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joined May 11, 2015

I still like the story and find it really cute. But even after reading it a 3rd time, that 2nd chapter felt awfully rushed to me. =/

Magan&Danai discussion 10 Feb 18:06
joined May 11, 2015

I like this story for the comedy... but for me it's more like 2 women living together and accidentally their is some yuri from time to time. Whenever the story goes yuri Magan ruins it. And while the story is fun, this is somehow pissing me off... =/

Image Comments 10 Feb 13:04
joined May 11, 2015

I'll call this marvellous painting: "Selfie with a cat" =3

joined May 11, 2015

This seems quite enjoyable. It reminds me of Sweet Magic Syndrome, but I have to admit I prefer the style and humour here. I also can't help but feel that this will deserve the subtext tag sooner rather than later...

agrying on that one - even if I've only read the first 3 chapter til now.

but it's a really funny and kind a sweet story. More of this pls. :)

joined May 11, 2015

awwww cute and funny story. I'd like to see more of this! :)

joined May 11, 2015

that's a really sweet story. I'm amazed there is only one commend (two now) on such a nice story with good art.

joined May 11, 2015

really nice story. I really like this pairing. But their arms on page 8 bottom pic are a tiny bit creapy....

joined May 11, 2015

This story is really nice.


joined May 11, 2015

1st time reading this.... read the first 2 chapter and I somehow really don't like Fujiwara... I hope this does get better somewhat...

Edit: Read it in one go and it was really nice... No I'd like to have more of them - especially of them living together and how they got there... =D

last edited at Jan 31, 2016 6:47PM

joined May 11, 2015

meh... that was a waste of time...

weird story and I really don't like the "drawing style" of this... seems crappy to me... =/

Lily Love discussion 31 Jan 08:26
joined May 11, 2015

Stalker-Boy is somewhat creepy... I hope P'Max who will come to the rescue is somewhat like that big guy in "Their Story"

joined May 11, 2015

Obviously he can't be her boyfriend. How could such a stylish and beautiful girl ever date anyone with such an god awful ugly shirt...

joined May 11, 2015

Only down side to this manga.. is that i get hungry after every chapter.
Still, very sweet story (in more ways than one) and i want more of it :D

Yeah... Getting Hungry after every damn chapter >.<

I never knew how much I want to eat raclette....

Also, it shouldn't bug me that much, but the flag on the front of the cheese wheel isn't Switzerland. :x

It sure isn't. But more amazing than using the wrong flag was after loocking it up, that this type of cheese actually exists.

Guess making the flag right would be too much of a copy and being seen as "product placement". But it's damn close already. cO

On another note: after the last chapter: why are we suddenly back to Ayari-SAN?

last edited at Dec 19, 2015 6:59PM

joined May 11, 2015

Sweet as always. But this reminds me: Is Legally Married Yuri Couple Book completed? I'd like the see more of them, but it got nothing new for over a year now... =(

Lily Love discussion 14 Dec 15:52
joined May 11, 2015

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen please line up for some serious Ploy-slapping.

Everyone has their ticket ready?

holds Ploy for the rest of you

please start and leave something for others to slap!

last edited at Dec 14, 2015 3:53PM

joined May 11, 2015

I don't know why, but that coffin seems rather comfortable....

also: sweet story. :)

joined May 11, 2015

Sweet. I'd like to have more of this couple. And I'd like to have more of this author.

Did I already mention I want more of this?

last edited at Dec 9, 2015 5:50PM

joined May 11, 2015

Ooo this series looks really cute the art is especially nice!! I just hope it doesn't turn into a harem as it seems like all these monster girl series take that route...

so long as it's a yuri harem I have no problems with it^^

but yeah. seems interesting and the art is nice.

joined May 11, 2015

Holy shit... Ô.O

joined May 11, 2015


I don't know what to think of this. The art is well done, and the characters seem interesting. The story on the other hand? I don't know... I personally have the feeling nothing happened so far and I'm somewhat missing the "yuri" element.

It's a "slow burn" for sure, especially compared to the pacing of the average yuri story.

If you're rather looking for "instant gratification yuri", then you may want to look elsewhere...

But if you like more in-depth character development and backstories, you may enjoy this.


Reading left to right is no problem, but I constantly forget these korean names or mix them up. [...] Maybe I'll give it a couple of chapter lead and read it in one go so at least I won't mix up the characters.. =/

Personally, I only got confused maybe once or twice in the early chapters. YMMV

But honestly, I think it'll happen much less later on, as the author ssamba does not make a habit to introduce a zillion random new characters.

The following things may help with the characters.

No spoilers since we're at Chapter 16, and Hee-jin has been introduced.

Ok. Actually those charts really do help. Thx a lot. I think I'll wait for a few more chapters and give it another go. :)

It's no problem if there is no "fast yuri". But this story just kept confusing me with names and characters. So maybe I really didn't pay as much attention as I should have. As I said: the characters do seem interesting - I just got the feeling there were to many of them since I got confused with the name. ;)

joined May 11, 2015

I don't know what to think of this. The art is well done, and the characters seem interesting. The story on the other hand? I don't know... I personally have the feeling nothing happened so far and I'm somewhat missing the "yuri" element. Reading left to right is no problem, but I constantly forget these korean names or mix them up. All in all not one of my favourite works so far. Maybe I'll give it a couple of chapter lead and read it in one go so at least I won't mix up the characters.. =/

joined May 11, 2015



joined May 11, 2015

While I'm rereading older stories from time to time, I came across this story.

Maybe I'm just thinking to much but since the girl Akagi saw in her dreams wasn't Kaga but hat the typical carrier outfit, wouldn't that mean that was actually Amagi? Her sister that was intended to be an aircraft carrier with her, but was destroyed before and thus never had a chance to meet her sister? Hence the empty speech bubbles and the pinky promise only for Akagi to understand to maybe to meet again one day? Hence the last sentence "she was there for me?" WAS instead of IS because Kaga IS there for her, Amagi was since she ain't no more...

Rather than a "sweet" story like mentioned before, this is really really sad... =(

last edited at Nov 18, 2015 12:21PM

joined May 11, 2015
Lily Love discussion 22 Oct 12:09
joined May 11, 2015

Insulin shots! Get Your insulin shots here! Only Now for Free! Take one get one additional for the following chapters! Insulin shots...