Isaw the Risa development coming from a mile away. While Risa is a sweetie, she's NOT Hiroko.Ayaka fell in love with Hiroko. It's not about deserving anything. Ayaka isn't a prize to be won, like all Risa has to do is put the right amount of coins into the "Love Machine" and Ayaka will fall into her lap.
As messed as she is, Hiroko is the one Ayaka wants. Whether that's a good thing for either of them is something the author has to work out. I personally think, that they both have some growing up to do. Ayaka needs to value herself more and stop trying to change herself just to please others. Hiroko needs to build her courage and to stop expecting the worst from everyone. SHe wears the "Dependable Senpai" mask like armor. She only sees her value through what she can give to others.
Now, I'm really interested in what exactly happened to make them both this way.