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Love Sign discussion 12 Sep 11:23
joined Jul 12, 2012

Shoot! I seriously want to see what happens next. And Isumi kinda reminds me of my girl.

joined Jul 12, 2012

I almost feel like the size-shifting was deliberate. Not in the sense that she was supposed to be literally growing and shrinking, just because the artist felt like there was something sexy about this tiny aggressive sex-hungry loli crawling over the oversized senpai and her boobs, so realism took a back seat to sexy theme. And I might argue that the artist had a point about this.

Wow. Great point there. I actually had a thought like that after I re-read the doujin, like how only in sex scenes is when their body proportions seemed to obviously take change. Maybe the author wanted to make a point about how we tend to judge people by their appearance like in page 26 the scene where Kaya-chan went to see senpai and other classmates thought Kaya was a cute kouhai. The thing is that they don't know how sex-crazed she is with her senpai even though she looks innocent to them. In that scene it's obvious that it's judging by size, "she's petite and cute, she must be innocent." So the author would exaggerate the size in the sex scenes to prove that just because she's small and cute doesn't mean she wouldn't take the initiative in sex. Or that even this small lesbian can tackle down the biggest of chicks. lol

joined Jul 12, 2012

Looks like Kyoushinsha forgot to draw Tooru's horns in several panels.

Isn't that just something Tooru can show/hide at will? Sort of like her tail

Like when there's no horns in the waterfall training, but then appeared in the next panel after a log hits Tooru's head. So either the artist forgot to draw them, or made it seem that getting hit in the head made her horns appear.. (?) Also boobs are in full display

joined Jul 12, 2012

Lol the title translates: Bread of Peace. I seriously don't doubt that I'll see a lot of spanish people reading this xD
Also 'pan' translates as bread in both spanish and japanese.

As I recall, Japan adopted the word "pan" from the Dutch.

It wasn't from the Portuguese?

Afaik from my japanese teacher portuguese christians came to japan and brought bread with them and they called it pan ( パン) thats why its written in katakana cause the origin came frim abroad and they didnt knew what bread was before the portuguese came.

That may be right ans my memory is slightly off. It's definitely not from the French "pain", even though it's a homophone. I do know that European traders, mostly Portugese and Dutch, were very much present in Japan long before Admiral Perry's day, acting as vital trading intermediaries with China, who Japan was officially at odds with but were happy to trade with indirectly. The Jesuits were a big part of that, as I recall, and one of the big universities where I come from is named after Francis Xavier, who was one of the major players. At least until the Franciscans came along and fucked things up.

Oh god I seriously did not expect a debate about this o.o But anyways I just meant that 'pan' means the same in spanish too, but since you guys brought up an interesting topic I did my research to the point that I know that the word originally came from the Latin word 'patina' (meaning 'dish') and throughout there the word itself evolved in other languages. Yes the Dutch had an influence, and so did others. It just happens that the Portuguese travelers first introduced the bread into Japanese culture and since they didn't have a word for it they basically borrowed the word and that's why they write pan in katakana because it's a foreign word. Oh and 'pan' is pronounced almost the exact same way in all europe, or it's atlease similar in some way.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Lol the title translates: Bread of Peace. I seriously don't doubt that I'll see a lot of spanish people reading this xD
Also 'pan' translates as bread in both spanish and japanese.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Wow so I read everyone's comments and only 2 readers were very negative after reading the doujin... But everyone else was awesome and had a great time reading and i laughed so much at your awesome comments guys :) The doujin and your comments made my day :3

Image Comments 09 Sep 12:36
joined Jul 12, 2012


joined Jul 12, 2012

That look of suspicion on the last page, it's like her friend is thinking "girl you sound like you're turning gay for her".

Image Comments 03 Sep 01:34
joined Jul 12, 2012

Even Aya's wings were stripped.

Image Comments 03 Sep 01:30
joined Jul 12, 2012

Looks like a flower pot on her head.

Find Out discussion 02 Sep 13:46
joined Jul 12, 2012

Jeez... just when it was getting pretty steamy.

