Well for a good while Sayaka saw Yuu as a threat as someone who she perceived as stepping into her sole territory with Touko. I can't remember clearly but it might not not been till Yuu approached Sayaka and they had their verbal battle at the restaurant that Yuu earned her respect. Then Sayaka started to become more willing to accept things and view Yuu being there as possibly a good thing.
I am aware. Yuu was in Touko's way, so Sayaka anatgonized her. I was just reminding BV that it was always like this, even when he read the manga.
Unfortunately we are losing stuff due to the poor quality of the official subs. I saw screenshot comparing a fansub and the official subs and the fan subs almost matched what is said in the manga while the official sub was completely out there.
It's not generally that bad, they always get the message across more or less. Literalism isn't exactly necessary at all times.
An example that stood out to me was (paraphrased):
Manga: "I wish I could think of her as cute."
Subs: "I wish I could look at her the way she looks at me."
Now those sound very different, but they are essentially very similar. Because the entire scene implies that Touko looks at Yuu affectionately and Yuu wishes she could do the same back. Her wish to fall in love with Touko is basically set up here.
These kinds of translations convey more the idea than the literal thing being said. It's irksome if you know the original line, but I don't feel the subs are misguiding newcomers exactly. If there is a really egrigous alteration, may you give an example, because I didn't notice one. (I still think the sub is subpar for altering so much tho)
Eh, I actually suggested something like this at one point, but I feel like the chance for something like this was predicated on Sayaka confessing first. Now that Yuu beat her to it, I can't see Touko accepting Sayaka's feelings. She knows she wants to be with Yuu, and she knows how accepting anybody else's confession after turning down Yuu would hurt the person she loves. I just can't see any possible way Touko could end up even temporarily with Sayaka at this point.
Does she now? Does she really know she wants to be with Yuu? Because that seems to be the issue right now. She subconsciously yearns for Yuu, but her mind doesn't accept that she needs her/wants to be with her anymore after the confession.
I'm just playing Devil's Advocate with that, of course I don't want it to happen. I prefer good writing. lol