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joined Dec 12, 2016


Anime season 15 Apr 00:41
joined Dec 12, 2016

So, it's just as porny as VD but without actual yuri...

Depends what you mean by "actual yuri", first episode already has one character announcing her love and loyalty to another complete with nipple sucking and a reach around. That's "actual yuri" in my book.

joined Dec 12, 2016

WTF jus happened? I'm utterly confused right now-_-
did she kill strangle her to death or what? the ending was so vague

Seems like she was going to strangle her but went for a kiss instead because she realized that she can't live without her now.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Spoilers for those who are asking if it ends in harem or not:

The MC ends up with her friend. There is no harem in this manga. Only casual flirting :( my interest in this manga is now completely lost. I'm calling it quits.

In contrast my interest grows even more, saw the raws up to chapter 16 and was worried about the harem actually happening.

joined Dec 12, 2016

it even makes sense that she'll switch between girls to avoid stealing too much blood at once.

Except they have already established that she can't steal too much blood unless she went crazy.

joined Dec 12, 2016

When asked about starting a harem.

last edited at Apr 11, 2017 11:36AM

Anime season 11 Apr 11:16
joined Dec 12, 2016

no more cg!! cg is killing anime!! kemono friends could easily be moestatic shows with tons of sales if its not cg!! cg kill kemono friends potential!!

Hate to break it to you but the bad CG isn't hurting Kemono's sales at all, at least not in any measurable way. It was extremely successful by every measure. The bad CG actually became endearing in the end and might have actually helped in its success.

Citrus discussion 11 Apr 09:22
joined Dec 12, 2016

Sharkexpert12 posted:

There are so many people getting in the way of their LOVE

Welcome to Citrus the shoujo yuri :P. I just hope the success of Citrus dosen't start the age of pointless love triangle drama.

Have you never read any shoujo manga? The age started ages ago. I'm waiting for ice age to finally put end to it.

I ment for yuri i know shoujo manga is love trinagle after love triangle. Yuri currently dosent spam love triangles quite so much atleat not as much as citrus we are 27 chapters in and we have seen 3 rivals......

To be fair only one of them was an actual potential rival, the others had no chance.

Image Comments 11 Apr 01:08
joined Dec 12, 2016

Guys, that special chapter that shall not be named showed that Kobayashi is clearly not asexual.

She is just the typical harem MC that has no idea how to deal with all the attention she gets.

last edited at Apr 11, 2017 1:12AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Does anyone know how often chapters of this manga get released in Japan? And also maybe how many chapters have currently been released over there? I'm not quite sure whether the scanlators have caught up to the most recent one or not...

It's a complete 1 volume series with, I believe, 5 chapters.

Anime season 10 Apr 22:14
joined Dec 12, 2016

If you are not already watching Frame Arms Girl you might want to check it out.

Eh, a bit of yuri fanservice doesn't really make up for the rest of the show

That might be a difference of opinion because I don't think the yuri needs to make up for much. It's a cgdct with pretty good comedy and a lot of panty shots, that's what I expected when I started watching and I wasn't disappointed. The CG isn't good but it isn't terrible either, watching Kemono Friends has numbed me to it. The yuri is just a bonus and judging by the OP it's not just a one off joke.

last edited at Apr 10, 2017 10:22PM

Anime season 10 Apr 20:49
joined Dec 12, 2016

If you are not already watching Frame Arms Girl you might want to check it out.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I'm not sure what everyone's opinion is on Spinnerette, but they having been putting out a Spinnerette x Mecha Maid NSFW comic at about a page a week on their Patreon.

Anime season 08 Apr 23:42
joined Dec 12, 2016

As someone with a few siblings the amount of sibling incest in Anime/manga is disturbing. I can overlook it if it's yuri, but I absolutely refuse to watch a show that has het sibling incest.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Sequel to this.

Image Comments 08 Apr 00:48
joined Dec 12, 2016

The manga never states that Kobayashi can't love Tohru romantically.

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 12:48AM

Anime season 06 Apr 21:53
joined Dec 12, 2016

Cannibal posted:

Also why are people hyped for this?
looks like the usual ecchi garbage.

It's ecchi garbage with yuri. Think of it as the demonic version of Valkyrie Drive.

Valkyrie drive was ruined for me when the main girl intermediately fell in love with the sight of a guy (if the short haired guy was a girl all along it doesn't matter), almost like a fanatic with wet dreams and everything even though she didn't know shit about him... So I dropped around chapter 7 or 8, I hope with 7 sins they don't make the same mistake, the "Yuri until the guy shows up".

Spoilers for beyond that if it makes you feel better, the guy was a girl the whole time. The main girl crushes on the girl version even harder, as in getting turned on so much at the sight of her that she transforms unwillingly.

last edited at Apr 6, 2017 9:53PM

Anime season 06 Apr 20:46
joined Dec 12, 2016

Also why are people hyped for this?
looks like the usual ecchi garbage.

It's ecchi garbage with yuri. Think of it as the demonic version of Valkyrie Drive.

last edited at Apr 6, 2017 8:47PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

And that's all she wrote, most likely going to be a while for a new update.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Did I miss something...? All these negative comments...

For April Fools the scanlator released a chapter that was all good until the last page where the dark haired girl said she had a boyfriend. A lot of people didn't appreciate the joke. The next day they released the real chapter.

joined Dec 12, 2016

is he french ?


Do we even know their gender?

For their April Fools strip they represented themselves as a girl.

joined Dec 12, 2016

So just straight up porn logic? Aight.

Image Comments 05 Apr 06:46
joined Dec 12, 2016

The rainbow bracelets are not subtle at all.

Kase-san discussion 04 Apr 00:04
joined Dec 12, 2016

It's 23 chapters of a relationship that's over a year long, don't think it requires any more romance than what we got to build up to their first time. Most manga would have them going at it less than a month after agreeing to date with a lot less build up.

They have been dating for a year and are finally alone in a room that has zero chance of being interrupted by family, it's only natural what would happen.

But we are talking about Yamada, a person extremely shy who, even if like that kind of things, she's so embarrasing for making it, and then, Kase call her Yui and PUF, done, your virginity is mine bitch, muahahahaha. If Kase would could know that with calling by her name she could fuck, I think she'll do it in the last oportunities she had.
This chapter just broke how Yamada is, because even if a normal person did what you say, we are talking about a character in particular.

Except this is also not the first time Kase has tried it. The first time she was invited into Yamada's room she also just straight asked Yamada if they should do it. After some touching and a little freakout the mood was ruined by a phone call from her mom.

Elena discussion 03 Apr 23:38
joined Dec 12, 2016

So... is this saying that she used to go there with a girl she liked, and things didnt turn out so good with them?

No, she was surprised to learn that the girl's name is the same as the mascot. The whole dream thing was like a premonition for things to come.