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joined Mar 6, 2021

^ Thanks, I'll check it out!
I've actually heard of this one before, but I forgot about it somehow XD

I can't seem to find it anywhere with a decent video quality... Now I'm sad :(
My most trusted illegal anime websites have betrayed me...

(By decent video quality I mean 720p btw)

joined Mar 6, 2021

^ Thanks, I'll check it out!
I've actually heard of this one before, but I forgot about it somehow XD

joined Mar 6, 2021

For me the "point of no return", as you put it, was already in File 11, which is the end of volume 3, where Toriko confesses. From then on things start escalating and with each file it gets gayer and gayer lol

Fair enough. I guess I’ve just seen too much disk horse about “shippers read too much into things” or “stop trying to make everything gay” or “that’s not real rep, it’s just queer baiting” that I figure I needed something more intense than just a love confession to convince other people it’s “real” yuri. And tongue action certainly seems intense enough to convince even the most annoying of people.

I guess I can understand what you mean. I've definitely held myself back from seeing characters as a possible couple before, because I was afraid of becoming one of those "annoying shippers"... But for this particular work, it was already so blatantly gay that I don't think it was much of an issue XD

joined Mar 6, 2021

Lately, I've gotten into older yuri(-ish) anime.
I've already watched Kannazuki no Miko, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Oniisama e... and Maria-sama ga Miteru, but I need more. It doesn't necessarily have to be an anime, manga and even light novels are also accepted (though I admit I have a lot of fun with bad old animation... Oniisama e was such a blessing in that department lol).

Genre doesn't really matter, though I'd like to see more with a school setting. Subtext and Class S are very much welcome (especially the latter —yes, I'm weird like that). The only requirement is for them to be old, really... or to at least have a sort of old-fashioned writing style. The one thing I'm not very keen on is mahou shoujo stuff: unless it is actual yuri or very heavy subtext (like, super duper heavy), and the relationship is very relevent to the plot.... Then don't bother recommending those at all.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Though, what was that about Yumi waiting for a text from Nanase all night, when they've already said goodnight to each other? That was a bit silly.... Or am I not getting something?

It said in the previous chapter here:

that every month on their anniversary day, Nanase would send her a message on "Rine" at midnight. That's why she was waiting for a message from her all night.

Oh, that's fair then.
I was thinking that Nanase could just message her the next morning, so I was confused about why she had been waiting like that lol
But I guess it makes sense since it was something that they always did, I had forgotten about that.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Does anyone know what the symbolism of the tangerine is, that the translator reffers to?

I think they're talking about tangerines being gay, because of citrus. I only saw this being discussed among others before (I don't remember where), so I'm not 100% certain, but I think that's it.

@Iski123 I assume their schools dont have fancy names, each district just calls its schools middle school 1, middle school2, etc- so people just say 'im from middle school 4' or whatever.

That's how it is in my country as well. Or rather, (most) schools do have fancy names, but nobody actually uses them –people just call them with numbers, like they do in this manhua. For example, my elementary school was named after a historical figure, but everyone just called it "the 13th elementary of [district]" . Using the names is so uncommon, that I'm not sure if my middle school even had a name lol

joined Mar 6, 2021

Sometimes I have this urge of slapping Toriko no matter how much I like her. I just want them to stop and just go to the yuri romance route instead

Don’t worry, the yuri is coming. . . Eventually. . . We’re like, half way there. . .

Do you know which chapter?
Personally I don't mind spoilers here because I like the manga formatting way more than the LN, so when the manga catches up (after 3 years :D) it will be refreshing to see it drawn too.
Yuri aside, I think this story is underrated though.

We are currently at the beginning of “Case File 8.” The specific moment I’m thinking of is at the end of Case File 15, where Toriko starts making out with Sorawo to calm her down after some real freaky shit. Like I_am_nemo said earlier, it kinda gets gradually more romantic as the story progresses, but I consider the make-out session to be sorta the point of no return. Before then there was room for the author to backpedal (if he was a coward; thankfully he ain’t).

