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joined Jun 25, 2019

Wow, and the manga translation is right on with the anime right now!

Good work translators, it may not be obvious to others but I know this manga is very text heavy after reading vol 4

Do you mean literal text or subtext?

Great now i imagine it change from a manga to a LN all of a sudden.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The two leads are almost starting to seem like weird robots to me, with no actual human desires of their own, they are just robots who where programmed to stay near each other, and that's it that's their entire personality. Although I am aiming this more towards Sakurako, Kasumi has it too but to a lesser extent, at least she has the laziness thing going on, while Sakurako is nothing more than her servant android who does whatever Kasumi wants and has no actual desires of her own. The side characters are consistently more interesting than the leads, even ones that barely appear like Sakurako's older sister.

That's like the entire story you describe buddy. It's too late to point that now. And how Sakurako is only see as stay near Kasumi ? She is the more sociable of the two. She is the one who do all the work beside getting the income which is where Kasumi shine.It's a narrow point of view of the manga, they're not just two peoples who are constantly one with another, th're two girls with plenty personnalities who live together.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Also manga is really gay.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Btw this one need the anime tag because it get an anime scheduled for January 2020.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The site is having a habit of messing up chapter orders when using the "Next ch." button. Please do let us know if you have that experience, with some info on what it looks like. Thank you!

Seem all good to me.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Murcielago discussion 25 Aug 09:19
joined Jun 25, 2019

Go here if anyone wants to read the rest of the series.

Wait, i thought the team stop because it get licensied ? Or is it just the physical release scans ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Personally hoping Yori falls in love with her band friend

Me too! But it's impossible or maybe? Hmm, pretty sure no.
The 'main couple' annoys me

Me 3. I usually always root for the mains, but now it's a pain. Also, I hope Yori's friend fall in love for someone else :(

Same tbh.

Why continuing reading tho ? I don't think the plan is to have a triangle, neither to focus on Muzuguchi.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Oh look a mass upload. I forgot about the future married couple thing.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The 'main couple' annoys me

Yeah well too bad for you, i don't think the author plan to any kind of triangle neither putting Yori with someone else.

Anime season 23 Aug 17:08
joined Jun 25, 2019

It's mech magical girls

^I read spoilers that state the kiss wasn't romantic. is this worth watching for the yuri ALONE or is it just a bait?

If it's for yuri alone, you can skip it. It's not really yuri, it's more like subtext and even that it's between the MC. Also yes kiss is not really romantic more like teasing because of the story.

Anime season 23 Aug 16:19
joined Jun 25, 2019

Here the kiss of the season boys. Plus we got Mangetsu and Kuon naked in Shingetsu bed.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Personally hoping Yori falls in love with her band friend, making Kino regret waiting. Kino gave a good answer, though it's hard to give someone hope and a little cruel.

Not sure where this is going to go now

That will be forgetting how head over heel Yori is for Kino.

Oddman 11 discussion 22 Aug 21:35
joined Jun 25, 2019

and she doesn’t remember this and for some reason doesn’t know she’s an oddman.

So does Itami (Brother) then because him too doesn't seem to recall her. The problem with your theory is that all the girls pretty much know each others already so if Setsu was one they probably already know.

And then the count of Itami (brother) having nine exes was just an assumption based on there being a number 11.

Yeah, expect the number come from one of the exs so i think she know better.

last edited at Aug 22, 2019 9:36PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Author seem to like the tall woman x shy young girl pairing.

Liberta discussion 22 Aug 14:05
joined Jun 25, 2019

There is a little problem with the order of the chapter, ir goes 2 3 4 5 1.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I wish the other work of the Author will get translated too, i see the first chapter on Mangadex but nothing more.It's called Snake woman and offering chan.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just minor spoiler warning Later on the manga it will turn a bit on the futa side, still no man to be involved. I put that in case peopleare not interested in Futa

joined Jun 25, 2019

On a unrelated note, i giggle when i saw the credits page and read that it's the first time that the scantrad finish a serie from start to end and also that it's the longest one they finish. Given it's only 14 chapters, it's quite funny.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The cover page for chap 44 is out and its title is "Night and morning" as translated by GgTrans.
Filing your nails is important, girls. Just saying.

Touko looks like she's gone full commando under that pajama lol.

Well, it's better if she want sexy time. The less you wear the more you can do.

joined Jun 25, 2019

"My love is different than your love", "We're dating but not dating", "I love you, but I don't know what love is". Basically author is already draging this story by using stupid plot elements.

That's not really dragging. If anything, I'd be disappointed with the series if they had forced her into a definitive yes or no. The whole point is that things aren't always black and white, and a plot that's just "wanna date" "sure" fucks without any form of obstacles would be boring as all heck outside of a short-form H doujin.

Yes, because there's nothing interesting after that. Are you serious?

And nobody tell you there will be nothing. Gosh just calm down,you didn't even know what will happen next and you already treating like it's bad. Just wait and see.

joined Jun 25, 2019

How many 15-year-olds (living in a two-parent family) are there who don't have some basic idea of how their parents met? Is this a thing?

I don't really see the problem. Maybe they never talk about it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Wow I didn't know this forum was a thing it so useful I should probably check on forums more often

Anyways I'm here looking for some of your jems
I would prefer from the year 2013 to 2017 since most mangas from 2018 and 2019 I have seen already. I've read a lot of old oneshots and my favourites list mostly contains oneshots or some chapters from anthologies (They are public btw)

I really love fluffy yuri and sometimes enjoy reading drama and aaaangst so if you have some great suggestions for what to read pls send them to me
I mostly prefer oneshots or two chapter stories but if you found a series with an interesting plot that not a lot of people know about I would love to read it as well

Thank you

Also sorry for my poor english

First one is my personnal favorite and i just happen to re read the two others

Citrus + discussion 21 Aug 14:05
joined Jun 25, 2019

The former. Those countries are just getting a simultaneous release with the Japanese version.

Ok, because i've seen an entry on a french site for a french release of C+ and i was wondering if it was true or not.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well it's hinted that Mizuguchi fell in love at first sight with Yori in the 2nd Omake of the Extra but it's never explain why she give up or if she have ever give up. Maybe she will try to "steal" Yori or threating to do it to Himari to see if she is serious or not.