Forum › Posts by ColdGoldLazarus

joined Apr 12, 2018

It's really rare that drama makes me glad because it happened. After all the very well written and depicted tension under the surface, it felt necessary for Yuu and Touko to move forward, i.e. to realize, acknowledge, and have a chance at resolving the bind they got into. Otherwise what kind of future would their relationship have? (Yuu being the kind yet apathetic roommate/assistant/manager of Touko who also sleeps with her?)

It would be interesting if nothing else if it went down that route, but yeah, I'm glad this has finally happened, shifting the status quo in a major way and opening the door to reconciliation after a likely very bumpy road.

(They may go on a trip of their own, in the future, though.)

Hopefully a honeymoon. ;)

joined Apr 12, 2018

So as I suspected, Touko still hasn't broken out of the "love is a chain" mentality, if her thoughts at the end of the chapter are anything to go by. She's got enough consciousness to recognize she may have been hurting Yuu this whole time, and she isn't faulting Yuu or getting hostile over it, but she's still scared to face her now, since in her mind Yuu is now another person who Expects Things Of Her. Not to mention Yuu running away, which as others have said, also puts a damper on proceedings.

I like that we're finally getting to see Yuu be a bit more... fragile, for lack of a better word. Her detachment makes her feel really mature for her age, but here we're finally getting to see some more blatant reminders that she's still a high school girl trying to figure out her feelings. I would LOVE if the story took a page out of Girl Friends' book and changed the perspective to Toukou now as she deals with her end of the play's aftermath and now this whole thing. More Yuu would be great, too, though. ^_^

First time I want a manga to drag on, just because I SO WANT TO SEE THESE TWO ACTUALLY DATING I MEAN DO YOU IMAGINE?!

Indeed! This is one of my favorites; I hope we get to see some of the actual dating, once they reach that point.

last edited at Jul 30, 2018 10:36PM

joined Apr 12, 2018

Interesting premise!

...I want more.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Short-haired girl seems to be actually decent, unlike the other two friends. I wonder if she could become more relevant at some point.

joined Apr 12, 2018

It's up it's up!!!
And it was perfect
The storm that's been brewing for so long has just broken
It's a good thing I like rain

joined Apr 12, 2018

I can't wait to see the chapter, been avoiding peeking under the spoiler tags but it's getting harder and harder to resist... Any clue when it'll be up?

Happy Nest discussion 28 Jul 21:07
joined Apr 12, 2018

I just felt bad for the ex. I'd much rather Yuka get together with her than Satsuki.

joined Apr 12, 2018

I'm not sure what happened, but the bit with the hair was cute.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Mikage is such a glorious disaster and I love her

Image Comments 16 Jul 17:18
joined Apr 12, 2018

I know nothing about Elsword as a whole, but I absolutely love this ship; would love to see more.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Actually, to me (and I think this is a strength of the story) the big sister only goes from "jerk" to "ambiguous". Yes, a couple of little sister's recollections of having things taken away are actually recollections of having things not taken away. But she still treats her routinely like a servant, and she still hangs with nasty vapid backbiting friends and lets them nastily backbite her girlfriend. She turns out to be not so bad, but I don't think the story is making her out to be totally sweet and wonderful under a tsundere facade, just a realistic person with good and bad points (and maybe capable of being recalled to her better self by the love of a good woman). IMO people are forgetting this because we tend to be too easily swayed by the most recent snippet of information.
Younger sister would probably have been better suited to Kuga-san, but she's out of the running because she's younger (and 'cause she met her second, which is fair enough). It's good her older sister has a nicer side, but the one who brought it out is Kuga-san. To me that second-to-last page, with the message saying "sorry for stealing your big sister away from you" is doubly ironic--on one hand, that's the opposite of her problem, rather she feels like her big sister stole Kuga-san away, and on the other, Kuga-san (with her gentle, generous influence) if anything gave her back an older sister she hadn't had for a while.
It's a great story, but I do find it bittersweet, and I don't think it should be disqualified just because the girl in love is young. I remember how it was--when I fell in love at 13, it was as hard a fall as I ever had in my life, ripped me up and made me as sad as anything ever did. It wasn't some little thing just because I was young, and I think that's true for lots of young people.

Huh, that's a really good analysis. Thank you for your insight!

joined Apr 12, 2018

I want an adult life series with them. Freaking adorable is what they are!

