Forum › Posts by benja

joined Aug 10, 2015

Momo's problem is that her character is practically nonexistent, and the author has failed to properly give her a fleshed out personality so far.

yes very true

Also I don't think I've seen anyone "side" with Nanase? Unless I missed some comments. If you're referring to my comments, I'm not siding with either of them. I'm saying Nanase is in the wrong for her previous behavior, and Mary is also wrong for currently blackmailing Nanase and using it for the rape that's in the process. It's pointless to play the "whose worse" Olympics, and both of their actions should make you uncomfortable. I shouldn't have to say that blackmailing someone into sex and sexual activities is rape.

oh ok maybe i just read your post the wrong way. But i do think that there´s nothing inherently wrong with "karmic justice", people that does fucked up stuff have no simpaty from me and i think they deserve some kind of punishment

I think Mary is a poor introduction to the story, and the author should have used this time to do something like flesh out Momo's character more. I'm at this point repeating myself trying to make my points crystal clear.

i also agaree with this

joined Aug 10, 2015

Forced cheating is the definition of NTR/netorare. What are you talking about ?

You can't cheat on someone you arent dating,

You can't deny it's a NTR like situation. You're just playing on words here.

i gree it´s clear to me that the author intention is to present a NTR like situation, the problem here is that i don´t fell like nanase and momo have any kind of meaningfull relationship to evoque that feeling, their relationship is so one sided that i honestly feel more unconfortable watching them than watching mary blackmailing nanase

i honestly don´t feel like momo has any kind of romantic feelings towards nanase right now, maybe if the author first developed their relationship and then introduce mary the situation could play as intended but right now it just feel like a cheap way to make momo fall for nanase

besides it´s beyond me how people can side with the character that some chapter ago was about to rape another one

joined Aug 10, 2015

Forced cheating is the definition of NTR/netorare. What are you talking about ?

You can't cheat on someone you arent dating,

joined Aug 10, 2015

does this even count as NTR? i mean is not like they´re dating or anything, it´s not like momo has shown any sing of being in love with nanase, she pretty much just puts up with nanase s requests and seems to be clueless about nanase s feelings

joined Aug 10, 2015 I always thought that it was "t" as in Troy

last edited at Jun 12, 2021 2:30PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

........... does that mean you is also jelous ?


joined Aug 10, 2015

You can't stop a dunk from a stronger bulkier person that's not how basketball works

joined Aug 10, 2015

Nooooo mission failed we couldn't protecc fuu-chan s smile
God damnit yukiko you only had one job

joined Aug 10, 2015

Im considered a sadistic for enjoying Nanase not getting what she wants from Momo and now being the objective of a potential yandere?

nah she kind of deserves it . as other people have pointed out i´d be great if nanase realizes how creepy she is and tries to change for good

joined Aug 10, 2015

Bro that was… brooooo

that was indeed a bruh moment

joined Aug 10, 2015

watagiri- verse confirmed

joined Aug 10, 2015

I think you know very well that's not the problem, it's more about abuse and its fetishization.

as people already mention on this thread a "problem" not exclusive to anime/manga, this is present in all kinds of western media

it's kinda fun to see you think that I mean "someone save the poor characters from a story that's clearly just fiction", always great to see people can warp the words from others into the thing they want to see,

im sorry but i can´t take you seriously after statements like this

btw fuck the it's just fiction or it's just a drawing "argument", if you believe that, go sit down on a corner and think about your life choices

it´s clear to me that you´re not here to talk about the manga nor have a conversation, you either want to shame others or virtue signal and im sorry to tell you that im not engaging on this tomfoolery anymore and i commend others to do the same,
if you don´t like this kind of manga and want to share your opinion that´s fine but if you´re gonna straight up insult people for not sharing your opinion don´t expect me to take you seriously and better be ready to get mocked
if you´re no ready for that better go to twitter where all the other delusional people gather

last edited at Jun 6, 2021 3:07AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

I hate it when sexual harrassment and assault get treated as something that's just a goof, you know, just your regular good ol trying to force someone you desire into something they don't want to do and have no consequences for it kind of goof.
It's not something that's supposed to be cute, hot, or fun, i don't like it, it makes me uncomfortable, but i can maybe understand if it's their way to cope with trauma?? wich is apparently a thing I've heard about, but not if it's just a kink, a fantasy about possibly scaring someone for life. (btw fuck the it's just fiction or it's just a drawing "argument", if you believe that, go sit down on a corner and think about your life choices.)

those poor poor anime girls, this is serious we need to do something someone call the police, the FBI, the power rangers anything.

last edited at Jun 6, 2021 12:42AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

tong tong be like

joined Aug 10, 2015

That said, I'm amused at how people bitch so much about this.

Honestly, I thought everyone would be jumping up in joy... I mean, if a series this good is continuing instead of ending, isn't that a reason to celebrate?

