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Lily System discussion 18 Dec 15:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

Looks obvious that Mizuki wants Nana to come out.

She keeps on teasing her.

TBF her closet is really transparent. And I think the door might have fallen off...

joined Jul 26, 2016

There is another half to the quandry and that is if Akane doesnt register Nadeshiko then she is stealable. And having another person register would at worst be like abduktion and brainwashing and at best being forcefully married to a stranger

I mean that's just one worm in the huge can that is the entire problematic of sentient machines as property.

Lily System discussion 18 Dec 12:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

One does wonder why her GRANDFATHER has a VR program featuring those two kissing! O_o

Might as well wonder about the technological infra that makes their avatars 1:1 representations of their real appearances despite no evidence of the kinds of scanners that should be required to produce such exact full-surround representations...

Then again, the girls have questions too ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

last edited at Dec 18, 2021 12:05PM

School Zone discussion 18 Dec 11:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

Giving a reason for your sudden drastic change in relationship is the Least you can do, But the one thing we know about Hiragii is that She isnt sociable so...

It's bit of a plot point in the twins' larger character arc that their insular co-dependence growing up has left both with badly underdeveloped social skills, though in contrasting ways that play on their wider Sibling Yin-Yang themes.

Tsubaki is shy, timid and can just about go into panic attacks around strangers - but once the initial ice is broken actually very sociable and open, and seems to find it naturally easy to establish meaningful relationships with others. She's also something of a fascinated observer of people though normally too shy and timid to ask personal questions; she was positively rapturous when she had an explicit permission to do so during the sleepover with the gyaru pair.

Contrariwise, Hiiragi is willful and outspoken but also extremely reticient and "closed off" - by her own agonized admission she doesn't have the slightest idea what a friend even is never mind now how you'd go about making one. (Utsugi definitely had to do all the heavy lifting there, and Akutami-sensei still had to spell it out to her...) Compare how Tsubaki could lay out the whole mess to Yatsude literally on their first meeting while it took Hiiragi months of familiarity and hitting critical mass rock-bottom self-loathing depression to unburden herself at Akutami who was basically the closest thing she had to a confidant at the time. And even after she got the worst of her personal demons exorcised and accepted Utsugi's overtures for what they are she, tellingly, appears to have a very consistent "don't ask, don't tell" approach to personal matters much to the shorter girl's frustration - not that Utsugi herself was exactly volunteering such details mind you. (It's been rather implied the Manic Pixie Dream Girl has her own baggage.) One rather gets the impression Hiiragi just baseline isn't interested in other peoples' business - though she's an astute observer when she has a reason to pay attention, something of a shared trait of the twins - and accepts them, or doesn't, as-is.

'Course it hardly helps matters that by all indications by the end of middle school Hiiragi was basically a bitter, depressed, self-loathing wreck who just desperately needed to get away from her sister one way or another. Niceties were far and away the very last thing on her mind, all the more so as given she was just as co-dependent forcing the very much necessary break oughta been about the emotional equivalent of gnawing off a trapped limb if you pardon the gruesome analog. Note how for all the carefully studied poker face she's in her Dull Eyes of Anguish mode through that entire scene.

Image Comments 18 Dec 10:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

"This is fine."

Image Comments 18 Dec 10:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ Let sleeping demons lie

...especially when one has most likely secured the perimeter with proximity mines. D:

joined Jul 26, 2016

this exhcange i literally cant even

Gotta love how Yori is the biggest snotty brat 99% of the time and then springs these total heartthrob moments out of the blue without noticing. The kid's going to be a m e n a c e when she grows up.
And Kano just up and accepts the proposal like a natural reflex response - that one definitely landed on Heart and went straight to Mouth, do not pass Brain...

SHY discussion 17 Dec 23:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

She's a peacock, you gotta let her fly!

...I mean those things can fly but like about the whole rest of the Galliformes order are kinda shite at it, what with being heavily built ground birds and all. The bulky train of the males certainly doesn't help any.

joined Jul 26, 2016

But that's forbidden love...

that only makes it better (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Image Comments 17 Dec 14:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ cannot unsee >.<

Image Comments 17 Dec 14:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

^"'Plug-and-play peripherals'? Do tell me more about this intriguing concept..."

Ei is also something of a craftsman/inventor god after all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Basically, whatever its flaws it's fundamentally a very well-made online ARPG to pass the time with. Best taken casually as tends to be the case with such - excessive tryharding is a recipe for burnouts, raeg and empty bank accounts.

Image Comments 14 Dec 22:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

^something something woman who actually would just kill me

School Zone discussion 14 Dec 18:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

Even at that point she is being treated Better than Tsubaki was when she wasnt performing

Tsubaki was "the sister"
Hiragii later was "the still very smart sister"

And if Hiragii hates Tsubaki for not being her inferior then thats just makes her Terrible, which isnt something that would fit this story

I'm getting a distinct impression we have not been reading the same chapters.

Lily System discussion 14 Dec 18:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yoshitomi Akihito tends to be byword for "interestingly strange", probably better stock up on the breadcrumbs in case this particular rabbit hole turns out to be a deep one...

Image Comments 14 Dec 12:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

^"at least wait until I'm out of the room jeez"

School Zone discussion 14 Dec 11:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

Okay, I don't know if this was already discussed at one point but I really have gut-feeling that Kaname and Yatsude know each other/were a thing at some point in the past.
CHapter 39: Kaname made a 180° turn + her expression after the older twin showed what club shes talking about. Pretty sus.
Chapter 77: Yatsude being all mysterious about know a similar situation like our main pair.
Chaper 82: Kaname talks about her preferences. Someone who looks stern and angry alot. Yatsude open-eye expression is the perfect example of this.

Sure was. Basically immediately when each of those chapters came out as the dots to connect are fairly conspicuous.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, that'd give you some pretty deep-seated trust issues about people (or rather humans in this case).

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 19:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

All that and we still dont know what Hiragis problem is

...the general gist of it really should be fairly obvious by this point. But I'd say the lower right frame here encapsulates an important part of it.

A broken feeling of superiority over her sister is unlikely to be the whole story

"The one who's not Tsubaki" is the key phrase there.

School Zone discussion 13 Dec 18:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

All that and we still dont know what Hiragis problem is

...the general gist of it really should be fairly obvious by this point. But I'd say the lower right frame here encapsulates an important part of it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just because you're attracted to women or men doesn't mean you're attracted to all women or men. OL is clearly attracted to at least one child.

I doth believe the operational paradigm here is "despite not because".

joined Jul 26, 2016

...Mai definitely went all coy there on purpose. The troll instinct is strong in this one.

joined Jul 26, 2016

There sure a lot of omitting going around here

I am shocked, SHOCKED to learn there is omitting going on in this manga!

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm not sure that's the case at all. I mean it's obviously sexually attracted to children.

Sexually attracted to Koharu you mean. Mio does very much nothing for her for ex. This scenario should already be familiar from eg. Yuzumori-san.

Image Comments 13 Dec 02:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

^it's canonically a multiverse where parallel "echoes" of people are kind of an established thing so... Which isn't the same as those being quite the same people; while Genshin!Raiden has a number of very substantial differences from Honkai!Raiden but echoes many themes of her personality and history, Genshin!Yae has almost nothing in common with her Honkai namesake except appearances and the general "fox priestess" motif.