For me the "point of no return", as you put it, was already in File 11, which is the end of volume 3, where Toriko confesses. From then on things start escalating and with each file it gets gayer and gayer lol

joined Mar 6, 2021

Also, is there any notification of replies on dynasty Android website? I would like to know about that as well.

Thank you in advance.

There isn't, but you could go to the help thread to ask more, or to suggest this feature be added to the site.

joined Mar 6, 2021

this manga is shit, i dropped it at the "i love you senpai but it's not romance love" part

this is shit

How are you here if you dropped it back then?
Genuinely curious

joined Mar 6, 2021

Were they really training all day though...? It was made pretty clear that they went out after practice, and this discussion probably took place at around 16:30, so I think it can be inferred that they practiced in the afternoon and then went out in the evening. And honestly, that was the last straw for me, regarding Nanase: not only does she not contact her, but she also says that she has nothing to do and just goes out with her teammates?! Even setting aside the anniversary, can she not go on a date with her girlfriend, when she already spends this much time with her volleyball team?!

Though, what was that about Yumi waiting for a text from Nanase all night, when they've already said goodnight to each other? That was a bit silly.... Or am I not getting something?

last edited at Oct 23, 2021 4:41PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

Well, maybe Suzu is oblivious and whatnot, but how can she not be when in the very first panel Kasumi presents herself as her "little sister", to the point that I would imagine 90% of readers assume she really is one.

Lol I was one of those readers

Actually, my exact thoughts were:
You can't be her sister! You don't even have the same hair colour!?
(Cause, you know, clearly all siblings have exactly the same hair or face or something –manga authors should know this better than anyone lol)

Yuri List 22 Oct 16:39
joined Mar 6, 2021

May I also suggest "Pandora's Devils"? by momozerii
It's on tapas (ongoing) and it's pretty cool

Or more like, it's awesome
Go read it people!

The link

last edited at Oct 22, 2021 4:43PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

The last four chapters have completely taken me out of the story, Hima trying to make Shiho and Aki get along, Shiho’s unsympathetic backstory, and Shiho taking advantage of Hima’s idiocy are all terrible developments to the story.

Shiho's unsympathetic backstory was gold though

And if it actually turns out that Shiho left the band because she was in love with Aki, but was unrequited because Aki was in love with Yori, I will be INCREDIBLY PISSED. That is such a predictable and boring scenario that it completely brings down the story for me. In that scenario, the biggest conflict could literally be resolved if Shiho says “I like you.” That’s just bad storytelling. And if Shiho and Aki somehow get together in the end, then that would just be a slap in the face.

I agree completely with this. It's not like I can't imagine this type of manga to actually reveal that that was basically the reason she quit, but perhaps this is exactly where the problem lies: it is too predictable a development for this story, which makes it rather uninteresting. And, yes, I definitely wouldn't want to see them get together, but for some reason I feel like the author won't go that way in the end...? Or maybe I just hope so lol

joined Mar 6, 2021

Oh, it's so precious like looking a gemstone... if the gemstones were made of little puppies.

Edit: I mean, like the gemtones if you put them in a microscope, you will see millions of little adorable puppies

I like how you thought to clarify lol
I hadn't actually imagined anything else before reading the edit, but when I realized how weirdly the "gemstones made of puppies" could be read as, it was very funny XD

joined Mar 6, 2021

I'll just have to wait for chapter 10 to see if it really continues from where chapter 1 left off, I guess...?

Well, chapter 10 really does seem to be the direct continuation of chapter 1, so I suppose that's that about the timeline thing. I still feel that the author could have done a better job with that, though. The passage of time, the change of the seasons, none of it was properly conveyed to the reader, I think.

I feel like I wanted to talk about something else too, but I'm forgetting what it was.... Oh well

Image Comments 17 Oct 17:37
joined Mar 6, 2021

Lol nice one
I can only imagine the struggle of having to maintain the perfect devil look...
Homura, don't give up!

last edited at Oct 19, 2021 4:46PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

I love how the translator took the time to give an explanation about the timeline, it's always fun to interact (even if indirectly) with the people who are working on the series!

