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joined Jul 26, 2016

The Japanese title is Nekomusume Shoukougun which alongside the Principal's speech back in chapter 1 seems to imply it only affects women - I suppose you could say whatever the fig causes it is chromosome sensitive, if a "sciencey" handwave is needed. Given a wee bit important thing like the Law of Conservation of Mass clearly doesn't apply in this world, though, I daresay one really shouldn't think too hard about any of this... >_>

No bloody idea what the Hell the Prof means by "congenital" though, or for that matter how she recognizes the distinction apparently at a glance - unless she has access to the students' medical data or something which raises a number of other questions. Then again you'd be excused for wondering WTF a researcher of her stature and importance is doing playing bootleg Doraemon in the storage room of some random high school in the first place...
...yeah let's just invoke Bellisario's Maxim here, I'm pretty sure none of this is supposed to survive closer scrutiny.

Ayakashiko discussion 10 Nov 20:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

Emi and Nene not Emi or Nene

So "a cat is fine too", literally...? :v

Image Comments 10 Nov 12:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

'Bout as subtle as an anvil, but I wouldn't call that a big change at that point - it goes back to around chap 130.5 (the end of the amusement park arc) or so. It does however play off of one of Hina's interesting (and commendable) quirks; she seems hellbent on getting along with everyone and doubly so the "core" group that's coalesced around Kuro, regardless of how difficult they might try to make it.
...that middle-school backstory in ch 144 extra probably explains a lot about her present loathing of clique exclusiveness.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So Yukki is indeed in love with Riko?

This is a rhetorical question, right?

Image Comments 10 Nov 10:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

They did seem to have a lot of time to just screw around during the story, and I would imagine the wetjobs-to-killers ratio is skewed enough (and the salaries high enough) they spend a decent amount of time cooling their heels between assignements in their professional lives...

On an entirely different note why does this seem to fit Isuke-sama so well?

Image Comments 09 Nov 22:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

"...but it was me, Dio!"

Image Comments 09 Nov 22:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

So why is Mika such a loli magnet, anyway? :P

Image Comments 09 Nov 21:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

[awkwardness intensifies]

...although that tends to be a concise summary of much of Tomoko's highschool life >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

School closing so y'all kids need to geroff the dang lawn I'd guess. From what I've picked up from possibly excessive consumption of Japanese media club activities routinely go on long into the afternoon.

joined Jul 26, 2016


...but seriously are those headphones like a cursed item Kozue is physically incapable of unequipping or something... o_O

joined Jul 26, 2016

You sure seem to be treating it like a big deal.

Also not sure how Random Thing I McFound On Google counts as collaborative [sic]*, quote, evidence, unquote, especially when nothing about the site gives cause to believe it is written by people with relevant credentials.

Also just to quote this from that same site:

Some in psychology today see intimacy as more than just being close or being sexually intimate. The true definition of intimacy is not just about two bodies merging together for sex. Intimacy could have a different meaning for different people.

*the word you're looking for is corroborative

last edited at Nov 9, 2018 6:33PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Like I said, I could have cited a psychology text book, but couldn't remember the details. just saying.

Then don't try to invoke it in the first place. I trust I need not point out why it might not be the best of ideas to rely on a vague memory for detailed definitions of something?

Ayakashiko discussion 09 Nov 17:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

Everyone is gay for Mahoro.

...though Emi is already recognized as the legal wife. :d

last edited at Nov 9, 2018 5:48PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well my point was more that the definitions of the concept I could quickly find did not readily agree with his claim, if anything quite the contrary. And, yes, just about everything related to human behaviour and emotions is heavily open to interpretation which makes the whole original argument a tad wobbly to begin with.

joined Jul 26, 2016 It was what goggle read to me when I goggled it. Plus It agreed with what I remembered from my Human Sexuality class back in collage. I could cite my text book from that, but I don't remember it's name.

Look this is getting us nowhere. Lets just call a truce.

Yeeaaahhhh I think you need a bit more authoritative sources before making such grandiose declarations about definitions. Just sayin'.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I tried looking it up. The definitions I could find out of hand did not consider sexual desire any kind of key ingredient. Relatedly Merriam-Webster (which doesn't seem to have an entry for "romantic love" specifically) had this:

English Language Learners Definition of love affair
: a romantic or sexual relationship especially between two people who are not married to each other

Notice the "or"?
Also M-W:

Definition of romantic
5 b: marked by expressions of love or affection
c: conducive to or suitable for lovemaking

...I think you might want to start citing your sources if you're claiming definitions about this.

