^ Nozomi has my favorite quotes but not because of the Onee-san vibes. One of my favorite quotes in the game: If you touch me you're telling me you want to be touched too. It's even better then when you max out the bond pts for the other girls.
As for the different horrifics, its all about their relationships. Maki uses chan to signify closeness, inserts cute doujin here, Kayo-chan is Rin's nickname for Hanayo (from one of the characters in her name or something.) Nozomi adds chi to the end of everyones names i think thts cause of her accent. Like how ppl call Shimapanda Shima or AkikoXi Akiko tho I haven't actully seen anyone else use tht but me...
last edited at Dec 27, 2014 11:38PM