Funny thing is, it kind of worked for those guys, hehe. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
The theory of a "neg" is, iirc, that you should hint or suggest to the girl that you have a negative idea of her ⎯ that she's uggs, or dumb, or has a bad personality, or something. Then the girl will desperately try to show you that she's not like that! Then you sit down and relax as she makes every effort to prove herself to you...... and, after a while, you tell her "Ok, you win, you've persuaded me, let's go on a date!" and she's like "Yay! I won!" and doesn't even realize that you have manipulated her.
So you see, you could say that Nanaki totally fell for the neg, as she was furiously trying to make Kanade look cute just to "show those assholes" that they were wrong! If she succeeded, one assumes that the guys would say something like "Yeah, ok, your efforts have paid off, we're convinced, you two can hang out with us!" to which Nanaki would go "YES! I did it! Wait, what???"
(Hmm... come to think of it, it still can happen in ch8...)
I'm aware of the underlying theory thanks. It's basically trying to prey on low self-esteem and a need for external validation.
Yeah, that's gonna work reeeeeeal well on "pathologically cocksure" Nanaki who basically doesn't give a shit about most peoples' opinions except inasmuch they indicate the work she's putting into satisfying her vanity is working as intented or straight up piss her off...
Necessary reminder that she bears grudges forever which is why she's no longer in speaking terms with her old gyaru group... and those two dipshits committed essentially exactly the same mortal sin that made her blow up at Miki in the first place.
She's pretty ferociously protective of Kanade in a way, even if the latter's tendency to "waste her own potential" irks her.
One assumes that if they actually did run into those two rocket scientists again, and they were suitably impressed by Kurokawa's makeover, Fujishiro would basically sneer "Ha." and swagger off looking extremely pleased with herself.
last edited at Oct 13, 2018 6:33PM