But lo and behold: the forum is full of comments bitching and whining about it. ![]

Dynasty Forum: the place where a manga author just can't win no matter what.

gotta love when people strawman what you just said, i guess some people are happy as long as there are boobs wich is fine the tittle of the manga is "Asumi chan is interested in lesbian brothels" after all. I guess we´re the dumb ones for expecting something from this manga instead of just turning off our brains and enjoying da boobs like everyone else

last edited at Jun 4, 2021 8:50PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled

this is such a pepehands moment we got totally jebaited

last edited at Jun 2, 2021 12:24AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

let´s gooooooo finally time for the best girl to take action

joined Aug 10, 2015

Men drawing boobs through clothes: "heheh boobe :)"
Men drawing boobs without clothes: "oh god oh god uhhh how do physics work again, where does this weight go, what are the right shapes, ive never seen a real boob before, aaaaah oh no okay I'll just draw the exact same lines I always do when the clothes are on, and hope none of my readers know how boobs work either"

Let's shit on the artist's skill while calling them a virgin. That'll make everyone laugh for sure.

i mean Michelangelo (yes the one that made the sistine chapel) died a virgin so all of his paintings and sculptures of women were pretty much buff dudes with breasts

joined Aug 10, 2015

And even if this manga does end in poly so far it's not doing a decent job at portraying it in a respectful and considerate manner, let's be honest. Also as of now Sayo is not into Rinna and despite that accidental kiss and her internal turmoil she's still full Mei only, in contrast to Rinna who seems to have other little arrows here and there.

i mean the manga is still going so is still poissible to properly develop the rinna x sayo side, wich is pretty much the only side that´s lacking right now. Im really omptismitic for this one, i honestly think that as long as it doesn´t get axed, it´s gonna be really good, definetly better than "easy introduction to love triangles" for sure

joined Aug 10, 2015

damn saori is actually in love with her sister, i always thought that it was just a "haha what a siscon" kind of joke but damn

Image Comments 23 May 19:12
joined Aug 10, 2015

for a moment i though this was a fanart of "well done pervert" they look a lot like nika and koiko

Image Comments 23 May 18:17
joined Aug 10, 2015

le sabe demasiado

joined Aug 10, 2015

fuu is indeed best girl, and her happy face is one of those smile we need to protect

last edited at May 16, 2021 2:03AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Yo where the FUCK is my marxist tokusatsu tv show seriously let me move to this world, I would die to have a bunch of sentai merch with stuff about anti-imperialism and marxism on them

you can always read that grappler baki arc where the MC goes to an american prision and meets el che guevara who purposely got caught so he could fight biscuit oliva america greatest fighter

last edited at May 4, 2021 11:40PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Oh. So these extras were uploaded on MangaDex during the period of the MD Apocalypse, and we missed it. But now it's here. Yay.

Well, I re-read the whole thing in the last week to catch up with the newer chapters and wow, this is really incredible. First, Arata Iri is my favourite and I don't intend any disrespect with what I'm about to say. Either my recency bias is crushing, or my tastes just tend toward the less popular.

This is vastly, vastly superior to Come Rain or Shine. Arata Iri learned a whole bunch of lessons from her previous manga, and used those to help set up the entirety of her story from the very beginning. The first few chapters are wild and unsteady, but that style suits her writing. It really starts coming together in the latter half of Volume 1, and those early chapters serve their purpose.

Every major character - with the exception of the teacher, who is minor as of the canceled conclusion - is introduced within the first few chapters. None of them ever get a single chapter to themselves, but we spend individual and group time with all of them. Everyone gets space and an opportunity to grow, none of the side characters steal time that doesn't belong to them. Comparatively, Come Rain or Shine spends the majority of its Volume 2 weaving side stories into its main plot, to the (possible) detriment of said plot.

Meanwhile, this series' tone is impeccably consistent. It's comedy, and it's gaynst. That's it. Every page is dedicated to furthering a joke, or furthering some angsty development. Come Rain or Shine, meanwhile, is mysterious and dramatic and gaynst and comedy and romance and sometimes, all of these things at once. To a degree this all feels necessary and intentional (cuz reboot), but in practice these are detrimental changes.

The development in the last few chapters is also super good?? You can feel Nekozaki's low self-esteem, and you can see the effect it's having on the people around her, before it's even brought up explicitly. The presentation itself feels far more personal and significant than boom plot twist "I killed my father." She might be a bit too much of an idiot, but her obliviousness is actually such a minor point to the development between her and Mikoto that I hardly think it's problematic.

Sigh. I loved chapter 11, and the intense build-up to proper development. I loved chapter 13, and that Tsubaki treasuring Nekozaki as a person (and friend) got its own focus. Chapter 14 feels like an utter axed disaster in its pace, but I will always treasure the scene of Nekozaki's fears having realistic consequences, and Mikoto breaking down as a result. This is also a surprisingly good "and they continued on" ending, thank goodness.

I'm so sad this got canned, but I do share Arata Iri's indebtedness to that editor-in-chief. The jump to Shounen Gahousha never made much sense to me, but in the end, that person is probably the number one reason she's had a job anytime in the last few years. That's awesome. I hope as the reboot progresses, it becomes everything this series aspired to be. Eternally grateful to you, Aos! Awesome work!

Edit: I just realised I got a bit fired up and it probably sounds as if I hate the reboot or something. That's not the case at all, I had huge hopes for it even before reading this in full, and I continue to!

i was about to post "you may not like it but this what peak arata iri looks like" when i read your post
i agree with everything you just said, i think come rain or shine at times takes itlself way to serious wich is good for the drama and romance but makes the the ocasional comedy feel out of place wihle uchote is just over the top comedy from the beggining but lets the drama naturally appear at the second half

i also think that ara iri made an incredible job with the secondary characters, i never hate the secondary characters from tovarisch but i do think that they lack development and often got in the way of the main character wich i think arata iri took notes from and as you pointed out let every pair have their space and time but also let them hang out as a group

edit; i also love come rain or shine and i hope arata iri can finally write a story the way she wants

last edited at Apr 29, 2021 1:29AM