Image Comments 01 Sep 11:04
joined Jul 12, 2012

Finally I'm seeing more of Kathryn's work here! :D

last edited at Sep 1, 2015 2:34PM

joined Jul 12, 2012

heavy breathing
Too much cuteness and sexiness in one read hits the favorite button

HibiKana discussion 21 Aug 15:54
joined Jul 12, 2012

That credit page tho xD

joined Jul 12, 2012

Too fucking cute!!! My OTP deserves so much happiness and attention like in these kinds of doujins :) I'll probably later on will do a short doujin about them :3

joined Jul 12, 2012

kyuubey wanted to make a contract and make sayaka into a futa XD pfffft

..doujins when?

Omg I had the same thought! xD Sooner or later Kyouko has to know how to make babies.

joined Jul 12, 2012

This looks like a straightforward and fast paced Akuma no Riddle.

Image Comments 15 Aug 12:41
joined Jul 12, 2012

Well she's licking that fun button ;D

joined Jul 12, 2012

Saw the artist's name and got happy, wanted this one. This one was fine tho, them Feet tags.

I checked it out and it seems very interesting to read, though I do get pissed when I see bullying. But other than that it was really hot and the art was amazing.
Ok so now about the doujin today's the first time I've ever seen toe penetration, which I'm not gonna lie it seemed very weird at first but got comfortable with the idea after thinking "I've seen weirder shit than this so this is nothing and I'm totally fine with it" xD

joined Jul 12, 2012

This is the worst thing I've ever read. I wish I could unsee it...

brings in the whole army and points guns at you Anyways what did you say?

joined Jul 12, 2012

Am I the only one who prefer Miku x Rin?...not that I dislike Miku x Luka, I ship both but mostly Miku x Rin

I feel you. My favorite pairing is Miku x Rin too and my favorite vocaloid is Rin so I feel like she was getting a lot of 'hate' in this doujin. PEOPLE PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT RIN WAS PORTRAYED THAT WAY FOR THE SAKE OF THE PLOT. Plus sibling rivalry is natural for twins, especially if they like the same person. Rin only became that way because she missed her chance on confessing her 'likes', but since her brother took up his courage and did before Rin could, Rin felt like she lost the only thing in her life that made her happy. Best example so far of a similar doujin is Corruption Finale, which i know a lot of you have read and would find similarities of the way the main character is to the one she loves. And also had any of you ever seen the worst anime ever called Akisora? Also that anime has some similarities to this story and the whole plot might be based on that anime. (Note: don't watch it if you don't like het, incest, twin incest, orgy, etc.)

joined Jul 12, 2012

Seeing Kotori touch herself while giving oral at the same time, I'm like "ok that's hot but mostly that's REALLY IMPRESSIVE." Takes some serious skill to multitask successfully like that.

^lol I was thinking the same xD
Plus this was really cute, and adorable and sexy all combined! x3

joined Jul 12, 2012

Not only is the character blind but also deaf. How the hell can you not know the difference between your friend's voice (she didn't know who they were after hearing them so she glared at them to see who it is) and a girl's voice too (the tomboy might not sound all girly but you can still tell). Also the ending kinda was disappointing.
Anyways I'm not totally disappointed, actually I'm not even mad about reading this. I expected what was going to happen (cause I read the tags) and I figured the whole plot included a blind girl that was going to get raped (title gave it away). Wasn't difficult to solve.
I solemnly feel sorry for the lot that were unprepared for this doujin.
I've read enough disappointing doujins to the point of becoming immune to them

joined Jul 12, 2012

I enjoyed this way too much xD
Everytime I thought the story would end it just kept going and I was like "There's more!?" lol
This is probably the longest yuri sex doujin I've ever read in such a long time too :3

joined Jul 12, 2012

Here's to hoping it gets picked up again. There are a lot of series I would like to see scanlated once more, though this one in particular.

Agreed. I want atleast this one to be complete. Just this one, please!