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joined Jul 26, 2016

Being clueless, stupid and generally fumbling around is pretty much the natural state of teenagers, as is being rigidly fixated on dumb ideas with all the certainty only utter ignorance brings. If anything this lot is a cut above the average as they (are starting to) at least vaguely realize it, and the need to rethink things.

Ie. they're in the middle of the whole messy process of growing up.

joined Jul 26, 2016

By the way, androids are still humans. If it thinks like a human, acts like a human, looks like a human and considers itself to be a human, it is one. The only difference is that their ghost is piloting a robot made out of metal while we pilot a robot made out of meat.

That's some pretty bold claims to categorically make about questions heavily dependent on a number of highly complex and entirely unstated premises, not the least the technological assumptions behind the AI.

And how do you define or measure "thinking like a human" in the first place?

It's further compounded by how real-life scientists apparently keep moving the goalposts with every discovery that muddles the boundaries between "human intelligence" and "animal intelligence", precisely because nobody has a damn idea what is it exactly that makes human intelligence special even though the end result (i.e. very complex toolmaking, civilization, etc.) is blatantly obvious.

"Sapience, or human-level intelligence, is very difficult to define, but most people know it when they see it. Why it arose among humans and why it never appeared among any other species is something of a mystery. We naturally see all the advantages to being smart, but evidently it's just one method among many as far as evolution is concerned."
- GURPS Space, Ch. 6: Alien Life And Alien Minds

...and ofc Wittgenstein's chestnut "if the lion could talk we would not understand him" should probably be assumed true until proven otherwise.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ducks are official Lesbian Spirit Animals and no one is gonna take that from us.

They're also a bunch of nasty little gang-rapists. Just sayin'.

Slow Start discussion 03 Feb 21:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

...I can see why Eiko didn't just up and confess she was basically an elementary-school stalker. >_>

Also bet you Kamu would be happy as a clam as the "adopted daughter" of Eiko and Enami-sensei.

joined Jul 26, 2016

aranicar posted:

But why did she not have a belly button? Engineers forgot to give her one lol?

Idk if it is common, but in Heart-Pounding Excitement at Mononoke Girls' Academy the plot point was that youkai are not born like humans, so they don't have a belly button, so that is a easy way to tell whatever someone is human or not. Sure, scientist could just give her belly button to make her as human as possible, but I think it is referring that, since as a robot, she didn't have to be born from mother.

Yeah I get that, but it doesn't work as well when the non-human character is built so not having a belly button feels like a convenient plot point rather than due to the whole not being born fact.

'Course it would not be implausible for the in-universe designers to have sculpted her exterior specifically with this trope in mind. It has a degree of traction in the Japanese popular culture after all and might be helpful for avoiding the "uncanny valley" - or conversely help avoid the kinds of anxieties a too convincing "replicant" might inspire.

joined Jul 26, 2016

By the way, androids are still humans. If it thinks like a human, acts like a human, looks like a human and considers itself to be a human, it is one. The only difference is that their ghost is piloting a robot made out of metal while we pilot a robot made out of meat.

That's some pretty bold claims to categorically make about questions heavily dependent on a number of highly complex and entirely unstated premises, not the least the technological assumptions behind the AI.

And how do you define or measure "thinking like a human" in the first place?

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's a chaotic sexual tension here ready to go off like a well-shaken bottle of nitro.

Or a well-rattled truckload of nitro.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also maybe it hurts around that area because its a wired bra, like there's a wire-like thing running around the pad, little sister should have told him about these things first while choosing lol

She was probably... distracted. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

hang on, she's drawn with a belly button on the last page.

shhh, just assume its obviously fake

Could be just the contours between the abdominal muscles I s'pose? Bit of a weird external detail to skimp on if you're already going to the trouble of making your android (presumably) capable of digesting food - probably with some sort of "bioreactor" powerplant - tho.

Also this AI definitely needs some work on its human interaction. Then again that's probably what it's in the school for to begin with.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sayaka is too much of a gay cinnamon bun :c. I just want all of my little gaybies to be happy..

TBF in any triangular setup like this about the only way somebody isn't getting burned is going full Is My Hobby Weird polyamory which would generally be rather stretching the limits of plausibility. An amiable closure like this is about the best realistic outcome for the unfortunate party.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kuroe the blanket monster

"If it fits, I sits"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Being Hayasaka (either of them, really) is suffering. :c

Lily Marble discussion 02 Feb 12:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, my guess is she is the new manager and likely a player. I hope all the more innocent girls get out of the water now that a shark has come.

This is how land animals got started after all. :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mostly because there's no way Arisa hasn't bragged to her mom about her girlfriend.

That sounds about right. If Arisa was one of the leads in Hana ni Arashi she'd have proudly proclaimed the relationship to all and sundry before the narrator even got to the "it's a secret" part.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Exorcism through MUSCLES!!

Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon!

─Sir Terry Pratchett

Eh, the traditional method for dealing with cultists and lesser Mythos entities in Chaosium's old Call of Chthulhu tabletop largely boiled down to "shotgun and dynamite"...

joined Jul 26, 2016

If you didn't know Kozue basically sees Aya as a younger sister you'd be forgiven for thinking she's totally coming on to her...

Lily Marble discussion 02 Feb 08:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Okay deep breaths now, she's a girl, just treat her- ohshit I'm still horny what was Plan B?!"*
Iwashita is a gift.

*The audience suggests "ask her out already" o3ob

Abs-duction discussion 01 Feb 20:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

Why the heck would they both go through the rest of their school career without even speaking to each other? How is that even possible if there was some attraction? :x

Probably M A X I M U M A W K S after that whole abs-olutely disgusting episode which took a turn to the weird and which neither quite knew what to think of nevermind now what the other thought of it. And since they apparently didn't "naturally" cross paths otherwise...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm a dumb noob, please teach me how to post images, o knowledgeable one.

This thread is pinned for a reason.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well that got awkward quickly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Did she just Mr X the crap out of that Lamia?

Torako's more or less a Muscle Wizard by this point. Or "Physical Damage Mage" as Fu Hua puts it in the current Honkai Impact seasonal.

joined Jul 26, 2016

bodevanlot posted:


Anywhomst, nice to see this pop up again.

"Whomst" is apparently a made up word. But meaningful anyway.

Aren't all words made up?

Technically yes. There's the minor matter of "established and generally recognised meaning" though.

Unless you are speaking Danish, where nothing has an established or recognized meaning and everyone just makes weird sounds in hoping to get their message across. Kamelåså.

"We need help."

joined Jul 26, 2016

bodevanlot posted:


Anywhomst, nice to see this pop up again.

"Whomst" is apparently a made up word. But meaningful anyway.

Aren't all words made up?

Technically yes. There's the minor matter of "established and generally recognised meaning" though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Imagine being upset at an absurdist satire of lurid romance-drama clichés like it was some kind of serious social commentary.

joined Jul 26, 2016

As I believe Sigmund Freud once said, sometimes a panty shot is just a panty shot.

Ya, there's a bit of an excess of those. I kind of just tune out most of them, which is my SOP with the more annoyingly gratuitous fanservice bits in general.