I was talking about morality, not legality. Also, even laws have extenuating circumstances. Some i can agree with, some I can't. And since I have no idea if you merely got confused about what I was talking about, or you really do think legality is the same as morality: just because something is the law, doesn't make it automatically moral. I feels like I have to point this out in every thread, but things like slavery and marital rape were legal for much of history, right? Even today, it's crazy how much people get away with just because it's technically legal. (Like causing the 2008 market crash and getting off scot-free.) Laws are very often the very things that oppress us - if not more often. Blindly and uncritically following laws is just as irresponsible as blindly giving into rage. But again, I was talking about morality, while you replied as if I had been talking about laws and rules. Don't know what's up with that.
Edit: It sucks that I have to repeat myself, but I never said anything like "hurr durr people should do violence". I was just trying to elaborate on the context of this whole incident, because it bugged me that so many people ignored all the context and condemned Fujishiro as if her actions were more wrong than that of the teacher's. The teacher was the one who abused his power and harassed the students, and then when the students stop tolerating his shit, a lot of Dynastians apparently take the teacher's side. Doesn't that seem kind of messed up?
More than anything, the central point I was trying to make that the teacher smacking incident is not a narrative flaw, but rather an injustice in-universe. Yes, it's bad that Fujishiro Nanaki smacked the teacher, but I can sympathize with her because Kurokawa deserves to be treated with respect as much as anyone else. This is my point. Not "violence = good".
Also, "the rest is whatever"? Youch. You know, as messy as they are, I put a lot of thought into those paragraphs. Not saying it's some sort of analytical masterpiece, it's just a forum post, but it feels kind of bad when someone pops in and dismisses it all out of hand.
No smartypants, this is not "morally" right either. I specifically pointed out that these kinds of rules and laws exist to prevent bigger problems. The laws preventing you from lashing out at people physically just because you feel wronged are absolutely morally right. It's ridiculous to make yourself judge, jury and executioner. If everyone who felt slighted has moral immunity on retaliation we'd never see the end of it. It's a slippery slope.
You can't seperate the two that easily, you are just avoiding the issue based on emotional irrationality.
Who even took the damn teacher's side? Nobody. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me question how much of this is actual reasoning and how much is just you trying to force an agenda about something.
The most people here said is that Fujishiro was in the wrong TOO. Not that the teacher was right in any way. He should have gotten a disciplinary investigation and punishment, but by attacking him violently, Fujishiro completely made that point void.
Again, this is why I said violence is the worst possible reaction and even verbally harrassing him back would have been better (even if still stupid).
It's an injustice alright and you are supposed to feel sympathetic towards them. I wouldn't argue that. You expressed this just in the worst way possible.
My "whatever" was less "This is nonsense" and more "I don't really care to elaborate or engage with these points". Don't take it so personal lol
last edited at Dec 22, 2018 2:38AM