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joined Feb 5, 2016

Sumin was mourning her parents' death, it's an understandable excuse to not want to think or do anything about the future. Especially since it was only a month

But Sumin seemingly/indirectly blaming Seju for being a part of the cause of her parents death was not understandable imo. I think, from Seju's perspective, she had been being blamed unreasonably by her gf for a month already. I mean it doesn't seem to be a case where you can stay by your lover's side, give them comforts, and wait for them to slowly get over their depression. It's more like a case where your lover dislikes you being by their side, plus, you could hear them saying it's all your fault. In this case, it is understandable that you would want to force your lover to move on.

Depression does that to people. They try to find a an explanation to why they lost something/someone or why something happened to them so they blame things (which can cause an anxiety - for example after a very bad car accident people can't even sit in an unmoving car for years or ever), people who caused it (for example - parents can kill the person who hurt/killed their child if the justice isn't served the way they wanted it), innocent people or themselves (this one is the worst case scenario because it often ends up with either a successful suicide or an attempt). In Sumin's case, she chose to blame someone innocent. Usually it's the person who is around you - in this case it was Seju. And I know it'll sound weird, but it wasn't a fully conscious doing. Sumin wasn't exactly herself or in full control over what she was doing and saying. Hormones, or to be more specific serotonin, took a huge part here.
What Seju should've done was stay by her side no matter what and make an appointment with a psychiatrist. She should've visit a psychiatrist too, ask how she can help Sumin. Or at least let her calm down and try talking again. But never push to move on. I can't blame her for doing it though since she had no first hand experience with such situation before. Even close families make those mistakes with their depressed loved ones. It's very rare to know what to do right from the beginning. That's why if she didn't sleep with that bartender, everything would've been different.

Seju was Sumin's gf, not her slave, she deserved some respects too. She didn't necessarily have to accept every single stupid blame her depressed gf was putting on her. It's been a month already, and was there a sign showing that her gf would, one day, realize that she, in the first place, had no right to blame any innocent person? I just want to say that Seju was not a rude person who has no common sense of how a gf should do for her depressed gf. I'm not saying that what Sumin did to Seju was enough for her to sleep with someone else.

If Sumiin was a little more reasonable person, everything would've been different too.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sumin was mourning her parents' death, it's an understandable excuse to not want to think or do anything about the future. Especially since it was only a month

But Sumin seemingly/indirectly blaming Seju for being a part of the cause of her parents death was not understandable imo. I think, from Seju's perspective, she had been being blamed unreasonably by her gf for a month already. I mean it doesn't seem to be a case where you can stay by your lover's side, give them comforts, and wait for them to slowly get over their depression. It's more like a case where your lover dislikes you being by their side, plus, you could hear them saying it's all your fault. In this case, it is understandable that you would want to force your lover to move on.

joined Feb 5, 2016

They're def gonna take two chapters of Sumin x Sungji having sex for the grand finale.
So subtract these from the plot too lol.


joined Feb 5, 2016

Ahhh, Haki from Miss Angel and Miss Devil is prettier than Seju.

I was curious I had to look it up but nah, Seju is more beautiful :p

No, you have to read the whole manhwa to see her real beauty. When I first started reading wdtfs, really, every character looked kinda ugly to me, even Seju. :'D

joined Feb 5, 2016

Ahhh, Haki from Miss Angel and Miss Devil is prettier than Seju.

What is that

"Miss Angel and Miss Devil" is a good yuri manhwa I'm following these days. Haki is a character who is a devil. I don't hate devil anymore. They are so kind and hot. :'D

joined Feb 5, 2016

Ahhh, Haki from Miss Angel and Miss Devil is prettier than Seju.

joined Feb 5, 2016

tbh I don't know what i will do once this manhwa ends....

How about doing what were you were doing before you came across wdtfs?

last edited at May 3, 2017 1:22AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Double standard.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Would you agree with this: "Seju might have slept with a guy and not be a part of that sleeping because her mind sure was not there (considering he was a total stranger and she's in love with Sumin.)"?

last edited at May 2, 2017 8:09PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Spending time together doesn't always mean dating. They used to be friends. Dawoon used to be an object of interest for Sungji in the past, but Sungji moved on from her. It was also too soon for Sungji to develop feelings to anyone else, even an old love interest.