NemoKuro discussion 09 Nov 12:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

Those are some smooth moves from Tomoko there.

Certainly compared to her current The Very Best Of showings... "It was a pretty pink color" indeed :d

joined Jul 26, 2016

QED: God is a jerk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

In all fairness it did rather start wandering off the rails halfway in.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't think either of them is the blushing type.

Image Comments 08 Nov 07:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

I may or may not have spent excessive amounts of time and brainpower thinking about how warfare would work in diverse fantasy settings. >.>

Image Comments 08 Nov 07:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

The "enslave centaurs as mounts" thing might seem logical to a layman but to someone who's actually read up on how cavalry actually works (and doesn't) it's a load of horrendously impractical nonsense. Shortlist:
* they're actually on the small side by horse standards (meaning relatively low carrying capacity) and as sentient beings with long maturation cycles fundamentally unreceptive to the kind of selective breeding that IRL slowly pushed up domesticated horse sizes over, oh, three-four millenia or so
* the upright humanoid torso in front is going to get in the way of any meaningful weapon use by a rider a lot; it's also terribly vulnerable to enemy weapons, much more so than the neck and head of a horse are, and will need to be protected somehow 'less you fancy your mount keeling over about instantly - in practice meaning armour which both drives up operating costs and eats into the payload capacity
* to be effective in combat unquestioning trust and authority must exist between the rider and the mount (and even so IRL the more common causes of death and injury among riders stem from misbehaving mounts already outside combat) which is incidentally why cavalry horses have always been much more expensive and valuable than basic riding mounts and beasts of burden - not only are the physical requirements higher but they need a lot more training; trying to ride into a battle a sentient creature that almost certainly hates your guts and is entirely capable of actively plotting your demise is basically suicide. Same issues kind of kill the rider-mount coordination needed to effectively employ weapons on horseback. And hoo boy are you going to be but fucked going up against free centaurs - not only are the latter vastly more effective combatants but there's an only too obvious incentive for your own recalcitrant mounts to flip...
* near as I can remember the centaurs, unlike real horses, are not gramnivores (grazing grass-eaters) - presumably they eat essentially the same stuff as the other sapients of the world (duly scaled up for their larger mass) which in practice means the logistics of feeding any larger number of the buggers are going to be quite the headache, doubly so if they're expected to be capable of strenuous physical labour. Incidentally should also make the bellies of their lower part slimmer than those of horses of analogous size due to the absence of the complex digestive systems needed to process cellulose...

All of which adds to the whole thing being a terribly impractical idea and blatantly inferior in every possible way to the buggers simply fighting themselves as, effectively, super-mobile infantry. In practice given the obvious advantages the centaurs have over the others in terms of mobility and sheer physical power they're far more likely to have formed (important part of) the warrior aristocracy basically everywhere they can survive ecologically, and there aren't very many corners of the world where I can think that wouldn't be the case outside the polar regions... Might've been combined with slave-soldier arrangements in places; the two are by no means mutually exclusive.
Note that they might well also have employed the historically fairly common cavalry practice of transporting light infantrymen who dismount to fight as close support; this has been used for both short-term battlefield purposes and longer-ranged "operational" forays, and parallel "escort" traditions existed with both war chariots and elephants (though the latter obv couldn't practically carry their close-support infantry).

This concludes today's installment of Applying History To Fiction With random-sensei; take notes kids, this'll be in the test.

last edited at Nov 8, 2018 7:03AM

Image Comments 07 Nov 09:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'd be very surprised were Asuka somehow unaware of Mokocchi's severely defective brain-to-mouth filter.

last edited at Nov 7, 2018 9:52AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm pretty sure the author just retconned Minami's circumstances on the fly actually; the early chapters really don't jive with what we learn from her employer and see of Shizuku. Just to point out the obvious, I don't know what kind of criteria Japan has for potential foster families of abused children but I'm tolerably certain violently abusive paint sniffers don't make even the long list so either Minami's lying through her teeth back there (presumably covering for Shizuku, who the later chapters seem to imply she's living with) or the whole setup got rejiggered.

Image Comments 07 Nov 02:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ Is that a motherfucking PSB reference?!