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Image Comments 25 Jul 10:27
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ Yeah but David win because he had God by his side, unless i don't remember the story well. Here God is the author and is by the side of Goliath aka the ship EikoxSensei. I already know i'm on the wrong side of the story but that's fine by me, i don't believe in God anyway.

joined Jun 25, 2019

How in the world is Uta a “coward”? She’s a high-school kid with a love that she and the person she’s in love with both think is inappropriate, her confession has been rejected, and she finds it painful to be around that person.

What is she supposed to do—stay and “fight for her love”? How would that even work?

Unless I’m misunderstanding your ambiguous pronoun usage— Kaoru is definitely a coward, allowing her one attempt to confront her husband about his apparent cheating to be permanently deflected by the lamest trope imaginable: a conveniently timed phone-call interruption followed by “I’m tired and going to bed.”

Suicide would be the most proactive thing Kaoru has done in the entire series.

I draw a parralel with Bloom Into You when Touko say Sorry after Yuu confess and Yuu kinda give up before Maki beat some sense into her. The situation is not quite the same here but i see some similiraties personally and in my opinion,Uta is running away because she is assuming Kaoru will be ok when spoiler she will be not. Coward is maybe excessive but you may understand my point.

Nobody say she won't get back to confront him. Because she was stop once doesn't mean she gonna be stop each time. I think it have been delay for letting Uta leave and be away when it happen. After that she learn it one way or another, personally i think she will learn it after Kaoru attempt suicide because Kaoru learn the truth of the cheating and be devasted to be alone again.

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 10:23AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

and yet it still doesn't have a single ACTUAL yuri couple!

So you're not counting Nezu and Ushi because of why again?

And Sarutobi and Torikai too ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

In all seriouness, the only thing who can make the story progress is either Uta found out about her brother cheating or Kaoru attempt suicide and for me it will be a combination of the two.

How about no?

Yeah but that's the most realistic things to do for the story to move on.Can't really see how Kaoru can overcome this situation : her sister in law who was in love with her run away (there no other terms for me, Uta just run away because she is a coward) and her husband probably cheat on her with one of her friends from all things. Given the atmosphereof the manga, Kaoru attempting suicide is not ridiculous.

last edited at Jul 25, 2019 9:54AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

In all seriouness, the only thing who can make the story progress is either Uta found out about her brother cheating or Kaoru attempt suicide and for me it will be a combination of the two.

joined Jun 25, 2019

In all honesty when are Uta and the neko girl getting together, the only reason why I can think the author would be showing her so much is because they are actually endgame. Kaoru prolly gonna commit suicide, seriously.

Who is the Neko girl again ? This sh*t is so slow i don't even remember all the characters.

tMnR discussion 25 Jul 04:39
joined Jun 25, 2019

Maybe I misremember, but wasn't there at some point somewhat of a guide for reading Eli x Umi chapters by this author in the "right" order?

There was but I guess they removed it, I was looking for it too but I can't seem to find it

That's literraly the first message of the The secret Shokolad thread

joined Jun 25, 2019

Full Summary of Volume 7 (and the whole thing)

So it's all always the man fault in the end

joined Jun 25, 2019

With how much these girls talk about getting stronger and more powerful you'd think this will turn into a battle manga eventually. Only Nako would be too lazy to fight tho.

Brrr... Needles. I feel you Genki. But also, what is happening to this cast?! The classmates are getting more eccentric and insane by the chapter.

We have Yamada to compensate.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Lilliwyt posted:

can anyone explain to me what happens in chapter 24 please?

Nothing happen


great summary. thanks.

In all seriouness It's just a side couple chapter and i don't really care about them to find it interesting

joined Jun 25, 2019

can anyone explain to me what happens in chapter 24 please?

Nothing happen

joined Jun 25, 2019

You know you're in for a ride when a manga starts off with someone punching a bear.

But you'd know you were in for a greater ride if it had started with seducing a bear ...

...a bear girl, kuma!

Got you cover

joined Jun 25, 2019

Aki saying she's the "straight man." Yeah, we believe you. ^.^

She is at least the straight owner of this gay zoo.

