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joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm not really down with the romanticizing of maid cafes going on here. Like, cafe maids are just like any other service worker: they're paid to pretend to like you they don't actually like you it's all an artifice to get you to spend money. Guys always seem to forget this and get way too invested (or they actively take advantage of having a captive target who can't clearly reject them) and overstep the boundaries of that dynamic and there's not really anything servers can do about it besides grin and bear it. I can only imagine it's even worse with maid cafes considering they cater largely to socially maladjusted straight dudes.

I assume you also go to Love Live for uncompromising and hard-hitting coverage of the idol industry...?

On a different note, dunno 'bout y'all but I find it rather stretches plausibility that the girls somehow do not immediately recognize Oguri as "Maron" from the previous chapter. She's literally just wearing her hair differently and retracting her catgirl bits (which judging by the first chapter is merely a matter of concentration) ferchrissakes, that's is some higher order Clark Kenting right there...
Doubly ridiculous with Tora who's her freaking classmate, unless she's just politely playing dumb about the whole thing ofc but somehow I doubt it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

God help us all, Konatsu's a scaly.

Not Lizard, remember? Amphibians don't have scales. =3=

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think it's because het

If so then that poster needs to get the stick out of their ass and stop being professionally offended. :|

last edited at Sep 28, 2018 10:38AM

joined Jul 26, 2016
OH REALLY? Is this type of trolling ? Thank you author, but no.


Also damn but Hattori's art has come ways since Umisho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

TLDR - through the power of torpedo lobotomy Shima turns into The Flash and hijinks ensue.

Their Story discussion 25 Sep 14:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

It's that autumn moon-watching thing they do in Asia y'know. I-it's not like I only know about it from MMO seasonal events or anything

Lily Marble discussion 24 Sep 04:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

No, the guy is most certainly more wrong than girl in this case in that he is cheating on his wife and breaking his marriage vows. If Hikari was also cheating on and betraying her partner their sins would be of a similar caliber but she is not. Really the only thing she has done that is a tad bit shady is she is encouraging and enabling someone else to do immoral things.

I must agree with you here. I think that there is an instinctive need to blame the “other woman” equally because people when they’re cheated on want to feel like it wasn’t just their partner that did this to them. Someone else “tempted them” or “made them”.

But no, it was just their partner’s responsibility to either not sleep with other people or break up with them first. Giving blame to Hikari in this case absolves the manager partially of his responsibility not to cheat.

Yes, there are better things Hikari could be doing with her time than seeing a married man, but she herself isn’t cheating and there is a huge difference between cheating and doing something really stupid.

Can't both of them be wrong? It takes two to cheat.* (unless you count masturbation as cheating lol.) So in terms of a crime, if the husband was guilty of adultery, wouldn't the other woman at least be an accomplice.
*That doesn't count, if the cheating spouse lied, and said they were single, obviously.

P much. If anything it's just degrees of guilt and that rather gets into splitting hairs. FWIW I'd argue the still unnamed* Manager is the bigger offender on account of his age, position and being the one actually married but that hardly absolves Hikari for her part.

*which is sorta funny when you think about it given a presumably-throwaway side character like playboy Ono gets more characterisation so far... wonder if that's an unsubtle comment on the depth of the relationship :P

last edited at Sep 24, 2018 4:08AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

So, what do you guys think is gonna happen when the seals are completed?

She gets a vacation. (The fairies seriously need to unionize and renegotiate their labour conditions.)

last edited at Sep 24, 2018 2:49AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

The semi-accidental Lisa/Karen grudge match continues lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Gotta say, those are the least threatening monsters I've seen in manga in a long time.

Not fast moving, vulnerable to physical attack, their only real defense is that they produce a creepy sound. So someone standing back with a sniper rifle could take them out no problem, or even regular troops with noise-cancelling headphones. It's honestly a surprise they haven't all been wiped out already.

Well, it was said that only a small amount of people are able to resist the debilitating effect the weird sound/vibration they make has, and being that they were allegedly created for purpose of releasing on the presumably-armed-enemy, I imagine that a majority of folks are just struck dumb/stunned/feared in place whilst the backwards walking goopmonsters chomp them.

Pretty sure they'd be rank useless against actual combat troops who'll just blast them into smithreens from way further away than their SAN Check inducing wail has any use. And can just murderize them with fairly simple combat drones in close terrain if need be, not like you could field the buggers alongside human troops anyway so they'll be completely unsupported against such tactics.

They have "terror weapon you introduce into the enemy rear areas to fuck up the civvies and sap morale" written all over them basically. Presumably made to be a real PITA to actually root out conclusively - no word yet how exactly they replenish their numbers but the mere fact they keep crawling out of the woodwork in places like Tokyo long after the war, despite specialist agencies dedicated to wiping them out posthaste, implies they rank somewhere around rats and cockroaches in terms of being hard to get rid of for good.

last edited at Sep 23, 2018 5:10AM

Karura discussion 23 Sep 04:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, yeah, everything is unrelated and separate,

Basically no single topic you were ranting about has any direct bearing on the others so, yeah.

culture is born from a vacuum and other stories I'll read in my next life.


last edited at Sep 23, 2018 4:57AM

Lily Marble discussion 23 Sep 04:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

Why do women let themselves get tangled up with married men!? It's not like there is a damn shortage of single men.

