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joined Jul 26, 2016

ahhh yes, the classic
Girl A:im going somewhere faraway, i wonder if she will be lonely?
Girl B:im really lonely but i must not show that to girl A so she wont be worried and leave any regrets behind
Girl B:proceeds to show how happy she is for Girl A
Girl A:Completely misunderstood Girl B's intention and assumes that no one cares about her leaving

why must you do this

Ahh teenagers... so many misunderstandings lol

P much. And let's be fair to Koyuki here - she's facing the always-daunting life milestone of "leaving the nest" and isn't exactly a person with a solid grasp of her own feelings in the first place.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Whoa. My image of Ayano was completely wrong. I thought she was a more or less naive young girl who was crushing on Chika and starting to discover her sexuality (ecchi fantasies, masturbation) focusing solely on Chika. As it turns out, there's little for her to discover: she's a shameless lolicon with a raging lust for cute grade schoolers, and has been for a long time already! Her thing for Chika is, like, just a new branch in the already lush tree of her sexual interests.

Come think of it she seems to have stopped blatantly ogling Chika recently (and never did that to Miki to begin with, at least from what we've been shown). Maybe she has a kind of personal rule about not doing that to sufficiently close friends?
Good thing she found a new outlet. :v

Also lmao @ Miki tsukkoming her like this is a routine occurrence

last edited at Mar 29, 2019 6:36AM

Image Comments 29 Mar 06:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ ...and then being baffled why Ucchi is glaring daggers at her, yeah. Sounds about right.

Image Comments 28 Mar 19:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

Funfact: you know how the "stamina training" in the Beach Resort dorm is a beach-volley court? Bronyas training in it play ball with Seele (the dressed-up version from the recent "Alice in Wonderland" spoof event at that).

joined Jul 26, 2016

Lewd first-name-calling...

Pretty much every chapter is lewd.

Image Comments 28 Mar 15:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Many things have been happening to make it considerably more yuri for, what, a few years now?

joined Jul 26, 2016

And since it's apparently her first fever ever, it's good to be safe and check what might have caused it.

Sincere doubts about anyone being able to make it to that age without running a fever at least once. (Even leaving aside the matter that Japanese rainwater apparently carries extremely virulent microbes, going by animango tropes.) The heck is this author smoking...?

Oddman 11 discussion 28 Mar 08:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

Actually rereading the story further twintails is nigh certainly #11. Brother Itami you lolicon, I am dissapoint :c

Oddman 11 discussion 28 Mar 07:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

Actually, rereading the story it's more or less canon that the silhouettes are kinda BS. "Loosely Based On A True Story" sort of deal I guess?

Image Comments 28 Mar 07:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Anything's an indirect kiss if you're tsundere enough.

Oddman 11 discussion 28 Mar 06:44
joined Jul 26, 2016

Wonder if her "power" is to just get bigger? Cuz I don't see any one who is small in that picture

That's basically an "early draft" of the lot anyway, eg. Chouko's actual horns (and for that matter height) are quite different from the silhouette.
...also dearly hoping this lil' girl is not one of Brother Itami's exes for reasons obvious. >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao Kirigaya has appeared for all of, what, two chapters now and being her is already suffering

joined Jul 26, 2016

I foresee much wild assumptions by Chiaki and Momose about the other (and no small amount of projection).
And lo, it shall be good.

last edited at Mar 27, 2019 8:57AM

Image Comments 27 Mar 05:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ My personal bet for the next playable Valk is actually Durandal, already as after some 6 chapters we finally got to see what she actually looks like. (Rita may or may not be kinda gay for her, going by that one convo-by-letter event scene; hard to tell with that weirdo maid fetishist...)

Image Comments 27 Mar 05:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

"They had a lot of Baumkuchen afterwards."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well I think we can assume the condition is genetic at least - if it was contagious the catgirls would hardly be allowed to mingle freely with regular folks, cute or not...

