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joined Jul 26, 2016

Is Tsugumi the mom? I'm confused by chapter 7.5

As established already in the first chapter.

Also, I think chapter 8 is the first time I'm actually feelings something between Nio and the Lich.

...Lich? I'm not seeing any undead wizards 'round the house...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I swear, I've never seen a crowd of yuri fans so unhappy that a girl ended up in a happy relationship with another girl.

Literally any romance story ever is about "getting the girl" (or guy). You are virtually indoctrinated to expect the point of view character to get their love interest and to "only" regard this as a "good end". It doesn't matter that it might mean a "bad end" for secondary characters, whether the characters really make sense together, what other consequences there might be - only this matters.

I find the reaction unsurprising. ^^

It's no less comical - not to mention tragically narrow-minded - for being caught up in tired narrative clichés.

Image Comments 09 Mar 15:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Your fixation with showing me up is as painfully obvious as it is ridiculous and tiresome. Who do you think you're fooling?

Petty vindictiveness is a trait unbecoming in a gentleman.

Lily Marble discussion 09 Mar 13:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

Was Nozomi always supposed to be so utterly oblivious about homosexuality?

Always had the impression her baseline character setting was "Clueless About ALL The Things"... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's cute and all, and from what I know of it a pretty accurate take on the "language barrier" between dogs and cats, but also gives me that uncomfortable old NekoPara vibe. Plus I'm pedantic enough to be bothered by the insistent description of unambiguous hands - opposable thumbs and all - as "paws". That's not what the word means gdi! >_>

Image Comments 09 Mar 12:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

^I've seen both forms used in literally the same text, for the record. Do you perhaps also pick fights over the differences between UK and US English spellings?
Because this is equally ridiculous.

Take that stick out of your ass already; your petty grudge is not only laughable but, worse, also tedious.

Lily Marble discussion 09 Mar 11:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

On top of that, what makes this scary is that they can sell the genetic data to third parties. It's probably illegal to do that without anonymizing the data and not getting the client's consent, but the law isn't as good at protecting our rights as we would like to think.

Depends on whose law ofc - though given Japan's long and sordid history with "crony capitalism" I wouldn't count too much on it in this case...

But hey, he ain't dumb who asks but he who pays. People plaster hair-raising amounts of private details all over social media too without anyone particularly asking them to.

Lily Marble discussion 09 Mar 10:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

don't usually comment.
just wanted to put out there that new manager is one of, if not the most, evil character encountered on dynasty.
just saying. re: paid counselling+genetic tests related to obesity

joined Jul 26, 2016

"It is immoral to leave an opportunity to troll unused."
- The Book of Hino

Image Comments 08 Mar 16:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^Literally interchangeable and equally valid due to being a simple transliteration difference. Prithee do not needlessly insert sticks in orifices where they do not belong.

Image Comments 08 Mar 16:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

^On the upside that gave us the scene where Hina consults her track-team sempais; and it was glorious.

Image Comments 08 Mar 14:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

^True, but if memory serves Yuna was the one spinning her wheels over doing it as themselves so it rather fell to Hina to make the push - fairly literally too IIRC though it's been a while since I played the game.

Image Comments 08 Mar 14:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Yeah but Yuna's kind of an useless lesbian so someone had to get things moving

Image Comments 08 Mar 13:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

^tbh I wouldn't be particularly surprised if they were using her to make a statement or two about tsundere clichés... all the more so given how one of the underlying themes of the manga seems to be, roughly, that you only come to get along with people by actually interacting with them. katewarner may well be on to something with that observation that Ucchi has just about been undergoing Tomoko's character developement in reverse... (on which note, can't really blame her friends for finally getting upset.)

Image Comments 08 Mar 13:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

^That's a reasonably accurate summary of how it goes ingame too actually :d

Image Comments 08 Mar 06:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^Who's to say what's in the bag...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Image Comments 08 Mar 06:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^Let the disgusting mojo flow through you

joined Jul 26, 2016

I bet the guy who are dating the lead protagonist is the normal version of the second protagonist.

As has been pointed out umpteen times whenever this pops up... Marika Timeline!Lily is a girl too.
At least read the actual manga before speculating, peeps.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Empirical facts: Emoji is too tsun for her own good and her friends are real bros.

Image Comments 07 Mar 23:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ So... rainy and full of drunken foul-mouthed sheep thieves? :v

Image Comments 07 Mar 23:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^^I reckon she'd realize if she wasn't (still) far too gay to function... :P

last edited at Mar 7, 2019 11:16PM

Image Comments 07 Mar 23:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

^On the upside at least one of her friends is now a Shipper On Deck and the rest are roughly "uh, sure".

Image Comments 07 Mar 22:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^She did self-destruct rather spectacularly didn't she.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Even Hinako who is sort of a rival (at least has a crush on the same girl) walks all over Sakurako. She acts all rejecting, but she actually always does what Hina wants anyway. We just saw it with the curry again. Saku is really too nice.

TBF I think "bratty kid siblings" get special dispensation anyway. You grumble about them, all the more so when they impose on you, but dote on them regardless.

joined Jul 26, 2016

clicks on work with incest tag

"Omg you people like incest? Gross~"

Nobody said that

Close enough. The posts just got wiped, probably by exasperated moderators.