I can kinda see how the first chapter could fit here perhaps... But doesn't the school year in China start in September?? And the first chapter was set in June, which would mean that that incident happened towards the end of the year. Has almost a whole year passed since chapter 2? Cause I didn't really get that impression....

Whatever, I don't even know why I'm so hung up on this lol
I'll just have to wait for chapter 10 to see if it really continues from where chapter 1 left off, I guess...?

last edited at Oct 17, 2021 4:40PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

This newest chapter seems to be fairly solid evidence against the "none of the girls are serious/they all have ulterior motives" theory, love that. Roommate seems to be fairly possessive and Riri is already head-over-heels for our MC as well. Now that's promising :D

Yeah... Somehow I'm both happy and disappointed about this..

Anyway, I liked Riri,
but I'm still rooting for the roommate, I think

joined Mar 6, 2021

I always find it kind of... weird? funny? when characters in manga/anime say something like this about the high school they're attending, because in my country there aren't any high school entrance exams; so, "because it was close by" is literally everyone's reason for attending a particular high school lol (apart from a few exceptions, of course).

Anyway, really liking this so far. It felt as if it took a bit too long for the protagonist to understand her feelings, but I binge read this, so it doesn't matter that much to me XD

The hairstyles (Nagisa's, especially) remind me of Takeshima Eku's art. Regardless, the art is great and the designs are very cute.

Since I was talking about Nagisa's hair, I should also mention that it's a bit funny how she said in the beginning that she dyed her hair to look like a delinquent. I mean, she's always talking about studying and gets perfect scores on tests... What kind of delinquent is that?!
You ain't fooling nobody, girl

On a side note, this is exactly what I'm like when it comes to horror movies. lol

last edited at Oct 14, 2021 4:02PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

In some other, more slapstick comic it would turn out that actually she kind of sucks at basketball.

I'd like to see that, to be honest. That would also explain why we never saw the ball go through the hoop XD

joined Mar 6, 2021

C: She's shipping people!!!!"

....uh, I feel like I've done that

joined Mar 6, 2021

@RadiosAreObsolete If we are talking when ch1 is set, it seems to be early on but AFTER the other chapters so far-
but tbh I think what that is is a more or less stand alone chapter- it was probably the test chapter that got the ok to become a serial and then the author kinda starts again, and thus they dont really fit great.

Yeah, that was more or less my conclusion as well, though I guess I didn't make it quite clear with my post. Seeing how the narrative is pretty much linear since chapter 2, I kinda decided to erase chapter 1 from my mind and just see it as an alternate first meeting side story lol

Edit, cause I forgot to talk about the chapter:
I'm still kind of annoyed at Yanxing's request. If you want to go against your parents, you'll need to confront them yourself, not ask others to help you deceive them, so that they won't have a choice but to accept your decision. Is that really brave of her? It'd say it's rather cowardly and immature. I'd don't know if I'm just not a good friend XD, but I don't believe this is a favor you should ask of a friend, nor one a friend should grant you. It really is "a presumptuous request".

On an unrelated note, I feel like we were left hanging with that ball... DID IT EVER GO THROUGH THE HOOP??

last edited at Oct 13, 2021 6:59PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

"...could you help me deceive my parents?"
Girl, no.

Okay, I don't really understand what's going on anymore. In the first chapter they barely knew each other, right? And since the last few chapters all take place right after they enter high school and meet for the first time, the first chapter should be chronologically after this. But then they seem closer now then in chapter 1, I am very confused

Can anyone explain?

I know right? That's what I was talking about when I said that I couldn't follow the timeline!

In the first chapter it seems as though that was their first time talking...? But then in the second chapter they meet at the start of the school year, and in the third she even gets invited out on the very same day. I can only imagine that the first chapter was done before the author had a clear idea of the whole story, but I don't get what's going on.

joined Mar 6, 2021

To the people who said that we might not get the "does she like me back...?" drama
Here came chapter 5 lol

last edited at Oct 11, 2021 3:26PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

^ Ooh, that's the one, thanks!
(Or at least that's the one I had been looking for lol, but I'm pretty sure that goes for the original poster as well)

I thought I had checked Momono Moto, but I guess I somehow missed this one... Anyway, thanks for the help!