Forum › Posts by BugDevil

joined Aug 26, 2018

man i read that wrong the first time

Wrong how?

Vanilla Hentai is best Hentai...!

I mean, that isn't wrong either.

joined Aug 26, 2018

BugDevil posted:

I dunno how it got to naming favorite Greek deities, but alright. Hermes is one swell dude.

Because instead of platonic, johnb wrote plutonic and they went from there.

Yeah I noticed. I was just wondering how one would make that mistake... or maybe just surprised that anybody here knew about Pluton/Plouton being Hades. lol
I love Greek mythology and ancient Greek culture, so this is actually a nice topic change~

Speaking of gods with alternate names, there is also Dionysus being called Bacchus even during the Greek era. I think most people didn't know that and just assumed it was only his Roman name.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I missed everything as usual. What that romantic vs. platonic love thing boiled down to is that johnb likes making his own definitions and treating them as fact.

I dunno how it got to naming favorite Greek deities, but alright. Hermes is one swell dude.

joined Aug 26, 2018

If the story must be cut in half, then the end of chapter 22 (i.e. the end of volume 4) might be one of the better places.

Yeah I also think Suddenly Suffocating is the best place to end it. It has the strongest emotion of the pre-play chapters and is a great cliffhanger. It's also the first time Yuu admits she loves Touko even if she cuts herself off lol

last edited at Nov 14, 2018 1:25PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

^ If the first cour gets to the play they will be adapting till volume 6, which ends all chances of a season 2 because what could they animate? I am sure yagakimi will end at volume 8 (Nakatani said she is 80% done), or even 7. Adapting 2 volumes and a bit more in 12 episodes seems unlikely unless they add filler.
I dont see how they could rearrange stuff either. This series follows a sequence of events and is structured by volumes, adapting a chapter from volume 5 or 6 in a second season after they did the play in the first seems difficult because these 2 volumes pretty much consisted of building up the play and preparing for it. I dont mention vol 4 because I think they will do a faithful adaptation of vol 3 and 4 in the remaining episodes, as the interview suggested.

Well first of all the resolution of the things that happen after the play, however long that may take. That could be very well 6-7 episodes worth of content. 1 episode for Sayaka's past and figuring out the relationship between Riko-sensei and her girlfriend. 1 episode for Koyomi and other bonus stuff.
Now we are already at 9 episodes and that's just a rough estimate. They could find ways to do it.

I don't think it would be great to do that, but it's still possible. Not that it seems very likely with the things we established.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The anime is confirmed to have 13 episodes, not 12. It's listed in the official sources and you can check there.
I am sure it will have an open end. In the most recent interview with Nakatani, she said they thought about giving it an original end, but since it may not set well with the fans of the original work, they will follow the manga as closely as they can. There's no way they can reach the play at this point, they are even animating the special chapters and the interview also mentioned animating the 4komas from the volumes. My bet is doing 4 volumes in 12 episodes (they seem to be doing 1 vol in 3 episodes) and finish with the last episode (13) featuring chapter 23 and closing with Touko and Yuu's date to the aquarium.
Plus, Nakatani asked fans on Twitter to preorder the BD and DVD so that yagakimi can get a season 2 which will give the anime a bigger chance of following the original as much as possible, so it's a fact that the first cour wont reach volume 6.

Before it was released I'm pretty sure the news sites said it was 12, but whatever, I ain't gonna complain about more.

That's what I've been predicting/hoping for too. The way the first 6 episodes were handled just doesn't validate a condensed approach. If that were the case I could have cut out several scenes already without much remorse. My estimation of how they could condense it is really stretching it already, so I am glad to see more solid proof that it won't come to that.

Well that Twitter thing means nothing, a season 2 can happen either way, even if they rushed to the play. There are ways to rearrange stuff to backload it into the second season.

last edited at Nov 14, 2018 9:13AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Typically they greenlight a season and then see how that does. If it gets good numbers, they might offer another season, but it isn't a sure thing. As such, the writers tend to plan the first season so that it has a satisfying ending even if they don't have another season.

The writers, working with Nakatani-sensei, have almost certainly structured the season on the assumption that this is their one shot. Incidental plot elements and side arcs are likely to have been cut down. I doubt we'll get, say, the bit where Koyomi goes to meet her favorite author. Some things will be cut, other bits might be expanded or changed. And that's good! An anime is digested differently from a manga. It shouldn't be scene for scene.

If we cut the plot points down to a bare minimum up to the play we got:
-Sports Festival
-Training Camp
-Summer break date
-Changing the play's script
-The play itself

If you say any of these can be cut out, you are wrong. At least if we want to keep the integrity of the source material up.
I dunno where everyone got the idea that this will be 13 episodes even though it was announced as 12, so I'll stick with the more pessimistic number for now.

