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joined Dec 27, 2014

Seeeeeeequel would be appreciated

joined Dec 27, 2014

Bruh this shit make me sad :'(

joined Dec 27, 2014

this entire series is a cock tease

How do I unsee a comment?

Like this

Still Sick discussion 17 Aug 18:15
joined Dec 27, 2014

Yes, yes.... Let the yuri consume you

The yuri embraces you.

joined Dec 27, 2014

SQUEEL is all i can say at this point. I feel so spoiled every time I read a chapter. I thank Godoka every day for giving us Nakatani Nio.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Uhhhh what. Gurl you need to get that brain checked. Maybe some MRIs, maybe some pet or cat scans. Cause wtf just happened.

Yuzurenai discussion 17 Aug 13:44
joined Dec 27, 2014

I thought I had everything figured out... then Konomi revealed that the name Yuzu has a "strange effect" on her, and the memories of her old bestie Yuzu-chan returned, and suddenly I'm a mess and don't know for whom to cheer anymore. >_<

I'll be honest, I wasn't rooting for Chiaki to start with. She comes off kind of manipulative, and entitled to a relationship with Yuzu because she's the one who "earned" it.

On the other hand, the idea that Konomi drifted away because she's got a really bad memory for stuff like that feels kind of fresh. Like the rest of the story labours under a dark feeling but her airheaded "why does that name feel so familiar" routine at the end relieves it a bit.

Yeah exactly, I'm honestly hoping that Chiaki meets someone new after getting over her (initial) heartbreak and that Konomi and Yuzu end up together.

joined Dec 27, 2014

The Drama
My Kokoro
Itai Desu q.q

Lmao don't worry, they have the power of god and yuri on their side, love shall prevail!

last edited at Aug 17, 2019 1:37PM

joined Dec 27, 2014

I love this series and the author's style. It's very rare to see tall angular women with lipstick in manga nowadays, especially in yuri.

Honestly, so refreshing. I find that it really suits the timeline where it takes place as well, such a nice read.

TANKOBU discussion 16 Aug 12:20
joined Dec 27, 2014

Yes yes yesss!! Best thing i've read in a while on here. So refreshing. Definitely a new favourite hehe

joined Dec 27, 2014

(...) that a virgin girl has to have her hymen broken to stop being a virgin, but in real life not all girls bleed or have a hymen that is easily broken.

For science sake, you do know the whole hymen thing is hugely misportrayed right? Yes, most girls have a hymen, but it's not a membrane or something that needs to be broken (well in some cases it is but then it is surgically removed when they're younger because it causes problems when they start to menstrate, or if it doesn't often it still gets removed later on in their life, but surgically, not by jamming a penis in there...).
It's just a thin lining of the vagina that's more narrow than the rest, and it doesn't really break as mush as it just tears, causing the sometimes little blood loss.

That's it for the public service announcement of today.

last edited at Aug 16, 2019 11:47AM

joined Dec 27, 2014

I love this so much, hilarious

joined Dec 27, 2014

Every once in a while I come back to this and squeel just as much as the last time lol. Mezashi stays gold.

joined Dec 27, 2014

I like the double messed-upness. Usually if it's one-sided, it makes it creepy, but when it's both ways like this, in its own messed-up way, it fucking hits my sweet spot... God I love it so much. Of course looking at things from a long-term perspective and them staying in this dynamic ruins it, but shush.

last edited at Jul 26, 2019 7:18PM

joined Dec 27, 2014

Someone get these two girls loving and caring mothers stat! Hurry, before they rip that thirty year old woman apart between the two of them!

Ughh I'm approaching 30

Legit what I was thinking as well. These girls really just need someone to hug them when they're feeling alone, oof.
(Also approaching 30, yikes)

Don't worry, you can still be flirty at 30, just be sure to find your shortie before 40, cause there isn't anything nifty about 50.

joined Dec 27, 2014

KcaT posted:

What no lizard tag?

I came to say that >:( I'm disappointed!!! I want to speak with the manager

Congratulations, the manager has listened.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Love this artist's works. Thanks for the upload guys!

joined Dec 27, 2014

And she just comes out and says it, just like that. god I love this manga, so much plot and development and not ages of useless misunderstandings and hiding and confusion, Iike true adults. Though some actions despite them being adults. Absolutely love it.

last edited at Jul 26, 2019 6:27PM

joined Dec 27, 2014

Thanks cockroaches !!

Not something I expected to ever read

This made me chuckle

joined Dec 27, 2014

Really bittersweet, really loving it, interesting idea as well, since it's been nothing but zombies for the past few years, so this is definitely refreshing

last edited at Jul 22, 2019 6:16PM

joined Dec 27, 2014

Am I the only one that read "Much obliged!" in Reinhardt's voice?

joined Dec 27, 2014

I am loving this so much! I hope there'll be a sequel to the sequel, fingerw crossed.

Still Sick discussion 19 Jul 18:42
joined Dec 27, 2014

this shit is so fucking goooood
character talking to each others to solve problems
no BS misunderstandings
characters slowly realizing their feelings
funny and meaningful interactions

i need more of this right now


Yuri Moyou discussion 19 Jul 18:18
joined Dec 27, 2014

Lmao these comments, this series is just getting better and better though

joined Dec 27, 2014

I have trouble believing that Nozomi of all people would suggest having a boyfriend

Yeah, it was way out of character. Heck, the idea of this doujin to enable the cast of Love Live to discussed about involving in normal heterosexual relationship is pretty dumbass because it never happens in the original universe anyway.

I love your comment so much. 10/10