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joined Mar 24, 2014

That is the one thing about hentai and ecchi I've always hated. That and the misogyny. Having your female lead get raped by tentacle monsters is one thing but being disrespectful to women in general is just wrong.

Um. Are you implying that compared as concepts, "disrespect" is actually worse than "rape"? Been spending a little too much time on Tumblr?

Fuck no, I hate Tumblr. However, when it comes to fictional pornography created to get people off, the rules are a little different than in reality. Obviously in real life it is far worse to be raped than to be disrespected but hentai isn't real, its a fantasy created for the purpose of fapping. Because of this, rape in hentai is actually less offensive than disrespecting your female lead, as rape is an act and thus within the context of hentai is purely fictional; You can't hurt someone if they aren't real.
Misogyny on the other hand is an implication, an idea; it doesn't become any less real within the context of fiction.

last edited at Sep 21, 2014 1:41PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

That was a rather well done manga. Very nice and cute and I like how the main character actually admits to being a 'lesbian instead of the typical school girls acting all touchy feels but never actually going anywhere with their relationship.
However, it is the credit page that wins all the awards.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I have a fetish i never knew about

I can't say the same, cause at this point its easier for me to list things that can't turn me on than the ones that can, though I think it needs to turn you on at multiple occasions for it to be a fetish. If its just now and then its just a kink.

In other news this story was adorable and we need more like it stat. Friendship, nice characters, a little angst but not too much and kinkyness with none of the pointless melodrama or bad endings you see in so many love stories.

last edited at Sep 17, 2014 10:47PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

I don't know, I've just always hated stories that end with "She fails to complete her mission and becomes a slave to the monsters (fairies, in this case) for the rest of her life."
What the fuck?! That's fucking bullshit!

That is the one thing about hentai and ecchi I've always hated. That and the misogyny. Having your female lead get raped by tentacle monsters is one thing but being disrespectful to women in general is just wrong.

Your Fault discussion 16 Sep 02:11
joined Mar 24, 2014

Am I the only one who felt the senpai seemed to embody a lot of negative stereotypes about gay people?
She seemed like a pretty cliche "predatory gay" character to me, just saying.

last edited at Sep 16, 2014 2:11AM

Your Fault discussion 16 Sep 01:58
joined Mar 24, 2014

I saw the NTR tag and prepared for a shitstorm. Looks like I was on the money about that one.

Image Comments 15 Sep 09:16
joined Mar 24, 2014

Well Weiss did turn him down/abandon him in the most recent episode. And even if she is interested, that still doesn't rule out Ruby or the possibility of here going for another character that might be introduced in the future. There is such a thing as Bi-Sexuality you know. And Pansexuality, people always forget that one.

I'm A Fool discussion 15 Sep 09:09
joined Mar 24, 2014

Yay a sweet story! Now I can go to bed feeling fluffy (´ω`) Thanks NHFH scans for working on this even though you were so busy with LL festival xD I've been playing none stop too
And omg the MC went to Vietnam!! That's my home country!!!

Do you mean you live in Vietnam right now or do you mean you were born there but currently live somewhere else?

joined Mar 24, 2014

Not bad. Wanna know what the futures like in her world though.

Image Comments 12 Sep 07:58
joined Mar 24, 2014

In case you're wondering, Monty has stated that there will be queer characters and has hinted that some of the main cast are gay. In addition, apparently the entire cast thinks blake x yang is great. I haven't heard anything about weiss x ruby yet but I'll be sure to let you know. Also, Blake x Yang is the second favorite ship among fans, after pyrra x jaune.

As for the show itself I like but then again I generally just like Rooster Teeth.
To be as unbiased as possible I would say the show has great fights (duh, its Monty Oum) good music and that sort of cult classic appeal, plus decent, likable characters (All of Team RWBY, Sun and Penny most notably)
Be warned it does have its fair share of awkward animation, largely because its made by about ten to fifteen people. By comparison, a standard animation team has about 150 members.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I dunno about you guys but I love SOFTCHARM.
His work is so bad it's good, so stupid it's ingenious, and so horrendous it's hilarious.

Eh, I find his stuff goes past "so bad it's good" and loops back around to bad again.

So bad its horrible

Dynasty Games! 23 Aug 07:35
joined Mar 24, 2014

I got the first two Mass Effect games on sale this month, so now I'm living the legend of FemShep: Space Lesbian!

I approve of this.

Island discussion 23 Aug 07:29
joined Mar 24, 2014

so where did the girl come from? if shes like some kind of supernatural why was she raped?

Men are beasts and you cannot be in close proximity with them for extended periods of time or they will be unable to resist the temptation to dominate you sexually.

How can you not know this?

Amusingly, when it comes to Hentai you are actually making something of an understatement.

joined Mar 24, 2014


There, I said it.

Mama Mama discussion 23 Aug 06:55
joined Mar 24, 2014

You're pretty much right. Contrary to the idealized Japan envisioned by Japanophiles, real Japan is very traditionalist and collectivist, making them very conformist in turn.

