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joined Oct 22, 2018

You weren't actually serious about being an anti-establishment anarchist, right?

But, anyways, to give you a more serious answer, well... Short version: Yes. Long version: I literally have a video titled "Beginner's Guide to Overthrowing Capitalism" on my phone.

joined Oct 22, 2018

You weren't actually serious about being an anti-establishment anarchist, right?

laughs in bread

joined Oct 22, 2018

And I would have dodged it.


I see you changed your avatar.

I did it to match more closely with my YouTube channel and my account on discord, as well as to celebrate finally completing season 1 of AHOB.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Great to see you again, BugDevil! I swear, if Dynasty Reader was an actual room, and not a site on the Internet, when you returned, I probs would've been the first running to give you a "Welcome back!" hug, if I hadn't been sleeping.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Did the scanlation team drop this manga or something?

Nevermind, I just visited the scanlation team's site, they have scanned the next chapter, but haven't gone any further with it, I presume due to IRL pressures and having other chapters of other manga to scanlate.

last edited at Aug 30, 2019 6:15PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I somehow, reading the last few pages of posts, remembered how, about a month or two ago, someone made a half-joking comment about how Touko gonna moan something along the lines of

Eat my cheesecake, Yuu!

And I'm currently losing my shit because of it.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I ship Sayaka and Natsuki. I mean, you can't tell me Natsuki ain't a raging lesbian. I don't believe you.

I dunno. While I can see Natsuki being lesbian, I can't really see Sayaka and Natsuki dating each other. :/

joined Oct 22, 2018

but damn, Kanji is kinda rough to learn.

flashbacks of NativLang's 3 videos on Japanese

joined Oct 22, 2018

Well, thank you @Heavensrun and @shadesofgreymoon for the answers.

Ever so slight tangent:

But everybody falls on a preference spectrum, ranging from "I need to be dominant"----->"I prefer being dominant"----->"I can go either way"----->"I prefer being submissive"----->"I need to be submissive".

Hmm... so there is a spectrum in which I'm centrist...


ominous voice Somewhere, out there on the internet, JREG and his Anti-Centrist Movement are putting me on a list.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Isn't the top/bottom/switch thing a yaoi thing that people just kinda started using for het and yuri stories too? Despite not fully reflecting the reality of any of these?

joined Oct 22, 2018

I like this manga but...why do they never kiss?

Chidori would have a stroke and faint out of sheer embarrassment.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Post-coital morning-wake-up Yuu is the hottest Yuu.

More like post-Koito Yuu, amirite?!

Not gonna lie, that's one of the best puns I've seen in a while.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ The Nazchan-inator needs to be paged again. Anarcho-Balkan came to analyze (but not resolve) the situation instead.

Analyzation complete. Our best guess is that Kylerichards failed to understand the purpose of the thread. The second most likely option is that Kylerichards isn't actually a person, but a bot.

last edited at Aug 28, 2019 5:44PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Well... sorry to burst your bubble, but I mainly read yuri manga and watch various series, movies and documentaries on my phone, though I do read/watch them on either of the laptops I have at my place when I have the chance, and only on rare occasions on my grandparents' TV. And I'm sure at least some people here can relate at least in part.

Voluntarily opting for a stamp-size display is what's teknik'ly termed a personal problem though, and entirely irrelevant to the author unless they're specifically catering for such platforms. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah. But it at least helps explain to large screen users why people need time to notice differences that can be seen instantaneously by others.
And frankly, I feel like we should either drop this convo, or move it to Dynasty Café.

Image Comments 28 Aug 16:30
joined Oct 22, 2018

The vibes Mei gives off here don't feel very Mei-like to me... Should we offer her a Snickers?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Blastaar posted:

Reading on a small tablet or phone,

Well... don't? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But what if I check Dynasty on my phone and there’s a new chapter of something I really want to read?

What then, buster?

Wait till you can read at home at peace and really appreciate it? I'm with random on this one. I'll never understand watching movies or reading mangas on phone. I'm just way too used to doing it on big screen, especially after I upgraded my monitor to bigger one, even laptop's one is too small for me now. I just can't understand how anyone can enjoy reading it like that. But in few rare occasions when I was checking something on phone, I was zooming on panels to see them properly, but can't expect people do that I guess.

Well... sorry to burst your bubble, but I mainly read yuri manga and watch various series, movies and documentaries on my phone, though I do read/watch them on either of the laptops I have at my place when I have the chance, and only on rare occasions on my grandparents' TV. And I'm sure at least some people here can relate at least in part.

Image Comments 28 Aug 16:20
joined Oct 22, 2018

@Mogami Yuriko

OK, we won't.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Oct 22, 2018

Reading on a small tablet or phone,

Well... don't? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You can't tell me what to do!

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

Totally! They should have like a slice of life series.

Hey, I’ve already pitched the series with Touko as a school administrator and Yuu as the tough-but-fair P.E. teacher.

There’s the scene where Touko gets a dizzy spell in a tense meeting, then wakes up in the infirmary with Yuu by her side. Hijinks ensue . . .

Where can I read that?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Episode 6 (the season 1 finale) of my AHOB series is out!

joined Oct 22, 2018

En ese momento Shima sintio el verdadero terror.

Let me take a wild guess on what the translation is:

It's at that momemt Shima knew - she fucked up.

joined Oct 22, 2018

waiting for 4s translation before I start reading THE PATIENCE IS REAL

Come to the Dark side, read the raw, then the random fan translation, then read the Kuroshop version, then finally the 4s. DEW IT! :))

I usually skip the "read the raw" phase. So maybe I'm in the grayish side?

You're like darth Revan

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ If I were a mod, I'd abuse my powers and delete that image just because I don't like it.

last edited at Aug 27, 2019 3:12PM