Americans are big at keeping the government out of our personal lives even if It's for our own good. (Just ask the anti-vaxxers). So putting the government in charge would not work at least not here.
That'd pretty much amount to near extinction of US Americans then (necessary reminder that you're hardly the only occupants of those two continents), unless the running costs of the tech and the associated infrastructure could be pushed WAY down within the fairly narrow window between its invention and too many women passing the primary fertile age.
Which isn't bloody likely.
Somehow I suspect most people are going to be pretty receptive to heavy-duty governement interventionism if the alternative is not having children period...
Also, kindly do not blithely prescribe present-day valuesets to the wildly and dramatically different circumstances of the relevant period in this alternate history. (Hell, IRL too mores of the time were pretty different from today's.) We're talking about a world that had within living memory undergone a far more profound social, cultural and economic shock than the freaking Black Death which traumatised European societies for centuries.
last edited at Mar 25, 2019 7:34AM