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joined Nov 12, 2020

Also,Japan has the age of consent at 13,many prefectures bump that up to 16 at least,and teens getting laid is common in all nations,so...

joined Nov 12, 2020


They just fucking ruined everything. It's gone, the entire series is fucking ruined. Jesus Christ.

This aged even more then milk,who twisted your panties?

joined Nov 12, 2020

Since 30k Yen can be simply stated/equated as $300.00 USD(current rate makes it 261.00),what kind of diamond encrusted gold plated electric toothbrush did she buy?

The answer might be a Panasonic,because the one bastard I found was more then DOUBLE that price.

And here I am with a sub-$15.00 USD one which was roughly RM 60.00 MYR.

Hah! Here I am with a free one I got from my last visit to the dentist!

Lucky bastard...

joined Nov 12, 2020

I think this warrants an age gap tag since this is presumably going to be 16 year old x 22 year old

I don't think they're going to get together. I'm putting a bet that the mangaka is going to be a more accepting mother figure, In fact I don't even see the series ending with the MC having a partner at the end.

What a day to say that this aged finer then the finest milk from the freshest cow two years ago...

joined Nov 12, 2020

Since the cringe factor has gone up slightly and people are talking about it again,here's your reminder that the whole premise in which the Alpha,Beta,Omega nonsense stems from,the so called hierarchy of wolves,is completely unnatural.

The man who did the research,and later in life regretted it,took a bunch of random wolves from the wild and locked them in capativity before studying them.

Actual wolf hierarchy is two parents and their offspring,of which the offspring will split off,find their opposite,and start their own pack.

As for the actual fiction that takes place,blaming a characters' lack of human decency on their animalistic trait of wanting to smash someones' brains out because they smell like a breedable toy is on equal terms of cringe as the mention that some of these stories include that "Beta males have no bell end and are impregnated by Alphas who have a bell end".

This comic,though,is the least cringe,and thank goodness for that,albeit the story as a whole is pretty straightforward with ot without the cringe factor.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Does this first chapter count as needing the Player tag because she had two friends with benefits over and now has a constant innocent soul to corrupt?

And this better get popular enough for more then three chapters to form.

joined Nov 12, 2020

sniff aaah... I just LOVE the smell of outcast characters meeting someone who is willing to listen to them and become their friend!

Sir/Madam/Madman/Both/Neither/Attack Chopper,please refrain from sniffing the loli,this is a family restaurant.

Your order of frogs' eggs will be done shortly.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Almost kissing your childhood friend is totally a normal het thing.

So is almost pushing them down and almost claiming them for yourself.

Now accidentally impregnating them whilst being the same gender as them is pushing it.

Not sure for attack choppers,though,they're pretty wild lovers.

Matazoro. discussion 13 Feb 04:39
joined Nov 12, 2020

Dark,self-drepricating,with nonsense on the daily and fun shenanigans,how could all this hijink-ary not be called a comedy?

And the irony of this,Even Slower Start,getting updated before Slow Start!

joined Nov 12, 2020

This is totally going to be a story where Natalia pulls the sword out of Saras' arse.

That or Sara will figure out how to pull it out of her arse.

Regardless,that is the typical way of the fantasy character who carries Skyrim levels of nonsense on their person.

You mean like this?

Oh my...shame though,no sword after 22 episodes.

Also,forget pulling a sword out of someones' arse,it's starting to look like you can pull the princesses' spine right out of her body.

joined Nov 12, 2020

It's been plenty of chapters before they mentioned that nonsense again,and it's pretty much possible for this entire story to happen without it.

At least it's so low key that it hasn't raised the cringe factor in quite the while.

joined Nov 12, 2020

wow got tricked really hard by the comments saying how amazing this manga was……only to find that one chapter has an kiss that changed NOTHING and an extra that screamed more friendship that any subtext yuri…….don’t read this for the yuri since there is none of it.

Girly love in ANY form is under the umbrella of "yuri" in Japan.

The so called "Shojo Ai" is just a product of the West.

So yes,this is yuri.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Oh baby,a meme.

joined Nov 12, 2020

This is totally going to be a story where Natalia pulls the sword out of Saras' arse.

That or Sara will figure out how to pull it out of her arse.

Regardless,that is the typical way of the fantasy character who carries Skyrim levels of nonsense on their person.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Damn girl,got hit by a truck and woke back up after solving a murder.

But before or after the application of AED?

joined Nov 12, 2020

Time to accidentally summon a demon from Hell when making magic perfume!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Gotta top up the supply of PTSD fuel for those 'Nam episodes.

Tis the a harsh place,Terra is,strengten your heart,you must.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Oh yes.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Author caught up,very nice.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I believe some people in the past said it was "he" but that no gender was assigned to the old pixiv account,the one that has long since been deleted.

joined Nov 12, 2020

The big ol' house cat has found a rabbit that isn't a donkey to devour.

Or try to,Savage do be swinging that hammer a lot.

But they also both have three block,so that's nice.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Pal, lemme clarify just so we can get this straight at least between us (because mods will surely come for me anytime now). My first comment was my thoughts and my second one, a quote on someone else's comment, was me being ironic. My actual thoughts are on my first comment, resumed along the lines of "this is rape and pedophilia and it's wrong"

Damn,it really did become 'Nam,a pointless war about fiction.

Also,pedophilia is for those who target 13 and under,depending on puberty,and usually pre-puberty..

Hebephilia is for those who target 11 to 14 or slightly above,usually in the midst of puberty.

And what we see here is ephebophilia,15 to 19,the late puberty stages(all three have overlaps with each other becauase RAGING HORMONES).

Albeit,it's probably just a case of horny sadistic lesbian beast who resides in a bar as their hunting zone who snagged two teens at once.

Which is still in fiction,where it belongs,despite the obvious aspect that it does happen in the real world,even as this is being typed.

last edited at Feb 5, 2023 8:50PM

joined Nov 12, 2020

Speaking of artist whiplash,FluffyCows' overly dramatic warning about Kataokasan is hilarious,because anyone who has been around long time AK players has found out that Kataokasans' works were among the earliest for AKs' global release,with Exuisai abuse becoming a meme,regardless it it was the large story,the one about a giant Originium slug,the Lappland one,any other one(some people have dug very deep just to find more Kataokasan works),and the small Originium slug one.

The important thing to note,aside from the far worse comic about post-mortem inspections of Ch'en and Eyjafjalla,is that Kataokasan was harrased by West Taiwanese players to the point that him and his family receieved death threats,no matter how much you dislike an artist for their work,attacking them and especially doxing them are massive no nos.

Kataokasan has since managed to come back against the bullying,which only fuelled to make him more infamous,which has caused even more people to read his works,meaning those who attacked him failed very much,a silver lining in this horrid story.

Now if only people would stop trying to upload Suffering egg laying works in the server I moderate...

joined Nov 12, 2020

Neat and all,but keeping up with the official seems to be a problem for Dynasty.

As seen here,the official website,the latest is seven,and eight is on the way.

joined Nov 12, 2020



The full Blacksteel plotline,complete!

And it's all tied together nicely.