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joined Mar 16, 2018

I thought that was weird with the whole accidental kiss thing like Rinko wasn't concerned about it at all
If it was another yuri work they'd be like freaking the fuck out over it

joined Mar 16, 2018

Pro tip
Never trust a girl who refers to herself in the third person

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well, another yuri series I can cross off my ongoing list and while I did like it the problem with the story was just that the chapters were just too damn short! There was never enough content for the chapter and it just either cut off mid scene or ended on annoying cliffhanger. Doing that a few times is forgivable but every single time? That just takes away from the quality.
I like the art and I remember the humor being pretty decent so hopefully this author can make something better.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Shit! Now I can't stop thinking about it!

joined Mar 16, 2018

God this is dope as hell

joined Mar 16, 2018

And that's when I broke through the computer screen and KNEED TAZUNE IN THE FUCKING FACE!!!!

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeah, I uhhh feel like it was an interesting series
But yeah that ending

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well, that was just

Yeah I love how real this relationship feels
Also I totally didn't realize at first that her girlfriend was right there at first
It made it even more funny

Girl Friend discussion 01 Jun 20:19
joined Mar 16, 2018

I think this is by far the best of the collection up to this point

joined Mar 16, 2018

Yeahhhhhh this seems like really what the fuck huh
I think that they are supposed to be in a relationship or something akin to that and this is some kind of weird roleplay they have or something
I dunno
But mannnnnn is the execution of that just incredibly shitty
Just a pretty bad job all around

joined Mar 16, 2018


That eloquent statement really shines a light on what we've all been missing, that really important and fundamental truth.

I think I speak for all of us when I say

joined Mar 16, 2018

Ughh man I really love Satou
She's just such a cutie I swear

joined Mar 16, 2018

This song accurately defines their wonderful friendship

joined Mar 16, 2018

Kase's tall, tan, always bikini-ready beauty. Yamada's a lucky gal.

Oi, Kase, where are those fingers going?

They're dancing all the way to kinky town.

Let em' keep walking

joined Mar 16, 2018

This is a pretty standard yuri story
It definitely looks like they're in a relationship and you don't have to live together to be in one

Liberty discussion 24 May 22:43
joined Mar 16, 2018

Ughh every time I see a new chapter of this I’m like

joined Mar 16, 2018

The one good thing about these misunderstandings is that they’re cleared up real quick when a reg romance manga would take like fifteen chapters

joined Mar 16, 2018

This pace seems very realistic and adult to me, I don't know if people have had a similar experience but I have. Do we really need to have a long and drawn out courtship in every damn romance manga out there? Isn't it nice and refreshing to see character move at a reasonable pace?
I'm fine with a slow burn but my god do I want to see something different, and this is it.

Image Comments 15 May 22:53
joined Mar 16, 2018

Holy shit, that's

joined Mar 16, 2018

I challenge anyone to say they still think Shiho's dry personality isn't "enjoyable".

That deadpan "Nyan", climbing and pouncing, with that same dry look on her face.. She's hilarious! You just gotta get under the surface..

I thought her personality was enjoyable from the jump

Lily Marble discussion 14 May 02:00
joined Mar 16, 2018

My fav yuri couple, after all this time
I've really missed them
And holy shit this chapter was glorious

Let Go! discussion 13 May 04:26
joined Mar 16, 2018

Seems like a touch, a touch too much!
Seems like a touch, a touch too much!
Too much for my body, too much for my brain
This damn woman's going to drive me insane!
She got a touch, a touch too much!

Renjoh discussion 12 May 06:19
joined Mar 16, 2018

Wow a girl with sexual experience that actually knows when to pull back from going to a yuri oneshot?
That's incredibly rare to see, also something to be celebrated

Image Comments 09 May 15:48
joined Mar 16, 2018

Let your fingers do the walkin
Let your fingers do the walkin
Let your fingers do the walkin
Let your fingers do the walkin
How can I forgive?
How can I let live?
How can I forgive?
How can I let live?
How you gonna make me forgive
How you gonna make me let live
Let your fingers do the walkin
Let your fingers do the walkin
Let your fingers do the walkin
Let your fingers do the walkin

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well goddamn this oneshot is
