^Who you're thinking of has light blue hair
Also this ship seems like heresy
Ooh I haven't seen this ship in a while
Ganbaruby belongs only to Zura
^Ship twinsies
Oh nice
This artist makes some really good fanart ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That artist's name rolls right off the tongue
And they're not the only case in this batch lol
part 6 when ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
^*her tie
Oh wow
^^ Definitely second option
It's mating time
^She did? @zeffy101 @BlueStallion44 big agree
Mommy Long Legs
Also @blopa this artist has always drawn Honoka x Nagisa, it's just there aren't many of his works on the site.
Just wanted to point out that I'm glad there are now separate tags for PreCure seasons, but the one for the overall series still exists. Personally I think it's convenient to have it still.
Edit: I think there's no point in these being separate tags: https://dynasty-scans.com/pairings/cure_moonlight_x_dark_precure https://dynasty-scans.com/pairings/dark_precure_x_yuri
They should be merged into one.
last edited at Oct 9, 2019 6:25AM
Oh nice now the seasons have separate tags
Noriko is cute but I ship Tokiko with Shizuku Wish ShizuToki was half as popular as TokiNoriko, fanart of it is painfully rare :(
last edited at Oct 8, 2019 7:48AM
Any character you can't romance as both genders is a waste
I wish I had money for a Switch and the game though
Always nice to see more from this couple or this artist on the site.
Just wish the artist drew Yuri more often. lol
hoe hoe hoe