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joined Jul 26, 2016

Or, to phrase it differently, damn if Kuzushiro doesn't have some mad storytelling skeelz? :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Irl one of the would be a guy lol. If not both

This had better be a "no girls on internet" meme...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Meta as fuck
Pretty good tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Person: [Well-structured, original joke]
Me: ....
This page ( exists

Gaijin 4-koma version when?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mimika used Cultured Flirting!
It's super effective!
Kozue is blushing!

...well that got hella gay quickly. As an aside, kinda delighted to see the side-tailed track team kouhai again - I liked her self-aware and slightly snarky approach to fangirling back in first appearance.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chiaki's really too honest for her own good isn't she.

joined Jul 26, 2016

They barely explained the capabilities because it was out of scope for the manga. On the practicality side, however, this type of "munition" would be utilized the same as any other urban or metropolitan sphere bioweapon, insidious, difficult to purge, a constant hazard like leftover landmines, salted earth but not irradiated.

Biological agents basically are a terror weapon used against the enemy rear areas - already because deploying them anywhere near the frontlines would be a really great way to inevitably infect your own troops and nobody wants that. Makes you wonder about the delivery method though, these things seem a mite large to smuggle into the target area like you can with pathogens and I rather doubt they'd survive ingress by missile...

There was probably a kill switch originally but I got the distinct impression several things went badly, maybe due to espionage.

More likely projections on the actual effectiveness and survivability in the wild of any built-in killswitch features there might have been were wildly over-optimistic, possibly combined with reckless removal of such safety and/or excessive deployment by the makers as a final fuck-you gesture should the war have gone down the drain for them - the kind of regime that might develop and actually deploy this kind of rather baroque terror weapon strikes me as the kind also predisposed to picking fights with overwhelmingly powerful coalitions due to badly impaired leadership judgement, and sufficiently petty and unhinged to try and DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING once it becomes indisputably apparent they're going to get their shit pushed in hard.
Compare the attempted national self-immolations by the Nazis (and their increasingly gratuitous efforts to level London with a succession of V-weapons) and the hardliners in the Imperial Japanese regime in '45, and both distinctly pettily taking out their frustrations on unfortunate prisoners still in their clutches... not hard to imagine fictional radical regimes starting to undiscriminately throw whatever weird unpleasantness their R&D boffins might have managed to cook up at the enemy once defeat becomes inevitable.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Might as well, they already held hands in public. They're already beyond redemption.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sounds about right if the usual running gags about the military over here are to be believed, tbh. :d

joined Jul 26, 2016

She could also be falling up the stairs the perspective is a bit wonky.

I don't think gravity works that way. Even in mangaland, most of the time.
Doubly so as, well, they were at the top of the things.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ie. Ayaka has some issues. To her credit she actually tried to air at least some of them to Chitose - twice - but got interrupted both times...

Slow Start discussion 16 Oct 18:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

Btw, shouldn't "cooper" be "copper"?

*Know* the difference.
...I'd be quite curious to know how do you figure a metal like copper would be a significant component in the elastic internal support structures of human mammaries, tho. :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

is this gonna turn in them dating?
if yes
they should start dating already

I mean.
They arguably already are, they just haven't quite noticed it yet.

Slow Start discussion 16 Oct 17:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

I rather like how everyone just plays along with whatever random BS Tama comes up with. :3

joined Jul 26, 2016

See, see? The boar was like, “Woman screaming, gettin’ on my nerves. I’m going for it—wait, snake! Fuck snakes! Snake, you dead! Now, where them other things go . . .?”

Not pictured: gruesome crunching sounds as the boar happily munches on the hapless snake

Image Comments 15 Oct 19:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Isn't it sad, osananajimi-chan?"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Necessary reminder that boars are, like, half blind, man. "-- its eyesight is comparatively weak, lacking colour vision and being unable to recognise a standing human 10–15 metres away" to brazenly copypasta from Wiki. :/

Funfact: the buggers eat snakes and have evolved similar venom resistance as the more famous "snake eaters" (mongooses, honey badgers, hedgehogs...). Gay Chinese comics making me learn new stuff again.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sorry--I wasn't being clear. Comics don't move, so they don't have slow motion--they just break a given event into more panels. So the last panel on page 146 and the first one on 147 could be seen as near-simultaneous, and the bottom two on 147 definitely are. I'm not going to claim that the scene adheres to strict real-world time, but throw in some extreme foreshortening to get the slowly approaching boar into the same panels as the characters, and the plausibility meter barely budges.

Again, if you don't like how it was done, cheers. And you're right that boars/feral swine are no joke--they're very, very fast. I'd just assume that as it got closer the boar got a good look at how cute the girls are and let them off the hook.

Let's just say that the "internal chronology" here flatly does no add up. The boar starts out like under ten meters away and is already moving by the time Inu about-faces and starts going up the tree; teh Wiki tells me those critters can clock 40 km/h and near as I'm aware have excellent acceleration characteristics so, yeah. (They can apparently also leap as high as a good one and half meters...)
By the time she actually got up to the tree and had time to turn around Kagami should already be getting gored - or, if she actually kept watching the boar like a sensible person and managed to dodge, the boar would be smashing headfirst into the tree...

Either way my actual gripe with the whole episode is that it's basically completely unnecessary on top of being handled so haphazardly.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Many other media being even worse about it (compare Spider-Man's Epic Feats that make talking at any arbitrary length a Free Action to him) doesn't make it any better you know.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Apparently Indou has a latent superpower to mess with the flow of time because from that distance the boar should've been on them in about a second, or rather less than it oughta taken for just herself to scramble high up the tree to be out of reach.
Those things are fast over short distances.

...I'm never going to understand why authors feel obliged to throw in these kinds of OMG dangerous situations and then totally half-ass the resolutions like this. : |

Yuri Moyou discussion 15 Oct 12:18
joined Jul 26, 2016
joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh, tru dat.

Thousand and One Posts now I suppose.

joined Jul 26, 2016

unless that's your jam, you unspeakable deviant

joined Jul 26, 2016

But hides her true feelings.

Implying she even understands those.

Stop with this "opposites cling to themselves" BS. They're from different worlds.
Where I live we have a funny but also true saying.
You won't make a silk out of sh*t.

Not really seeing what bizarre social determinism has to do with anything but I'm reasonably sure neither of them is a space alien or a parellel-world refugee in disguise... :v

Scarlet discussion 14 Oct 13:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

a massive scarlet flag.