I give up before the anger kill me. I feel like the only one who want Kaoru/Uta ending. Again everybody seem to don't give a fuck about what will happen to Kaoru in the end. No matter what you said, you just care about baby girl MC and Kaoru is left alone, by both her family and the readers. "She've done nothing" about what ? Reiichi's cheating ? Urgh well TMnr conveniantly dodge the issueto make Uta leave without remorse. As for Uta's feelings, she handle it the best she can in the situation she was in. Yes Kaoru is delusional and i want her to step up. I really wish that not only she confront Reiichi about her cheating but she was the one to go search Uta from her parents.
It might be the last time i answer because i grow tired of answering the same thing everytime.