Ummmmm.... You DO realize that a disease doesn't have to be contagious in order to be contracted non congenitally, right....?..??? Sorry for picking apart your entire argument btw....

Most noncommunicable diseases that don't stem from genetics are caused by environmental factors of one kind of another (and are therefore preventable with sufficient effort) - and even then genetics often affect susceptibility to them if nothing else.

See also: "critical mass of crazy cat ladies" and "lol, magic" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also the way Anna talks about Yuki's pedigree rather implies heredity, presumably recessive since as far as we know (and have been shown) Mother Shirakaba isn't a literal cat lady.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 5:55AM

Stretch discussion 25 Mar 20:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

Bloodlines 2 recently being announced


inb4 ME:A levels of QUALITY

Citrus + discussion 25 Mar 13:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

Why is Matsuri so cute? It's weird how side characters end up stealing the show so often in anime and manga

Not particularly restricted to them ofc. Take good old Tintin who's himself rather boring but surrounded by a cast of colourful eccentrics, not in the least his life partner (no homo) Captain Haddock.

that of 1700th century

"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only prudes"...? (The 17th century meanwhile tended to be pretty flippant about such matters.)

Image Comments 25 Mar 11:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ When there's a will there's a way.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Really good. This is how you do a short story.

With one of the characters upside down, butt in the air, showing off her panties to the other girl for the majority of the one shot?

I could dig that, yeah. uwu

joined Jul 26, 2016

Americans are big at keeping the government out of our personal lives even if It's for our own good. (Just ask the anti-vaxxers). So putting the government in charge would not work at least not here.

That'd pretty much amount to near extinction of US Americans then (necessary reminder that you're hardly the only occupants of those two continents), unless the running costs of the tech and the associated infrastructure could be pushed WAY down within the fairly narrow window between its invention and too many women passing the primary fertile age.
Which isn't bloody likely.

Somehow I suspect most people are going to be pretty receptive to heavy-duty governement interventionism if the alternative is not having children period...

Also, kindly do not blithely prescribe present-day valuesets to the wildly and dramatically different circumstances of the relevant period in this alternate history. (Hell, IRL too mores of the time were pretty different from today's.) We're talking about a world that had within living memory undergone a far more profound social, cultural and economic shock than the freaking Black Death which traumatised European societies for centuries.

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 7:34AM

Roid discussion 24 Mar 05:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

I was mostly just making a terminator joke, although I do see there being a rich seedbed for jealousy to bloom its ugly head in that the copy and the original are the same person except the original is left crippled in her wheel chair while the other version of her gets a beautiful fully functional body to live in. It would be like having two versions of yourself where one version gets to live a much better life than the other. It is only natural that you would begin to envy the version of yourself that can walk, dance and run like you've been wanting for all the years since your legs were smashed.

The copy would feel the exact same way about your accomplishments, your friends and your life that you do because in essence your life is its life. The only problem is there is only one you shaped hole in the world that you perfectly fill and now there are two people who feel that spot belongs to them and it is their job to continue filling it. Which version of you inherits your job for instance or better yet your lover? It's going to suck competing for these sorts of things against an exact copy of yourself that has been given a functioning body where yours remains broken.

And this is why most legislations in GURPS Transhuman Space have criminalized having multiple copies of a single digitalised personality active simultaneously. Well, one of many good reasons.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Does Yuki use a voice changer? I don't remember if this has been established.

I have been reading it as her typing the text not saying it

That would be FAR too slow for both the length/pace of the convos and their contexts (ie. in the middle of online shooter matches)...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Welp..I guess that's one way for senpai to notice you!  ̄ω ̄ ̄ω ̄

Can't argue with success!

Image Comments 24 Mar 02:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^ Ucchi-sama Is Watching You V-Sign Ahegao

For someone who's at least once claimed she doesn't actually play "those kinds" of games Tomoko sure seems conversant in hentai tropes... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)