Because people.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Saeko doesn't really have a filter, does she? :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, dumb isn't bad by itself. Thus far this one seems well made, fully aware of what it is and wants to be and devoid of baseless pretensions. It might not be a deep exploration of the human condition but it doesn't try to either; this kind of silly light entertainement has its place.

Karura discussion 21 Sep 07:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

Extremely dark and uncomfortable, especially about prostitutes and poverty and deaths. It's also kinda unlogical: age and world where you can just say "Um, no thanks, I won't suck some old guy's dick because of political bullshit", and lesbianism isn't exactly prohibited, but prostitution exists and the women are sold nonetheless. This is unrealistic.

No? That's not how any of this works and those are all completely separate matters. TL;DR is the aristocracy (never mind now the royalty) has ever lived by very different rules than the commoners, most cultures have had a tendency to treat itinerant entertainers as just about social untouchables and the female ones as glorified prostitutes, poor women have always resorted to selling their bodies to make ends meet and in the case you somehow forgot prostitution is still kind of a thing nowadays. Indeed there's a good case to be made for its legalisation to help curb the nastier byproducts of the procession and enfranchising those engaging in it.

Also women selling their sexual services is something very different from "women are sold" - indeed these ones don't even work through some kind of middleman (a "pimp" or "madam") and there's zero indication of this society having provisions for treating people as a tradeable commodity (AKA "slavery").

Leaving that BS aside I'm pretty impressed by the level of atmosphere and broad-strokes worldbuilding Mira's managing in a small number of pages here. Also that's some mythologically loaded name, curious to see if and which myths the story's going to reference...

Lily Marble discussion 20 Sep 12:54
joined Jul 26, 2016


Also we're hitting levels of gap moe that should not be possible, RIP Iwashita-san ;_;7

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hang in there, imouto-chan

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kasumi just about straight up proposed here didn't she. Saku sure seems to treat it that way :3

joined Jul 26, 2016

I feel like I'm committing some kind of crime just reading this thing.
...but it's funny so whatevs. o3ob

joined Jul 26, 2016

So... does this technically count as bestiality?

IDK man, seems pretty safe sane sentient to me...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Dang, literally 2weird4Yurika. I think that's a first.

Also I can't tell if Saori is an excellent actor or completely serious and this worries me. Yurika pls, take better care of your wife D:

Liberty discussion 10 Sep 16:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

Who said anything about excusing? The point is she behaved like people only too readily do when seriously upset, and sought to explain things and make amends after calming down and collecting herself.

Whether that is sufficient or not is fundamentally for the offended party, ie. Honjou, to decide but it's indisputably a step in the right direction.

Not sure why you're talking like Liz wanted to blow up in her face like she did...

Liberty discussion 10 Sep 15:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

page order kinda messed up. It seems to be ordered alphabetically but then 16 is before 2

Don't know if it's fixed since you posted this, but it's right now.

So... she doesn't REALLY explain anything... just states that she feels like she has fun every day with the other members of her band and can talk about anything with them and is happy that she met her "soft butch" protagonist... but doesn't really explain WHY she flipped out about the earrings and slapped her...

Seriously frustrating girl!

Really. If a person wants to apologize for something, they need to do considerably better than "it's your fault."

She explicitly apologizes on the last page though...

Anyways, to second-guess the intent of the writing I think the point is that Liz is both seriously rattled by her old traumas bubbling up all of a sudden, and deeply frustrated that it's getting in the way of both her work and her pursuit of a girl she's majorly interested in.
In short she's in pain and blindly lashing out.

Now the important bit in this chapter is that while she's being maddeningly vague and roundabout (that "after telling you about everything" is some bullshit), perhaps because the matter is too emotionally distressing for her to discuss in explicit terms or just because she doesn't really know how to process this kind of thing, she's making a real attempt at talking to Honjou about it and managing to communicate at least the general outline of the issue. Getting that off her chest also seems to have calmed her down enough to both apologize for her prior outburst(s) and revert to her old mischievous flirting (possibly in a conscious effort to show Honjou she's in a better shape).

Mousou Envy discussion 09 Sep 18:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

I wonder why Kodama cant write a happy story

Was under the impression she could but doesn't want to. She's pretty candid about her personal preferences in the afterwords after all.

That said I'd point out varyingly warped people fumbling into some form of mutually agreeable relationship tends to be a recurring theme in her works. Surely that counts as a degree of "happy story", just not of the conventional kind?

Slow Start discussion 09 Sep 18:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

P sure Kamu would be fine with Eiko having Sensei as concubine on the side... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)