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Yuri Game discussion 04 Apr 12:11
joined Feb 17, 2013

Yay - I love all chi-rans stuff - realy enjoyed this :) Ofcourse it needs a follow up though!

A few queries tho- on page 13 when she says ' who would want some chicks who throw themselves at guys 'AND' treat them like objects?' That seems like it would make alot more sense if the 'AND' was a 'WHO', given who's saying it, I cant see her caring about the guys.. It could be mistranslated, or even a typo in the japanese?

Then on the next page, whats the gibberish in the background? It dosnt seem to be on a sign, more like a comment, but it cant be an translated right, why would the author put gibberish in?
'The bitter iron that would in fostering the process, of turkey' ?? If thats realy what it says and i was translating this i would of edited it out because its meaningless.

And lastly what does anyone think of the blond girl saying yes she is with someone, a very beautiful girl? She is talking about the main character right, not some girlfriend? I didnt read it that way at first, but when she finishes on the next page with 'then maybe we can start off as friends' - this wouldnt make sense if she had some amazing girlfriend already- and hardly seems like a player given what she said earlier.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Realy enjoyed this 1 - thanks:) Otsu Hiyori is one of my favourites - maple love might be my fav one-shot.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Shame if it stays as a one shot, but realy enjoyed it so thanks for translating it for us :)

I see this kinda bullying in quite a few manga/anime - and not to get all serious but it makes me think surely its not like that realy- it's just a plot devise like the missing parents thing, and used WAY more than it realy occurs? Either that or Japan's schools are like 20 - 30 years behind most of the west in some ways. This kind of bullying cant happen much now, its too big an issue these days, both pupils, parents and teachers know to deal with it. Teachers wouldnt just ignore it going on like this- they'd get sacked and school would be in big trouble, at least here in UK. I would hardly take manga as a source for how things are in Japan but it makes you wonder whats up.

last edited at Mar 19, 2013 4:51PM

Sunset orange lips 05 Mar 08:14
joined Feb 17, 2013

Can't find sunset orange lips, (Kuchibiru ni Suketa Orange) on the reader- i think tranquil spring released it.

Has it been licensed?

Sisterism discussion 28 Feb 11:26
joined Feb 17, 2013

Well, sisterism actualy started going somewhere when we started getting all the new characters, and was no longer just seperate unrelated chapters- and we even got 2 girls who were dating as apposed to just 2 girls who fantasised about their crushes..

But THIS chapter actualy had real and significant development! and a wonderful one at that :)

Looking forward to more in future.

joined Feb 17, 2013

For some reason Sasameki Koto ch 49 has appeared as a seperate story called
The Path 49.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Without the chat box its a lot harder to just say 'so and so is missing, how come'?

I was looking for Zaou Taishi stories - such as 'first kiss', and the 'she wolf' series that there are about 5 parts to (little red riding hood strikes back, expressions of love etc) - I think lillilicious scanned them- but none are to be found and I'm sure they used to be here.

I didnt see a post for missing stuff- dont you normaly leave a 'footprint' when you remove something like if it got licenced?

last edited at Feb 17, 2013 1:03PM