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xxx discussion 08 Nov 12:38
joined Mar 29, 2017




I TOTALLY JUST BOUGHT THE PHYSICAL COPY OF THIS yuri fangirl squees of excitement Which is fuckin awesome, cause this is one of if not my favorite doujinshi ever. (It's a close call between this and that one petplay HonoMaki doujin.

Was it overpriced? Sure.
Is there a chance of my family finding it? Yes.

i s i t f u c k i n g w o r t h i t?

Y E S.

Okay okay, but for real I'm super hyped for it to get here. Let's just hope I don't live through every teenager's worst nightmare: Her parents finding her porn.

Fingers crossed.

It's worse when you imagine it's their daughter and lesbian porn that's sure to put all sorts of questions in their head.

joined Mar 29, 2017

skulll posted:

This is going to be 5 volumes right?

No way this will end next chapter. 6 volumes at least, and even that would feel rushed

1)No transfer student
2)No beach episode
3)No tournament arc

10 volumes, give or take

I'm not following it so I don't know how it is story progression-wise, I was more asking because Amazon had the volumes 'out of 5'.

What? Did it get cancelled? D: otherwise it wouldn't make sense at all that next chapter is the last one D:

It currently has 5 volumes out of 5 seems normal because ya know there isn't a 6th volume yet? I mean the same goes on with books in a series future books are not listed to buy because you can't buy what isn't released yet unless it's a videogame.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Ah Hyperbeam, the purest expression of Love

So that's why hello kitty shoots them at me in I want to be the Boshy

joined Mar 29, 2017

Make a Twitch account
Play videogames

I'm surprised her mom doesn't nag her about getting married. Is this manga really set in Japan?

Alternatively, she could just go into the porn industry -- with curves like that, she'd be cast right away.

I mean sure but then this would be het and thats just no good. :3

Image Comments 07 Nov 01:45
joined Mar 29, 2017

It's mandatory not because it's got some yuri stuff in it it's mandatory because everything else the yuri is just the cherry on top of an already amazeing show.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wow she is totally me I literaly went thru everything she did in college from just giving up to going out alone and pushing people away dam I hope she finds herslef faster then me (still hasnt)

joined Mar 29, 2017

Yeah, this manga is the epitome of bitter sweet. The two main characters are each lovable in their own ways, and it's clear that they're both trying their best, but it hurts to see them not quite being able to get there.

Ah it was more about personal introspection, but it's true there is some kind of sadness about not having the same relationship as before. It probably has been mentioned in this post before, but the fact that the relationship will never be the same could be very disconcerting for Mari specifically. I guess it could be hard to have to take the lead after being used to follow all this time.

[...] here really doesn't seem to be any reason why they don't just boink already, [...].

Well, Arisu still have three years of maturity to catch up! Or at least, the time she needed before actually doing it the first time with Mari.

Mari is a bottom it's not like she's suffering not all bottoms wait to be attacked and pushed down some just go with the flow and do whatever to make the other happy if I could go back the the innocent days with my partner it would be like falling in love with her all over again just enjoying each others company and nothing else.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I'm just waiting for the cure for the bride dying is True Love (tm). It's no less likely than anything else so far.

Ahh "true love" the power to cheat death, reverse time, and limitless power. I think this is one of the few times I want some tragic ending to slap down some reality.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Error: Heterosexuality not found

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Nah, it's in Mochi's genes.

A hard-coded feature, then.

As I label a global onlyhomo for my final project :3 it's not gonna be seen unless he looks at the logs in witch case it's referenced way to much and many questions will be asked.

joined Mar 29, 2017

So, mugi is a blue deck player huh? I knew she shouldn't be trusted.

At least its not eggs, lantern controll, or cawblade. Then she would need to be purged.

joined Mar 29, 2017

So, they only legalized gay marriage for women? That's some massive bias right there.

Didn't think about that, but it'd actually be weirdly plausible. In Germany, for example, homosexuality between men was illegal for quite long, but homosexuality between women somehow wasn't. Even the Nazis didn't specifically persecute lesbians. How weird is that?

No need to go back in history actually... Welcome to current day Singapore:

Same-sex sexual activity legal:

  • No: For male (Penalty: Up to 2 years imprisonment; not enforced)
  • Yes: For female

Yep the world we know is run by retards.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Most of the time I think I understand what's going on with everyone in that chart and sometimes I don't - all the same, I'm happy seeing all those Yuri pairs in one page. ;)

It's kinda crazy how fast the universe got expanded.

Sweet Box discussion 06 Nov 01:06
joined Mar 29, 2017

I really consider this donjon classic

Not viable for that status yet by modern standards of 10 years but ya it's good.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wow how come people mistook other people name in front of their girlfriend?

Read Kimi Koi Limit, it explains everything.
Explain the tears in my eyes right now then EXPLAIN THEM

joined Mar 29, 2017

i feel like the manga is going to pull a "Your Lie In April" ending at the end.

How can it when we actually have a reason to like this character.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Is that true?

Lol noXD. it you can jam it up there it will break it.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I think it would have been more fitting if they didn't change back

I still stand by this

I like to imagine every time they cum together they swap I can only imagine how many times they will switch back and forth in future.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Sweetheart... Dark skin is justice and an interracial Yuri couple is divine. That's why Utena/Anthy and Korrasami have a special place in my heart.


They're both Japanese. One just has a tan.

Hey now you just destroyed his fantasy how does that make you feel. You monster.

joined Mar 29, 2017

But everything changed when the frozen legion attacked

Warriors of the frozen waste rise.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Yaoi = Boys love = Gay
Yuri = Girls love = Lesbian
Het is english and short for heterosexuality i.e. straight.

Strictly speaking, やおい 'yaoi' is the Japanese term for gay porn aimed at straight females (as opposed to 薔薇 'bara', gay porn for the tastes of gay men). I don't know of any Japanese term that is the male equivalent to 'yuri', that is, everything that is gay. (Or of any specific term for 'lesbian porn', for that matter)

But that isn't what the yaoi tag means in Dynasty, though. Here, yaoi is used as the equivalent of yuri. And that's ok.

I could ramble on the difference between 少女愛 'shoujo ai' and ガールズラブ 'girls' love', but I doubt anyone cares xD

Not that we don't care just best to not open that can of bullshit as every time it is comments need to be purged.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I mean ya looks bad but this is around the time where plot armor kicks into high gear...... right please tell me plot armor activates.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Reading the tags be like

Truly, this comic has something for everyone.

I.... I didn't even know it was possible to have the 3 attached to the same thing.

Catch! discussion 28 Oct 11:50
joined Mar 29, 2017

Well I didn't expect a Yui7 piece to not leave me feeling like I need a large dose of anti-depressants. Hooray!

Sequel comes and both get hit by a train. The end.

joined Mar 29, 2017

i thought shiori is dead that what took it last time read first a room without shiori
Could someone tell if I’m miss reading here

This is a prequal so it is before the other one.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I don’t know—unlike the Girl Friends duo, Kase and Yamada each knew they were in love with the other one from the start. After all, Yamada says, “Please let Kase-san be in love with me!” in Chapter 1, and they were both checking out each others’ bodies/lingerie in the locker room immediately, too.

Yamada’s been a little lesbian from the jump—she just took an extraordinarily long time to figure out the nuts-and-bolts of what that entails.

That's one thing I love about this series, the fact that both of them really sell the idea that they're lesbians. None of this "it's okay if it's you" nonsense. They're relatable and likeable girls who are genuinely into girls.

Hopefully they continue to not have problems and just ride the yuri fluff train to the end.