probably she will have feel akward to say yes if Adachi was asking only for her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I remember she gave the thought way back, i use the mange version because i don't have the patience to find it in the LN, but here Shima was already questionning if Adachi was into girls and what she will do if Adachi said she love her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

To be fair, it's also more like Shima doesn't care about a lot of things

joined Jun 25, 2019

That's because Shima seem to doesn't care about what other people think and maybe deosn'tn care about love too. She is also way too much dense, a lot of people could guess that Adachi is giga gay for Shima.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Aah... I was wondering... thx!
I've never read this Re:Zero series, so I had no clue

I haven't too, i know it only because i watch Isekai Quartet.

joined Jun 25, 2019

^ Explain it to me then? I don't know that manga & didn't get the joke

Re:Zero is an isekai when the MC Subaru has no real powers but he can make saves like in a video game and when he die, he can go back to the save. It's a curse and nobody know about it and if Subaru talk about the curse to anyone he die instantly.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Adachi needs a kiss, Shimamura is scared of being needed for kissing, Hino and Nagafuji are scared of being more than kissing friends. Please help these children.

Nagafuji actually seems annoyed about being just kissing friends. While she probably doesn't understand herself and doesn't realize she's doing it, it feels like she is trying to move her relationship with Hino away from their current platonic feelings, and into a more romantic connection.

Sakura Trick Flashbacks, next Najafuji will say she will go the same college as Hino.

joined Jun 25, 2019

If we talk about the one with glasses then yes. When Kasumi and Sakurako went flower viewing in the school, nearly everyone come andwhen the students ask the teachers about having a sip of a beer,he said no and told to Mizuki it was the same for him and Mizuki to reply he have no interest.

Well, it's the only interaction i remember.

I'm honestly surprised you remembered that at all.
If those are the choices Mizuki's got, might as well stay single.

I mostly remember this because Mizuki said no one will be dumb enough to drink here while Sakurako get drunk on whiskey bonbons and start to kiss Kasumi.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's a VERY slow burn, from what I understand. Eventually Shimamura succumbs to her gayness, and they do eventually end up going out with each other. But that happens like in volume 6 or 7, so it's a ways down the line. This was just volume 1...

Friendly remember for the path of the story

Like if Shimamura asked advice from Hino, who sees to have a clue. Lots of ways this could be interesting.

Shimamura seem like the last person to ask for advice, especially love related advice and more especially from Hino.

joined Jun 25, 2019

i'll applaud this manga till the end of time cause it's just plain sweet! And If anyone knows anywhere i can buy all four volumes (in english) please tell me!

Unfortunaly, according to Mangaupdate PPL never get licensied in english.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Think Mya and Hana having the same blood type will come into play in the future?

To be fair, Kouko also have the same

joined Jun 25, 2019

Personally I ship Mizuki with the highschool teacher.

...did they even interact once?

If we talk about the one with glasses then yes. When Kasumi and Sakurako went flower viewing in the school, nearly everyone come andwhen the students ask the teachers about having a sip of a beer,he said no and told to Mizuki it was the same for him and Mizuki to reply he have no interest.

Well, it's the only interaction i remember.

joined Jun 25, 2019

So the two main characters have separate love interests now?

What makes you think that? I don't see any indication that they have any romantic interest in those colleagues.

Well there's also no indication that the two MCs have any romantic interest in each other

According to some peepo that i asked that read vol 7 and prolly 8, These characters that we will see are just there for the sake of being there, you can say something like a plot-device for the 2 MC to realize their feelings to each other, that's atleast what they told me since i don't mind spoiler at all

I put it back just in case.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Every girl in this manga will probably be paired up with someone (another girl, if at all possible) before the series is concluded.

Well if you expect Yukari, they are pretty much all by pair. At least for those who had screentime.

joined Jun 25, 2019

juanelric posted:

Read this and the web version while on a bus. They're magnificent. lol
I wonder if the mother is gonna get a partner tho.

Like... (I know this sounds crazy) hmmm the dad ?

Are you implying that the Mom is married to a MAN? Here on Dynasty? Okay Serenata, you've gone a little bit to far this time.

There no sciences babies tag and nobody say she still married.

Girl, it was a joke.

Well it's boy actually but i get that often.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's been 3000 years.

joined Jun 25, 2019

"That's my secret Captain, i'm always thirsty" Touko probably

joined Jun 25, 2019

juanelric posted:

Read this and the web version while on a bus. They're magnificent. lol
I wonder if the mother is gonna get a partner tho.

Like... (I know this sounds crazy) hmmm the dad ?

Are you implying that the Mom is married to a MAN? Here on Dynasty? Okay Serenata, you've gone a little bit to far this time.

There no sciences babies tag and nobody say she still married.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The only question is why she changed, what sparked her jealousy.

It's the only question who matters right now, we can argue hours and pages about Nene's behavior but until we know this answer, it's mostly speculation.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm confused...did the onee-chan really let her little sister listen to the breathing?

Yes but Imoto don't understand what is it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I wonder if they will ever graduate beyond just kissing

Those are probably reserve for his Twitter less results in another meltdown like the author last attempt with another story

Are we talking about the infamous OneeLoli H ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Nene is seriously very jealous of Amane's cute and bright looks and demeanor.

Again,it's contradictory with the flashback,assuming it was true and not Amane trying to remember it differently.

I believe Nene still loves Amane deep down

That's pretty much given right now no ? The more you reread, the more you see that Nene still love Amane deep down but for some reasons can't say it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

the longer it takes for us to get that understanding the more unstable and inconsistent Nene looks as a character.

Nene is the most incosistent character of the bunch, she want to get Amane to let her go but still go as the same high school and agreed to stay friends. Meanwhile Kou is just a highschool girl who love photography and is clueless about love, Amane is a broken heart who can't let go of her ex but try to be strong and Senpai is a manipulative bitch who just want Amane to herself.