We are on episode 6. Halfway done. If we had to spread those most important plot points over the remainder it would have to go something like this:
Ep.7: Sports Festival
Ep.8: Preparation for the training camp/miscallaneous stuff
Ep.9: Training Camp
Ep.10: Summer break and date
Ep.11: Yuu changing the script with Koyomi/Akari getting rejected for good (they set her character arc up so I doubt it will be ignored)
Ep.12: Somehow stuffing the entire play into one episode

This is ridiculously tight and cuts out a lot of stuff I'd like to see (Yuu vs. Sayaka confrontation, the rain chapter and Sayaka's side-quest with cafe owner and Riko-sensei), but it isn't terribly rushed. Some things like Sayaka's past or Koyomi's author date can be added in a potential second season or OVA without any connection to the timeline.

I just think that cramming it all into season 1 reduces the chances for a second season significantly. I'm one of those people who doesn't mind an open ending if the source material is there to finish it. I'd rather have a well paced and accurate first half than a crammed whole.

Touko: “If I love her the way she is now, then it means I would stop feeling that way if she ever changed. Right?”

Answer: Wrong, shithead. It doesn’t mean that in the least. Sure, she might change in such a way that you would love her less, but she might also change so that you loved her the same amount or (get this) even more.

For such a smart person, Touko, you’re really kind of an idiot.

[Sorry, just watched episode 6. Touko didn’t seem scary or sinister to me (despite the setting of The Railroad Crossing and Nearby Culvert of the Apoclypse).

She just seemed like kind of an idiot.]

That's the thing with insecurities and mental afflictions... they aren't reasonable.

It's less that she was scary and more totally detached and lost all of her sympathetic appearance, something we never saw before to that point. It's more about being uncomfortable and foreboding for the future of the story.

last edited at Nov 14, 2018 8:29AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Basically brunette was into it, but acting like she wasn't. You don't go along with that kind of request if you don't know where it will end up.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Dude got arrested for collateral. I think that's about 5 guys this duo has ruined by now lol

Yuri Moyou discussion 14 Nov 07:51
joined Aug 26, 2018

So the difference btween "friendship" kissing and couple kissing is an extra serving of tongue.
You learn new things every day.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Did Miyuu already know Sui is a girl or did she just try to hide her surprise? I didn't get that part.

I think that was just her honest reaction. She doesn't care about gender nearly as much as anybody thought it seems.
Though the way that scene was framed actually made it look like she appreciated Sui's looks more than that of her bro. Then she would rather hang out with Kano than go to a boys school.

It's basically an obvious hint that she is a lesbian and saw guys more as fun friends.

Image Comments 14 Nov 04:24
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Never underestimate the Bowie

Image Comments 13 Nov 13:54
joined Aug 26, 2018

^The ultimate shipper they need, but not the one they deserve

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:46
joined Aug 26, 2018

That thing does look fluffy as heck

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:44
joined Aug 26, 2018

Obviously she is tied up. Just another day at this castle

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

^It's exhausting after all

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Touko smiles a lot
On another note, this looks like the start of a dance~

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:42
joined Aug 26, 2018

Fate finds a way

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:36
joined Aug 26, 2018

I even thought it might be Pocky Day. Oh Japan...

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:35
joined Aug 26, 2018

Red eyes? That's new

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:33
joined Aug 26, 2018

The Phantom wearing banana hair is definitely... unique.

last edited at Nov 13, 2018 12:48PM

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:30
joined Aug 26, 2018

This seems oddly familiar

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:29
joined Aug 26, 2018

Fission Mailed, you'll get her next time!

Image Comments 13 Nov 12:28
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Puns aren't always actual words... But I was kidding anyway.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Sayaka is basically staking her territory to someone that she views as an encroaching rival, but she's also trying to persuade her to be helpful and cooperative, so it's a pretty complex scene. I think it was handled pretty excellently.
At this pace, I feel like the season is structured to reach it's climax with the showing of the play. They'll probably tighten up the preparations so that the plot of the play itself is more of a surprise to the viewer? We've got what, six episodes left? So sports festival, training camp, Aquarium date, culture festival prep, and then the play is spread over the last two, probably, with maybe the last half of the last episode about Yuu building towards confessing, ending on a hopeful note.

I really won't be surprised if they skip over the training camp. While a fun part for reads it doesn't have much impact on the over all story compared to other stuff.

They are building heavily towards the play, but that's what the manga did too. I'm entirely unconvinced that they will go all the way to the play, there is just not enough time and considering how faithful they were until now, I don't want to entertain the idea that they will skip entire chapters just to get there faster.

Just watched episode 6. I gotta say, Touko came off intensely creepy in this episode. Is that how we are supposed to interpret her in the manga as well? When reading the equivalent scenes in the manga, I didn't get the same vibe.

The entire conversation by the river and their walk back after the credits felt oddly suffocating, like 2 people deciding to go together on a trip using this ship that they kinda know is probably going to sink soon. Loved it. I do feel they should have switched the ending song at least for this episode though, to something less chirpy. Madoka style post episode 3 lol

Uh yeah? That was always displayed as a problematic/creepy scene, even in the manga. It showed Touko's dark side and how Yuu would sacrifice her own goal for the sake of staying with Touko. Although both of them are smiling and seem to be happy with their deal, in the end we are supposed to feel dread from the implications.

last edited at Nov 11, 2018 5:31AM