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joined Feb 28, 2013

Where's the nsfw in the latest chapter? :(

Aren't the tags set for the collection?

joined Feb 28, 2013

Wow... I went from smiling like a goof, to lipwibbles.

Also, I think this is Vivit Gray too.

joined Feb 28, 2013

And now I'm dead from adorable!

joined Feb 28, 2013

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

You are now my hero.

I love her work and all but seriously "the idiot and the woob" is her niche.

The fuck's a woobie?

"A "woobie" is a name for any type of character who makes you feel extremely sorry for them. Basically, the first thing you think to say when you see the woobie is: "Aw, poor boy!" Woobification of a character is a curious, audience-driven phenomenon, sometimes divorced from the character's canonical morality." (from TV Tropes)

The woobie in question is Mari from Girl Friends.

joined Feb 28, 2013

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

You are now my hero.

I love her work and all but seriously "the idiot and the woob" is her niche.

Hana no Iro discussion 05 Jun 19:10
joined Feb 28, 2013

I really loved this. Like a few others have said, it's easy-going, yet doesn't fall into the usual traps of hentai. I really dig the idea of the Film Club being this secret haven for young lesbians. It's definitely a fun read, but I do have to agree that some of the characters look far too much alike.

joined Feb 28, 2013

GAH!!! I NEED part 6 of this! I need to know what happened!!

I wasn't sure if I'd get into it, since I love the Reimu/Yukari ship the most (when it comes to Reimu, Alice/Marisa is my favorite Touhou pairing), but it's been so sweet, fun and adorable. But this cliffhanger is killing me.

There's soft-edited danbooru versions of the next couple chapters floating around.


joined Feb 28, 2013

GAH!!! I NEED part 6 of this! I need to know what happened!!

I wasn't sure if I'd get into it, since I love the Reimu/Yukari ship the most (when it comes to Reimu, Alice/Marisa is my favorite Touhou pairing), but it's been so sweet, fun and adorable. But this cliffhanger is killing me.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Am I the only one who thinks Satori's (I may have gotten which one it is wrong, I'm new to Touhou) "dark side" is kinda rocking the Saber Alter look?

joined Feb 28, 2013

I'm still curious as hell as to who Nadeshiko's in love with. I know it's Yuru Yuri, so I know it'll most likely never be mentioned... but c'mon, throw a chick a bone here.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I'm not sure how the sadness is "open to interpretation" since the tanned girl is crying on page 15. Granted, without the chapters and chapters of sadness (like Sasameki Koto), I'm not sure if the angst tag works, but it's a little bittersweet to me.

MariAli discussion 02 May 06:00
joined Feb 28, 2013

Being totally honest, was crying through the entire last chapter. This was my first Touhou doujin.