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joined Jun 25, 2019

Even if it means delaying Hino san Another 2 weeks

Don't you dare curse it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm searching for a yuri one-shot, where the mc is a girl that lives in a "het harem world" where she is forced by the laws of nature to end up in ecchi situations with the guy, that is the mc of the harem world. If not, then she slowly fades as a side character. It ends with her in a closet with another girl

Ask and you receive.

joined Jun 25, 2019

This is weird, I saw another reference of Abalones like 2 days ago in another Yuri manga!

It was a bit more lewd tho.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ahh I see we're getting to the ceremonial "fuck chapter" at the end of every yuri series

Omg I wonder if it will really happen

Well it happened in Kase San so it can happen anywhere

I will argue that Kase was horny almost all the manga so it was kinda a given we will had it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It wasn't THAT long ago lol. Sure I remember Noir :) Its still up there as one of my fav ever anime!

Idk, 2001 is pretty long ago if i may say.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I refuse to believe that Touko would top like this and that Yuu would react like this. It just doesn’t sit right at all.

On the Yagate thread, we came to the conclusion that both are switch so it can happen.

Image Comments 30 Jun 21:07
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ Althought we already have a glimpse of it right here

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ahh I see we're getting to the ceremonial "fuck chapter" at the end of every yuri series

Omg I wonder if it will really happen

At least we still have the doujin who get upload today for that.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Bully learn to fly i guess I think we might need the supernatural tag because i don't think Furuka is physically capable of sending flying someone.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Funny we got this upload after we argue about who is the bottom and who is the top in the thread.Glad it got trad, i've seen it last week and was hoping for it to be trad.

last edited at Jun 30, 2019 7:59PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

These days, aside from playing Overwatch and League of Legends with friends

I too play league with friends. And by friends I mean medium bots. It's a little boring but the esports scene is more interesting anyway >.>

Wish i could without servs crashing because TFT was overhype (EUW btw).

joined Jun 25, 2019

^ "shoujo-ai isn't a thing" is a common phrase you'll see on Dynasty Reader. I learned that shoujo-ai isn't a thing the hard (read: embarrassing) way.

Could have just wikipedia that.

For some reason, American editorials use shoujo ai to refer to romantic stories and yuri for the more sexual ones

You mean being American is not a big reason in itself ? Dang it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

i don't if it worth to mention (again) that Uran had done some H before. (mostly loli if i must precise)

last edited at Jun 30, 2019 7:31PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

how did all that not end up in something erotic

Probably because despite all the naked girls, it's not technically a H manga. Uran is a H artist so maybe we could have a alternative H ending with the promise orgy.

joined Jun 25, 2019

and one of the things i like about yuri, because it's hardly brought in here. it is one of the stupidest things imo. on avg there is no top or bottom for people

Say that to Nico.

Don't you mean "neko"? lol

No i mean Nico Yazawa who is kinda the definition of a bottom.

Neko is the yuri term for bottom if I recall.

I think both parts don't understand each other. I understand that neko is the term for bottom in yuri. Iwas just saying that Nico from the Love live franchise is mostly seen as a bottom in the doujins.

Image Comments 30 Jun 16:50
joined Jun 25, 2019

^I think Chiaki point it out in one chapter

joined Jun 25, 2019

and one of the things i like about yuri, because it's hardly brought in here. it is one of the stupidest things imo. on avg there is no top or bottom for people

Say that to Nico.

Don't you mean "neko"? lol

No i mean Nico Yazawa who is kinda the definition of a bottom.

joined Jun 25, 2019

no one is talking about the kisses on page 12 + 13? Am I really on dynasty-scans?

She's helping Kurumi drink the water, since she wouldn't be able to do it on her own. It doesn't really count as a kiss.

Does kissing someone really help them drink water over just using a bottle?

It's less the fact to kiss but more passing the water mouth to mouth. I don't think Kurumin and Miki can really swallow given her health right now. In less tension situation i would have more insisted on the kiss but here i don't think it's really the main focus.

joined Jun 25, 2019

and one of the things i like about yuri, because it's hardly brought in here. it is one of the stupidest things imo. on avg there is no top or bottom for people

Say that to Nico.

joined Jun 25, 2019

While Morinaga's art style is cute and all, but I barely made it until the 16th chapter and it is really making me feel disgusted, because of all these het bitches and enko and male bastards who are just after JK to hook them up. Enough is enough.

I don't know what you're talking about. Beside the male co-worker, none male are bastard at all and i prefer having some het girls then having the classic "all lesbian" trope.

joined Jun 25, 2019

At the absolute edge of the possible, Yuu is a power bottom. It's more likely she will take the lead.
Remember that Yuu was only passive because of their agreement.

I still have the storage room in head after the festival and that now so i kinda see Yuu as the bottom but in other hand i think Touko will be happy to have Yuu taking the lead.

Soi don't know, maybe double switch is the solution.

joined Jun 25, 2019

^ Now, please, let's not turn this into a Citrus forum, please...

Every thread in dynasty has turned into Citrus discussion at some point lol

Because love to bash it.

Citrus discussion 30 Jun 08:45
joined Jun 25, 2019

Harumin does worry about Yuzu and ask her what troubles her literally all the time. If Yuzu doesn't tell her, then she has to accept it. Friends who force themselves into situations they don't understand or are not wanted in are far worse.
I can already tell that you don't comprehend Harumin's character and role though, so this is pointless.

Then why we have other characters who know about it and did talk to Yuzu about her problem, mostly talking about Matsuri here. I mean did i had to remind you that the twins did insist on Yuzu for making her confess what the problem is ? And here we have Harumin, checking her phone "When did you Yuzu gonna ask me help ?". I found that Sara has done a better friend job then Harumin for help with Yuzu's problems.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well, latest chapter shows that they have at least a little libido.

But that they idealize their partner a little too much.

Yuu the hard bottom

joined Jun 25, 2019

It was heavily implied that Harumin knew about Yuzu and Mei for a while, but stayed silent and waited for Yuzu to open up herself. Harumin had Yuzu's back all the time, but if Yuzu doesnt confide in her she can't help. Harumin certainly was more passive, but she was so out of consideration.

That's even worse for my point of view. She knowbut she does nothing because she want Yuzu to confess up. Till the excuse of not knowning was there, she was somewhat innocent but there no. If anything, it make me hate more because it's more stupid than what i thought. I can't really relate but if one of my best friend seem trouble, i ask him about. I don't wait for him to come to see me after talking to everybody beside me.

^ Now, please, let's not turn this into a Citrus forum, please...

Too late,you post that when i was writing mine. We can still take that argument to the Citrus Thread tho.

last edited at Jun 30, 2019 8:03AM