Image Comments 12 Jul 06:07
joined Apr 12, 2018

Snuggle the tails!

joined Apr 12, 2018

Reading through this slowly; I'm currently on the start of Chapter 7. I've heard bad buzz about this so I'm trying not to get invested in any particular ship, but I'm already rooting hard for Tsukasa and Washio. ^_^;

last edited at Jul 12, 2018 3:51AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

Man, this was a nice ending. Open ended enough that it could be read as just friends or polyamory, depending on one's outlook and preferences, but with a strong sense of honesty and hope keeping things aloft. Personally, I like to think it'll eventually end in polyamory.

Wow, this ended better than Nanashi no Asterism.

This oneshot is like if Nanashi no Asterism didn't utterly suck.

I'm reading through that right now, why does it suck?

last edited at Jul 12, 2018 3:18AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

I demand a sequel, stat!

joined Apr 12, 2018

Well then, that happened. The starting premise was interesting and promising, but I must admit the direction it went in, I'm not so happy with. Ah well.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Fuck yeah this artist is great.. in love with all their works, specially akagixkaga

What's your icon from?

already liked side "couple" more than main. Fuuchan, I got good and bad news to share, the bad is you're gay and good is the girl you like is single, so make a move

I like the main couple too, but it would definitely be nice to see Haru make some moves too.
And I'd say that counts as good news and more good news!

last edited at Jul 12, 2018 1:31AM

Look My Way discussion 11 Jul 23:49
joined Apr 12, 2018

That was adorable; my face hurts from smiling so hard.

joined Apr 12, 2018

That was really sweet. I'd love a sequel!

Idk man, everything seems to fit Gal Pals perfectly fine.

What's your icon from?

joined Apr 12, 2018

This is really sweet and relaxing; loving the gentle vibe of it. And it's pretty upfront with the Yuri in a way I appreciate. ^_^

joined Apr 12, 2018

I really love this one for some reason, even if just for the excellent setup and payoff of that metaphor, there. Really nice in general, would love a followup at some point.

joined Apr 12, 2018

An interesting read. Ending is too ambiguous to judge, but I liked where she abandoned the flower and the whole idea of "it doesn't count because high school." Was hoping it would head more in a direction of giving her closure to move on to a more satisfying relationships with a woman who actually loves her. With the current path, I like that she's got such confidence now and is determined to win her back, but with the inclusion of another partner, (man or woman, either way it's bad times) about to be married nonetheless, it runs into the classic love triangle problem of "Unless it ends in polygamy, someone's going to get hurt."

That is why I said it was rather confusing.

What's your icon from?

last edited at Jul 8, 2018 5:14AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

I've been debating whether or not to give Monogotari a try. What happened in said scene?

I just rewatched that episode, and it mostly seems like Senjougahara being her usual sadistic tsundere self. Also possibly trying to make her dad uncomfortable by being sexual towards Araragi in the backseat. As for Tsubasa being attracted to Arararagi, I only ever saw that happening once, and it was almost immediately after she almost killed someone because she was in love with another girl. She was probably feeling some weird misplaced guilt over her sexuality at the time. For the rest of the series I've seen, she only treats him as a close friend. And Arararararagi is not a nihilist. If anything, he cares too much about people and can't just let things be.
As for the series as a whole (I've watched up to Hanamonogatari) I liked it. The weird overtones of it (like the toothbrushing thing) or Arararararagi being kind of a lolicon are eh, but I feel as a whole it's pretty good. The end of the first section of second season is probably one of the most satisfying conclusions to a character arc I've seen in a while.

Long story short, I feel like it's something you either love or you hate. I'd say it's worth a shot, but if you do like it, skip Hanamonogatari/Suruga Devil (the second season part after Senjougahara and Kaiki) until the end, as it timeskips past the end of the series and spoils a few character fates.

Alright, thank you!

joined Apr 12, 2018

What are some interesting ideas you've thought up and would like to actually read? Could be a basic premise, or just a specific concept within the framework of a larger story. Like, for an example of the latter type; picture a very typical high school yuri with the main character, her Straight Best Friend, and her Designated Love Interest... but she and the love interest don't actually have much of a chemistry outside of their initial meeting circumstances, despite her attempts to make things work, and eventually realizes she's actually in love with the best friend who's been quietly supporting her this whole time, and isn't actually as straight as first assumed. (Take a wild guess which infamous manga that recently received an anime adaptation inspired that one...)

So yeah, I'd be interested to see what thoughts people have on this!