They kissed in the car. We saw it as that Sumin and Sunhji were kissing, but we all know it was Dawoon and Sungji.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Opinion: view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Weak opinion.

You're entitled to your opinion ; )

You always have to explain why you come up with such opinion when people ask you about it.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Opinion: view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Weak opinion.

joined Feb 5, 2016

While Sungji was busy dating Dawoon. lol

It wasn't really dating

What was it? An experiment?

joined Feb 5, 2016

I feel like everything is going round and round in circles.

Just take Izz's opinions as what they are, alternative readings into the story and scenes to what you see.

No, i'm not worried. Just reminding people that Izz's opinions are just as valid. Take from that what you will.

Every public comment can always be called out. Instead of telling people to take any opinion, you should prove it right first.

joined Feb 5, 2016

The average length of my comments these days is 3/4 line. xD God helps me.

last edited at May 2, 2017 6:45PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

She's keeping those promises now. To both of them. And she always cherished important promises

If Seju wasn't hurt, I don't think she would still be by Seju's side.

And that is the truth. Her being in danger is the only thing that let her live in the house.

Her being in danger is the only thing that made Sumin have to keep her promise to be by Seju's side.

She was even ready to tell her to get out if Sungji didn't accepted it.

She told Sungji she couldn't ignore Seju. I'm pretty sure if Sungji didn't agree with it, she would secretly help or hide Seju elsewhere.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I feel like everything is going round and round in circles.

Just take Izz's opinions as what they are, alternative readings into the story and scenes to what you see.

You seem to be worried about things unecessary. There won't be right or wrong opinions, winners or losers here. If everyone didn't state their opinions out, there wouldn't be a discusion here.

She's keeping those promises now. To both of them. And she always cherished important promises

If Seju wasn't hurt, I don't think she would still be by Seju's side.

last edited at May 2, 2017 6:28PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Would she go to Seju in the middle of the night if she though Seju was angry with her? Before cheating, yes. Now, no. She did that with Sungji though.

When Sungji was angry at her about her cheating with Seju, she didn't go to Sungji in the middle of night though.

When she was in Japan, she thought about... Sungji.

While Sungji was busy dating Dawoon. lol

She apologized over and over again for what she did, pretty much begged to be together again.

Really? I remember she just apologized once only.

She's working her ass off for Sungji.

What did she do for Sungji? I think she was working her ass off for Seju's company.

And Pporonge loves her - is she the only person he doesn't bite? ;p

I don't think so. Pporonge hasn't met Seju, Nami, Dawoon, ... yet. She might be one of a million people he likes.

And she's still by her side, even after the incident.

Sungji did that for herself. She's failed to move on with Dawoon.

Sumin is opening up to her now. Slowly, but after so many years it's hard to tell everything at once.

We don't know if it is hard or not because Sumin never bothered to try to tell Sungji yet.

Just look at how they communicate right now. It's not warm at all. Sumin is all business to her. Short orders, no normal conversations. I actually can't remember when was the last time they had a normal conversation

Like in this very latest chapter, "Have you eaten your breakfast?", "Don't forget to eat your lunch.", ... ?

She told her face to face she pity her.

For being so hotter, prettier and way richer than her. lol

And Sumin made promises to Sungji - to never leave her side again being the most important one.

She made that promise to Seju too. Her promise is breakable though.

last edited at May 2, 2017 5:38PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Btw, what does the fox say?

joined Feb 5, 2016

I would be, cuz I've taken into account the fact that there are only a few chapters left.

last edited at May 2, 2017 9:48AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I never found such comments famous though. xD

joined Feb 5, 2016

Nora, you know, I have skipped reading a lot of your comments lately because I were lazy to recall things you were giving a hint about. For example, this one: "thus came the famous comment in ch70 about having Sumin". I hoped that you wrote that thing you called "a famous ..." down instead. I just don't recall what it is, haven't yet even now. My bad. m(_ _ )m

joined Feb 5, 2016

it's just u have to reveal much more about yourself when you are a bottom

I hope I could create a survey on this above statement. xD

joined Feb 5, 2016

You were talking that top/bottom implied Trust. Which means that not being a top shows that you are not trustable in your partner's eyes.

last edited at May 2, 2017 8:03AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I won't change your mind about what you believe to be true. It's just that I personally find the idea that one letting their partner be a top meaning that they trust their partner uncommon because we people would demand to be a top or feel insulted for beinh a bottom if that were the case.