About the 4th volume, 8 chapter - "According to Japanese superstition, people sneeze when somebody is talking about them" - We believe that in my country (Czech republic) :D .. When you're thinkin' of someone then that person gets hiccups and when you're talkin' about them they sneeze ^^ .. Nobody else believes that, just me? o.O
I liked how there was "They're both same type" (When talking about money) xD
And the last scene with "Pay up, this show isn't free" - priceless.
This manga was hot and has nice drawing, i like that. xD
Yaay! It's such a sweet story! :) .. I love Akari x Chinatsu pair since when Chinatsu kissed Akari in the anime :D This way Kyouko can have Yui all for herself. :)
I love how Sayuri always give her right opinion on those crazy things Senpai says and does :D (She's like "Tsukkomi", i hope i didn't misunderstand it :D)
If you're looking for something specific, browse the wiki not the boards.
If you just want to see random things that's available/being recently active you visit the boards.
I think you fail to understand how Yuri Project operates if you're wondering where anything is.
Perhaps if you actually visit their site you'll understand a bit more.
Well actually, i was there but i really can't find it. Never mind. I'll try again and again.