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joined Mar 29, 2017

This should be a series.

Who do I have to sacrifice to make that happen?

Several goats, a double ended dildo, blood of a poison frog, a severed hand, eye of tiger, and your soul I'd do it myslef but that last one is a bit tricky when I already gave my soul away for education.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Google recommended me this when I was looking up the song.......... why does life alwase redirect me back here.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Useless lesbian and another useless lesbian XD

They haven't yet awoken to the gay currently they are useless soon to be lesbians.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Sharkexpert12 posted:

Cats can't bork.

I dunno that I'd count that as a negative? Even having very vocal cats like my family does it's a lot better than a dog who constantly barks at anything that gets it attention, even if said thing is actually imaginary.

Being a dog person you can early train a dog to be quiet same with cats but it's neither here nor there.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Pyoro posted:

"Likes to look at videos of puppies on her day off."
Oh, come on! Seriously. Kids in manga these days. Always so freakishly prim and proper and ... boring.

But yeah, they are cute.

Cats are better anyways.

Cats can't bork.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Why does this have, like, five different dialog fonts that change seemingly at random?

Because random

Image Comments 15 Nov 00:55
joined Mar 29, 2017

Who said I was complaining I'm just surprised to see so much of it. I'm in uni good things are rare and most of the time it's 10 more mins of sleep.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Feel sorry for the husband in this case. Cheating is bullshit. Everyone gets a happy ending, except for the guy who is providing for everyone else. What a garbage story.

Who said he's unhappy who says he even wanted to marry her who said he himself isn't looking for someone else. It's Asian culture it's vastly different this itsnt an American story about how this guy loves her. Marriage in Asia is more about stability girls marry a guy who can support them and the guy just goes along with it generally. The guy himself he probly knows fully what's going on and simply dosent care there are people like that everywhere and applying your own feelings to any character fictional or real is pointless.

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:57
joined Mar 29, 2017

[Insert snarky remark about loot boxes] ya overwatch stuff :/

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:56
joined Mar 29, 2017

This is the third one in this batch of images....... I mean I like the ship but wow.

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:55
joined Mar 29, 2017

Can confirm altho the loud ones have one hell of an uppercut.

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:54
joined Mar 29, 2017

I don't even.

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:49
joined Mar 29, 2017

It's to make the director confirm the ship.

Image Comments 14 Nov 00:45
joined Mar 29, 2017

Yellow and blue makes green, green is the color of transformed Yayaka's hair true ship comfirmed?

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wtf is this universe

Best yuri universe

why does it need a massive chart.

Because every work is related to some degree

I knew the universe was big but I wasn't aware of the sheer number of couples and how it all connected.

Shoujo Sect discussion 13 Nov 13:26
joined Mar 29, 2017

I still don't understand how a hentai has a better story and character progression then like half of standard manga.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Wtf is this universe and why does it need a massive chart.

joined Mar 29, 2017

God dammit, I really liked this story! If it really turns out that Reiichi really was cheating on her, that's gonna feel cheap. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding (maybe he lied about being out for a few more days so they could show up in order to surprise her) then it feels even MORE cheap because it's just a fake-out for no reason other than temporary drama!

If he is cheating it was kinda hinted at early on with him feeling distant. I don't see him careing about her enough to surprise her honestly he felt like trash from the start. Cheap drama isn't this, cheap drama is drama that has no stakes and thus has no real value. Cliche drama is what this feels like it has stakes she fell off a staircase that should be obvious. The way it will continue after this will make or break the story if it goes the standard obvious route then ya it's going to feel rather played out but it could do something different as anything deserves a chance untill it shows it failed and this hasn't failed yet.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I can't see why people like Kuro. She's a nasty and selfish individual who does the bare minimum for others.

Oh, her perspective on love is warped. Yeah, so that gives little reason to abuse the affections of another. She's not unloving. She sociopathic. She has no god damned empathy.

People like different things. In general I tend to hate the overly kind characters because that's it they are kind because they are digging deep into the mind of someone who isn't is more enjoyable and vastly more interesting. "Reading about sane men is just boreing compared to the broken minds of an insane man"

joined Mar 29, 2017

Lesson learned confess fast or the person your into will assume you straight. (Or in my case asexual)

Their Story discussion 11 Nov 01:08
joined Mar 29, 2017

Now that the moment we’ve all been waiting for is out of the way, I do think that there’s going to be a whole wave of new drama. I was kind of proud reading the new chapter, of Qiu Tong but also of me because I was patiently sitting through 145 chapters waiting for one small thing to happen.

For me it feels like the whole thing was kinda dry in drama. Everything that hinted at some long winded drama just got brushed aside quickly in favor of random flirting or aggressive flirting. The whole thing kinda lacked meat but seeing as how the chapters are not long at all it's able to hold my interest for a few pages at least. If we do get some drama I actually hope it is meaningful and dosent just end with oh well now watch these two be dorks.

Image Comments 11 Nov 00:36
joined Mar 29, 2017

"Needs less clothing and slightly more tail sex" quote brought to you by my grandfather(he's 80). Yes he said that and yes he reads yuri..... I enjoy yuri and I have no idea why a slightly sexist 80 year old man would enjoy it.

Image Comments 11 Nov 00:31
joined Mar 29, 2017

Ahhh hate sex only slightly worse then makeup sex and slightly better then revenge sex. Kappa

joined Mar 29, 2017

I feel like at any moment any one of these women will come find me and rip out my stomach thru my mouth and for some reason I'm ok with it.

Image Comments 10 Nov 11:24
joined Mar 29, 2017

Norrmaly im ok with any yuri but im not so sure if im ok with this one for some weird reason.