Gotta love how dismissive some people were when I speculate that aki was gonna blame herself and probably gonna be the one to apologize
Even if it's clear to everyone that all of shiho s struggles are self inflicted, I legit think Takeshima eku is trying to convince people that they aren't and that she isn't at fault
Yea, ive seen several people in this thread claim with full confidence that takeshima will absolutely show shiho as the one at fault and have her apologize/repent, but honestly i think theres a legitimate chance that wont happen. It might well be a "both sides made mistakes" thing if even that. Alot of manga in general can be really bad at having their characters take accountability, having them commit misdeeds of varying severity and then get away if a quick "sorry" if even that. (Like a chapter i recently read, not sure if on here, had a character try to push another character down the stairs and then was like "sorry, i was jelous" and every1 is like yea that checks out)
"Snow Thaw & Love Letter," I believe.
Although I feel I need to point out that she did not do this out of jealousy. She wasn't even really a fan of the "prince". She just thought the new girl was trying to come between what she mistakenly thought was a happy couple. Not that this excuses what she was trying to do, but it's certainly much easier to forgive. Spoiler tagged out of respect for those who might not have read it.
But I can see how someone who misunderstood that chapter despite it being literally spelled out for you would have trouble understanding Aki's situation.
Aki's response has a least a little of that (to me) weird Asian narrative trope (if not cultural norm--I have no idea if it's real) of taking on second or third-hand responsibility/guilt when bad things happen. I see it in Kdramas all the time: "If I hadn't had something else to do I could have gone shopping with my friend downtown, but instead she went to the mall and got picked up by a serial killer, so her death was my fault."
The fact that Shiho never confessed to Aki and Aki never confessed to Iori makes the central romantic-angst conflict rather ridiculous. We seem to have at least started down the path of characters apologizing for failing to perceive what the other characters have steadfastly avoided telling them.
Which is why I'm glad you have properly explained why just because Aki feels guilty about this, it doesn't mean the author is actually holding her responsible.
last edited at Mar 20, 2023 12:50PM