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joined Jul 22, 2015

This is more of a question than anything else, but why is it that images are uploaded every few days as opposed to daily like the chapters and one shots?

One of the staff, drpepperfan, largely does images based on requests sent in for images. Manga pulls from lots of different scanlator groups with uploaders with permissions on here.

Big clit discussion 29 Apr 14:51
joined Jul 22, 2015

Nezchan posted:

Nezchan posted:

This actually happens to transgender males on testosterone. It's really cool.

I can confirm that : a friend of mine, currently transitioning to male, made a post on FB about it and he had a lot of fun talking about that change. The shape of the nose and jaw change too. Masculinization of the face is easier than its feminization, because face bones (not long bones) can still grow after puberty thanks to hormones, but cannot shrink (except with surgery). Same with the feet and hands. They get bigger.

Testosterone's a hell of a drug.

Estrogen is too, but in a different way. I never knew various emotions and feelings existed until I transitioned and started E.

Well, part of that is suppressing the T, which is a very powerful molecule.

Indeed. T is so strong it was to be suppressed mtf and estrogen added. Most ftm can just add T and it overwhelms everything.

Big clit discussion 29 Apr 14:38
joined Jul 22, 2015

Nezchan posted:

This actually happens to transgender males on testosterone. It's really cool.

I can confirm that : a friend of mine, currently transitioning to male, made a post on FB about it and he had a lot of fun talking about that change. The shape of the nose and jaw change too. Masculinization of the face is easier than its feminization, because face bones (not long bones) can still grow after puberty thanks to hormones, but cannot shrink (except with surgery). Same with the feet and hands. They get bigger.

Testosterone's a hell of a drug.

Estrogen is too, but in a different way. I never knew various emotions and feelings existed until I transitioned and started E.

joined Jul 22, 2015

MakixNico4ever posted:

Well..I wouldn't be grossed out if i could take a drug that had the same effect in the female's temporary, what's the problem? You just solved the main problem of lesbian girls that like a straight girl, it really would be fantastic. I'll bet that drug will be so expensive tho.

Implying straight girls are interested in guys only for cocks. I mean fuck tons of lesbians use strap-ons. It's not the part, it's the everything about a guy a straight girl would be looking at.

Big clit discussion 29 Apr 02:30
joined Jul 22, 2015

Alkallid posted:


Dafuq, you been watching videos or dosing your friends?

Nope, I just have LOTS of trans friends. Most trans guys get really happy when their clits grow really big like this.

Big clit discussion 28 Apr 19:50
joined Jul 22, 2015

This actually happens to transgender males on testosterone. It's really cool.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Big clit, theres a lot of this out there on other sites.
Its basically Futanari without being Futanari, but really.. its just another form of Futanari.


About a webcomic... 28 Apr 19:04
joined Jul 22, 2015

Gah thank you for posting this. Even tho it was buried in another thread... I read this all to current. SO FUCK. GAH SO GOOD. SO INCLUSIVE. I LOVE THIS!

joined Jul 22, 2015

Demaar posted:

what... seriously...??
I wonder how high we will take this in the end.
Also, now that I think about it, shouldn't there be something like a "low/minimal amounts of sex" tag?

that can generally be found under the Ecchi tag

Image Comments 27 Apr 21:36
joined Jul 22, 2015

Chitose is too busy being gay with her twin sis Chizuru

Image Comments 27 Apr 19:55
joined Jul 22, 2015

I'm a big Kyouko x Ayano shipper. If Ayano can just get pushed a little, she'll be exactly like this gently domming Kyouko. One of my favorite doujins to show this is Magejun 31. I also ship Akari x Chinatsu very hard.

last edited at Apr 27, 2016 8:04PM

joined Jul 22, 2015

That extra, Ellen-neesan is all of us

joined Jul 22, 2015

I would also like to suggest a Rapey tag because honestly there are some really rape-like places where tagging Rape is a grey area that modmins have trouble deciding on.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Cyfer posted:

We've got a number of ... pseudo-series? Basically connected stories that share tanks with unconnected stories, and sometimes span multiple tanks. Currently, these are handled the same way we would a conventional multi-volume series. The advantage to this is all the chapters are easy to find, easy to navigate, and they have a single chat thread. The problem is that this ends up cluttering the author pages with redundant and confusing entries.

Ideally there would be a different type of tags for this sort of series—say, "Story"; then rather than displaying them their covers with the rest, there would be a list of stories (where applicable) before the list of one-shots.

Amen to that, especially Honey & Mustard, Office Romance, and everything which is really a series and needs to be put together into one big thing. The story proper is spread out over two main and one minor place.

joined Jul 22, 2015

People are saying how the protagonist is a pedo creep, but in reality she's just been admired and doted on because of her appearance so much since she was a little girl. She thrives on the adoration and attention people give to her. When loli shows up and basically acts like she's nothing special or noticeable, it drives her crazy and weakens her self-esteem. Thus, she resolves to not let the cute loli get away from noticing her.

Age 15 discussion 26 Apr 14:22
joined Jul 22, 2015

Shynaku posted:

she can call it a 'friendship kiss' all she wants we know what she really means ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
__(:3 」∠)_

Nah, it's just a friendship kiss. Then they'll start having friendship sex, get friendship married, and have a few friendship kids together.

Just gals being pals.

joined Jul 22, 2015

There needs to be more of this group pairing <3

joined Jul 22, 2015

Alice Cheshire posted:

gwennie-chan posted:

I had omnscient0 add in a nice code hook and implemented a new tweak feature that works on the Suggestions Status page. If you enable it, it only shows Pending requests, but not Accepted or Rejected ones.

Modified Userscript

When I get back to working on this script (it'll be awhile, I don't have an eta on that right now) I'll implement your changes as well, if you don't mind, in order to keep things more consistent. That way we don't have people running numerous different versions of the script.

I don't mind at all. It's nice to keep some developments centralized.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I had omnscient0 add in a nice code hook and implemented a new tweak feature that works on the Suggestions Status page. If you enable it, it only shows Pending requests, but not Accepted or Rejected ones.

Modified Userscript

joined Jul 22, 2015

Rye posted:

When will governments stop trying to control what people do/watch/read on their spare time? If it doesn't affect anyone else, why do they care?!

Indonesia is a very strict muslim nation that doesn't officially allow pornography and homosexuality and other such things. It's rather sad.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Easy mode - Use Tor Browser
Medium mode - Setup your own Proxy or VPN
Hard mode - 1337 Skillz

joined Jul 22, 2015

Galich posted:

I may not notice something here, but would it be possible to add an option to show items in lists by the alphabetical order? With the lists system being very neat, I was really surprised to not find this option, which seems like a no-brainer for me. Then again, it might be somewhere in a super obvious place and I'm simply unable to find it.

I also find it annoying that the lists order very randomly it seems based sometimes on when you add things and sometimes when it was released on here.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I want all of these.

joined Jul 22, 2015
should be tagged too, tons of pages of sex.

I believe this also fits the bill for the tag.

T-Spin discussion 15 Apr 22:31
joined Jul 22, 2015

One of the best couples ever. This has been on my faves list since I started here.