I agree with your posts, but another thing you forgot to mention is change isn't just slow because perception takes a while to shift on issues, but because of their atrocious and unwieldy bureaucracy. Now, this isn't unique to Japan at all, most government are actually really bad at paper pushing an acceptable rate but Japan just takes on to another level. It happened several times in which the public opinion was in favour or heavily in favour of something but the change took years to materialize itself because the bill took years to go through proper channels.

So a lot of things we take for granted that we are protected against or for is not properly implemented into law as of yet. Heck, Japan doesn't have any laws regulating surrogacy... For a country with a huge problem with births, you'd think they would approve of anything that makes people have babies in any way shape or form.

Thanks, I'm sorry I didn't mention that.
I've never actually heard this before; my only real knowledge on the Japanese government is their stance on war and the military (they claim to renounce war but operate a "Self Defence Force" with one of the largest military budgets in the world) and the fact they have no policy regarding Freedom of Information, leading to a rather opaque government.
Oh and their denial of Japan's many, many, MANY War Crimes.

Is it bad that reading the phrase "Japanese surrogacy: Still painful" and then looking at the crying baby made giggle a little?

last edited at Aug 23, 2014 6:57AM

stay green? discussion 22 Aug 20:22
joined Mar 24, 2014

Nice, although I can't say I could ever take being compared to a sheep as a compliment.

But it's so fluffy!

Yeah and stupid and smelly and it will follow anything and...
Seriously, have you never heard the phrase sheeple before?

Mama Mama discussion 22 Aug 20:17
joined Mar 24, 2014

Going from manga, so probably wildly inaccurate by definition, there seems to be a lot of historical baggage in Japan that leads to a lot of marriages being more similar to business arrangements than what most of us would consider healthy marriages in the west. Which, if even partially accurate, leads to situations like this, "visiting marriages", the famed low birth rate, and so forth.

You're pretty much right. Contrary to the idealized Japan envisioned by Japanophiles, real Japan is very traditionalist and collectivist, making them very conformist in turn. Basically, you act like everyone else (or like everyone else expects someone in your position to act) or else you'll be shunned. So people get married just to fulfill people's expectations of them. This traditionalism also means their society doesn't adapt or absorb new ideas or concepts very quickly. This is believed by many to be the cause of Japan's “lost decade” in the 1990s and is the reason Japan has one of the lowest standings in terms of women's rights and LGBTQ rights out of any 1st world country in the world, because to elevate women and gays to a level of equality would require more change than their society feels it could handle. Well that and anyone advocating for women's rights or queer rights would be accused of selfishness, because they would be advocating for the rights of someone outside the “main group” i.e. the Japanese people as whole and that goes against their collectivist ideology. This means that people in these minorities often have to find different ways to represent or protect themselves from their societies discrimination. This means things like “beards” were a couple pretend to fall in love and get married to cover for the fact one or both partners is/are secretly gay are pretty common in Japan, were in the west these kinda things still happen but are much rarer, as homosexuality is much more accepted there. Yes even the notoriously homophobic conservative regions of the US of A are probably more accepting to homosexuality than Japan (and Japan is still more accepting of queer peoples than South Korea, were homosexuality and transsexualism are still classified as mental disorders. Actually Asian nations in general are very discriminating against homosexuals, with the exceptions of Israel, Nepal and Taiwan)
Simply put, its likely these two women are married to men solely to cover their own homosexuality and that they only ever had sexual relations with their husbands for the purpose of producing children and little else. This is Japanese tradition again, which believes marriage and children are a women's ultimate goal in life (why yes Japanese society is very sexist and male dominated, why do ask?) so having kids would be necessary for these women to maintain their “cover”.

Image Comments 22 Aug 09:28
joined Mar 24, 2014

And suddenly this went from "Amusing” to ”pretty damn funny.”

Image Comments 21 Aug 07:46
joined Mar 24, 2014

I find your lack of potatoes disturbing, Annie.

Image Comments 21 Aug 07:41
joined Mar 24, 2014

Think of it this way Madoka: The alternative involved the end of the world, as brought about by you. I'd say this is still a win, even if it hurts.

Mama Mama discussion 21 Aug 07:40
joined Mar 24, 2014

i found it very adorable
...........then what the fuck.

it was a good read, albeit the ending. ^_^

(i read some of the comments. it is definitely not just happening in japan. in my country it is quite a common occurence.)

I can't be bothered to read all the comments, what are the talking about exactly?

Also, still a better ending than Mass Effect 3.

Mama Mama discussion 21 Aug 05:38
joined Mar 24, 2014

Posted by Centifolia

Just in case someone would like to know, it is completely possible to create a baby using 2 egg cells. Its impossible with the current technology though. But someday....

This need to be done quick or at least in our lifetime.

Already has, in 2013. Am looking for the article at the moment, can't remember specifics off the top of my head.

Mama Mama discussion 21 Aug 05:34
joined Mar 24, 2014

Well this escalated quickly...
Exits room through hole in wall

stay green? discussion 18 Aug 08:29
joined Mar 24, 2014

Nice, although I can't say I could ever take being compared to a sheep as a compliment.

Citrus discussion 13 Aug 04:03
joined Mar 24, 2014

Wow. This is easily the most "blue cheese" manga on this site. That is to say its very "love it or hate it."