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Image Comments 15 Mar 22:57
joined Mar 15, 2015

I like this version of Shiraitodai's uniform. It's a shame we don't get to see it more; I suspect it's their winter uniform.

Incidentally, it could be the positioning of Teru's arm, but Sumire's tie doesn't seem to be around her collar.

Saki discussion 15 Mar 01:54
joined Mar 15, 2015

It's good to see that the series is being scanlated again, and I hope that the new scanlator can keep pace with the updates.

Kiyosumi's situation is unfortunate, and it seems their only hope for getting through is to get points from Himematsu so they can switch second and third places, not unlike how Achiga got through the quarterfinals (although in that case, they were actually second midway through the match, until dropping to third as a result of Kentani's surprisingly good vice-captain).

Image Comments 15 Mar 01:51
joined Mar 15, 2015

The shyness feeling seems to be mutual, even if Kuro's significantly more outgoing. Perhaps it has something to do with the taboo nature of their incestuous relationship (see the tags)