If you except Sarutobi, it's more a farm than a zoo. A dog, a cat, a cow, a mice, a monkey, a bird and a rabbit.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Is the anime worth watching, to those who liked this? I'll probably check it out regardless, unless it's cringe worthy. Aw hell, I'll still watch it.

No, the anime is definitely not worth watching. It's 12 episodes of 9 MINUTES EACH. I mean who take a manga and make 12 episodes of only 9 minutes.

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san did it.
Except that one was a 4koma.
And also actually a good manga.

Yeah but Inu to Neko is a 4-Koma and was only 3 minutes which kinda make sense even if i wanted more. NTR is a normal manga with 26 chapters with more than 30 each. They can have seriously done better than 9 minutes episodes.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Is the anime worth watching, to those who liked this? I'll probably check it out regardless, unless it's cringe worthy. Aw hell, I'll still watch it.

No, the anime is definitely not worth watching. It's 12 episodes of 9 MINUTES EACH. I mean who take a manga and make 12 episodes of only 9 minutes.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Raw Ch.24:

Raw Ch.25:

Two freaking chapters onthe side couple when the 2MC goes nowhere, ok then. Uta meet Kaoru's friend who cheat with her brother but don't seem the conversation goes anywhere. And Uta leave for real, letting Kaoru alone. Seriously i won't be surprised Kaoru try to suicide herself with Uta leaving her and her husband cheating on her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

You thought it was MakiNico but it was me Dio MakiHanayo

joined Jun 25, 2019

But man, it looks like Asuka is trying to make a power move in the new chapter. She's trying to find out who Yuu-chan is.

How insecure she is ? She never really express herself ,even Yuri has been more proactive on that side. I just want to see achapter focus her just to know what she think even if i don't really like her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Aki the zookeeper.

Image Comments 23 Jul 19:28
joined Jun 25, 2019

Didn't mean to confuse you. I had already put a rent on Mangadex about this ship in particular and someone had compare me getting against this ship at David (Me) vs Goliath (EIkoxSensei) with God (The author) at the side of Goliath.I already know that the ship will probably sell because it's seem the author will go that way but still i i can't bring to accept it.

I know it's sound to stupid to against the will of the author but whatever.

Image Comments 23 Jul 18:57
joined Jun 25, 2019

Anyway, like someone said to me, i put a David vs Goliath but with God on the side of Goliath instead of David. But i cannot make it work for me, it doesn't compute. It's a "Old man yells at clouds" battle but god know i'm stupid enough to continue to do so.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The only way they'd be able to change my mind is by making Himari have some sort of profound social/cognitive issue or some sort of personal trauma. A teenager who grows up without an idea of what romantic love should feel like is such a statistical anomaly that they should at least try to explain it somehow.

Idk, have you read Bloom Into You ? Because it's a similar case and as far as i remember Yuu never had any trauma of some sort.

That music is not integral to the story doesn't mean the characters can't have at least some form of connection through it. And I mean, Himari literally falls in love of Yori while singing

You answer yourself, she fall in love of Yori singing. Nothing more, it's not a manga focusing purely on music. I don't get why you found it bad based on something like that.

we need drama because otherwise the MCs will get together for reals and the story will be over, so here, padding

It's not a one-shot, of course we need dramas of some sorts to get the story going but i'm must say that so far the dramas have beenwiped out pretty easily. The misunderstanding on HImari's "love" and Yori's one could have take more chapters to get through and what happen in the last chapter could have take ages in others mangas.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Sorry for being pedantic, but I feel like fixing the one spelling mistake I noticed:

I mean, Marika has already said that one of the main(?) reasons she wants to go back to the other world is to properly break things off with her boyfriend:

I want to return to my own world and apologize to the one I’m dating. Until I do that, I don’t think either of us will be able to move forward.

She wants to get that out of the way before she does anything else (like start dating Lily).

Also, while it's more likely than not that her partner in the... let's call it "het" world... is a boy, it's technically not confirmed.

Given Marika searched her partner when she arrive,one can assume it's a boy because if it was a girl she should have find her given the world she actually in is a only females one.

New Game discussion 23 Jul 16:10
joined Jun 25, 2019

Serious answer:

They move in together.

That explain the picture Serenata posted a few pages ago

joined Jun 25, 2019

We have a thread for that kind of questions.