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joined Feb 2, 2013

It's Kokoro! She's one of the main characters in the plot TH 13.5 (Hopeless Masquerade, a fighting game), and the game's final boss. If memory serves, not much of that game has been translated yet, nor are there any plans to finish the translation.

In the game, her masks operate as a way for her to express her emotions, and much of the plot revolves around her losing one of them. Though by the end of the game, she has learned to cope, and express some emotion without her masks. She's easily one of the most moe characters in the Touhouverse. Here's hoping for some proper yuri for her before too long!

This story was cute. Could've probably used a bit more blushing, though.

very thanks, i forgot about the 13.5,
and yes, you are right, she is not only cute, but her set-up is really interesting, i saw some djs with her on gaku and i think she'll be the queen of the fan-base,
there's one with alice (my favorite character), but it's a comedy, not a yuri ...
i wish a traslation comes out, i always liked the plots of the fighting touhou

joined Feb 2, 2013

who is this character?
is from the last touhou? i didn' t play it yet, i was waiting the eng patch, i want to understand that little plot

joined Feb 2, 2013

Well, that took a quick randomness turn. It got me with the car.

because that bat-tub-like thing was normal ? i don't remember from what film it was...

joined Feb 2, 2013

how is Another ? the plot seems like something i like, and i see that there's a manga too; i'm curious...

joined Feb 2, 2013

this book was always more profound of other morishima's works,
it was nice to make the 2 story about the change in the relationship from only one point of view, but like this the first is indipendent

joined Feb 2, 2013

masochist X tsundere, the yuri couple of the year !

i really like this artist, and this work is too fun

joined Feb 2, 2013

nice work mugi !
but now it's the turn of mio and ritsu

joined Feb 2, 2013

no taeko's review this time...

joined Feb 2, 2013

i ship the daughter, w/o doubt,
it's one of the few age-gap story i liked

K-ON! discussion 16 Oct 11:41
joined Feb 2, 2013

and now i have to re-read all k-on... why there was this chapter between the recently added ?

i always think it's strange that i never seen djs with the characters of the last volume, there's the only love interest (eth) of all the serie, from the short hair girl, but some good yuri plot with the other 2 it's interesting, like mugi X the tall bassist (i don't remember the name)

joined Feb 2, 2013

that's a really nice cover, and story too, with 3 characters of touhous that i never played,

djs with komachi and lady eiki are often about ethical and religious problem, i'm happy to read sentence like "religious precepts are not the law", i'd like to show somenthing like this to that "great" new pope

Renai Manga discussion 15 Oct 16:34
joined Feb 2, 2013

i'd really like to see the ending of this, but not to early, i wish there is more than only one last chapter, even if it means to continue to wait

joined Feb 2, 2013

nooo.... that cover !
the Yukari Annunciation,
it's not often to see this level of blasfemy, that goes right away on my desktop

joined Feb 2, 2013

When I first read this, I thought the art looked familiar. Then someone mentioned that it looked like sankarea and I had to agree. Yet I'm only finding out now that they were actually different artists.
Either way, I still like both of them...even though I haven't read them in about a year or so.

on DR there is something from sankarea's author : Concerto, great short yuri stories,
an the name is Hattori, while this is Atto, that let you think that is the same, but personaly, i don't see the similarities in the style

joined Feb 2, 2013

it was different i admit... first time I seen asagi ryuu draws a girl with small sagging breasts. normally they all have big tits up to their chin and a big ass. So it was better in that sense but still, the anal was a turn off

it's true that the girls are more normal than usual, and there're comedy aspects unusual for asagi ryuu, that is always elegant and poetic in every situation, like extreme-watersport, rape or abuse...

and the fact that the blonde tried anal because she was sad she couldn't come together, makes the story sweet and romantic for me,

i don't know why this reaction with anal, i can only talk about het world, but it's a lot common; i never asked for anal to the girls i dated, because i'm the romantic type probably, and i'm content with normal sex, but quite all the girls i came out, someday asked me to try it,
i didn't looked down on them at all (differently from other people i know),
it happened they asked me to try it attive,..and passive too, but is TMI...

Dynasty Games! 07 Oct 04:09
joined Feb 2, 2013

i know this isn't a videogaming forum, infact i didn't open a new 3d, and used this instead,

i wanted to ask if someone have played Gone Home,
by the few things i heard, about the plot, it's not unrelated to this forum (i don't want to spoil), and the game is an old-school adventure,

there are contrasting reviews, i'd like to buy it (i'm not against pirating, but sometimes i want to buy), but i fear a trivial and banal story,

given the content of the plot, i was thinking someone here could have played it

joined Feb 2, 2013

i think dowman have to make horror even if he didn't want, his style to draw eyes is too perfect for zombies and the likes.

but i really like his more poetic works, like Doubt, the last oneshot uploaded.

and his sarcastics citations about videogames and films are always great: "zombies these days can run"

DODO discussion 03 Oct 08:09
joined Feb 2, 2013

Last Chance to See is a great book. If you get the chance you all should read it.

all my respect to Adams, his species isn't in danger, but already extinct

joined Feb 2, 2013

always one of my prefered yuri,
the art isn't mediocre, but, for me, it's functional to its role, that is to tell a story,

the parallel discussions on the board adds to the story some more reading's levels and point of view,

i believe it's true that is based on a true story, the characters seems real, and that, for me, is the only similarity with prism (even if prism has some comedy aspect that this hasn't), but i'm happy to see that someone still remember that masterpiece

joined Feb 2, 2013

great addition to the touhou directory of DR,

sakuya is always elegant and cool, in every situation

Vintage discussion 03 Oct 02:30
joined Feb 2, 2013

yakumi sarai is really great, but there aren't on DR two of his best story, the one about the buddhist temple is unmissable

joined Feb 2, 2013

beautifull... this is why i'm never bored by touhou djs

yuuka too needs to love and to be loved, but if a human needs those things to live, a yukai needs the same things to die

joined Feb 2, 2013

aren't they a little out of character ? ... just a little...

why make a dj with characters that are nothing like the canon?

joined Feb 2, 2013

so simple, but so nice

joined Feb 2, 2013

patchy... smoking is bad for your asthma, but is really good for your look,

there's a lot of touhou fan-game, it'd be spectacular a sandbox gta-like in gensokyo, or, better, a dishonored with sakuya who seeks revenge for her queen (remilia)