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joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm not sure if that didn't work as expected, or if it worked better than expected.


joined Jul 26, 2016

PS: The last man would not have had a lot of sex, because at that point they would already have come up with a way to reproduce among women.

Actually ch 1.1 is quite explicit that the breakthrough(s) allowing female-female reproduction postdated the death of the last known male H. sapiens sapiens. I elaborated a rough overall timeline of the whole business way back when, but short form here is that they must've been getting pretty desperate by that point as most of the female population would have been fast approaching (or was already past) menopause...

Here is the thing: I don't care about your timeline.

Here is the thing: it computes and trying to discuss an alternate history without at least a basic timeline of events essentially amounts to randomly pulling shit out of your ass while groping blind. You're welcome to work out an alternative ofc but I can't really see it coming down to anything dramatically different, given it largely derives from the biological realities of human lifespan and reproductive fertility.

So anyway, the phrasing is a bit odd in those two pages. I don't necessarily think she meant that they developed that method after the last man died in 1920. The "after that" could also refer to the recognition of the virus' existence.

*le shrug* By far the single most obvious and natural interpretation of the teacher's lecture is taking it at a face value. I'm just going by what the author states in plain text about the setting, man.

Giving the author the benefit of the doubt here of course, because there is no way no research would have been done by the early symptoms of male population decreasing more and more for decades.

Of course they did, once people started noticing the phenomenom. But that'd have been circa mid-1800s or so when the relevant sciences were either at their infancy or didn't yet even exist and the kinds of tools needed to actually closely study, nevermind now manipulate, molecular biology were even worse off (or rather more specifically, over a century off in the future behind considerable advances in other fields). Throw in the diverse serious disturbances caused by the rapid aging and depletion of the suddenly unreplenishable male population (hithero the de facto ruling sex and more prosaically primary labour pool) and peoples' reactions to the whole business and we're talking about a truly daunting uphill struggle indeed.

At least we agree that they must have been desperate. I don't even want to imagine that kind of pressure.

As mentioned, "medical ethics" ought to have been out of the window a long time ago by that point. Probably safe to assume the tech got rushed out of the labs as soon as it was even vaguely functional and Devil take any side effects - they had survival of the species riding on restarting human reproduction ASAP after all. No doubt any number of medical horror stories occurred before the inevitable bugs were worked out by trial and error but eh, desperate times.

joined Jul 26, 2016

If anything she actually seems to enjoy the fact that Nanako is a housewife.

You sure that's not just Her Fetish™...?

joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 26, 2016

... but short form here is that they must've been getting pretty desperate by that point as most of the female population would have been fast approaching (or was already past) menopause...

Hypothetically they might have enough viable sperm frozen up somewhere that they could continue to give birth to new daughters for a while, bridging the gap so to speak. Admittedly, in our world that technology only started being used the 1950s or so, but given the circumstances it might have popped up early ...

On a rough ballpark estimate they'd have had to start stocking up by the mid 1800s then; and I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the infection spread rather faster than the necessary refrigeration tech (or the whole idea for that matter) even if they did invent it...

joined Jul 26, 2016

So that was clear, nuanced, even-handed, and well-supported.

Who are you, and what did you do with my old sparring partner matsuri_wins?

(I was tempted to extend the gag with a “yoonie, that is you, isn’t it?” joke, but then thought better of it.)

Blastaar rn :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

PS: The last man would not have had a lot of sex, because at that point they would already have come up with a way to reproduce among women.

Actually ch 1.1 is quite explicit that the breakthrough(s) allowing female-female reproduction postdated the death of the last known male H. sapiens sapiens. I elaborated a rough overall timeline of the whole business way back when, but short form here is that they must've been getting pretty desperate by that point as most of the female population would have been fast approaching (or was already past) menopause...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hino-san's nape fills you with MOTIVATION

Image Comments 13 Apr 22:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Usually formulated as "humble", not that warrior classes were much good at that anywhere ever. More importantly obedience to your superiors in the feudal totem pole was a big deal (especially if you asked those superiors) what with knights originally being the lords' armed retinues but, well, let's just say that historians of the Middle Ages have the phrase when my man is not my man for a reason...

last edited at Apr 13, 2019 10:09PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Something tells me that Valve is the author

Nah, we'd still be waiting for the third chapter if that was the case.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how loaded this page is with Funny Background events... and then they keep it up for the next scene

Roche Limit discussion 13 Apr 10:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

I really like this manga. I get such a strong impression of who Yukari is from even this short story.

Just from this single episode, we can see that Yukari is so insecure that she's actually self-obsessed. She's so worried about herself that she doesn't really notice how other people feel, and she's so desperate for affirmation that she ends up using people. It's funny too, since she even realizes that's she's self-absorbed, but that's it's just one more flaw for her to obsess over.

Then, the next morning, at first she seems pretty freaked out, and tries to pretend it didn't happen, continuing to act without zero consideration for anyone else's feelings. Finally, she realizes she hurt her friend and tries to act decent for the first and only time in the story, and after that she just accepts the situation she's put herself in.

Overall, I get the impression that she won't say anything to her boyfriend but will beat herself up about how she fucked up, if only because she knows she should feel bad about it. She'll continue to cheat on him and continue to tell herself what an awful person she is, without ever truly realizing that this is a decision she made, and continues to make. She'll never even consider the fact that she might be hurting her best friend by sleeping with her.

Considering what the title refers to...
"-- the Roche limit -- is the distance within which a celestial body, held together only by its own gravity, will disintegrate due to a second celestial body's tidal forces exceeding the first body's gravitational self-attraction."

Image Comments 13 Apr 07:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

^iunno, considering that term is derived from a word (knecht) meaning "servant"... which is something of a peculiarity of English, as in virtually every other European language it's derived from "horseman/rider" (chevalier/caballero/Ritter etc.) instead.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Admittedly, we've all missed the obvious explanation:

Teleportation is another option.

Or... a twin!

The mystery deepens...

Kage bunshin no jutsu!

Pic related.

last edited at Apr 11, 2019 9:22AM

Image Comments 09 Apr 21:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

Reminder that Mako is the one person Minami is consistently and unfailingly nice to.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nah she just did that offscreen teleportation thing gun-fu heroes routinely pull.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You can't do that. I played along with your joke and you have to react like this. What a sourpuss.

What am I supposed to do here, those are completely different things with no connection whatsoever.

Oh come on. The joke is that vigilantes are basically Chuunibyous. What with their tendency for the overdramatic, self-serving idea of justice that is above the law, weird fetish of wearing tight spandex and attributing themselves superpowers.

Basically I am saying Batman is a chuuni.

You're thinking about comic-book costumed vigilantes (also Bats being more or less off his gourd is canon and often a plot point, depending on the writer). But vigilantism is a very real phenomenom and rarely comical at all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

WYM "vigilante"? More like the OG chuunibyou and menace to unsuspecting windmills everywhere.

Same difference.

Not even close.

You can't do that. I played along with your joke and you have to react like this. What a sourpuss.

What am I supposed to do here, those are completely different things with no connection whatsoever.

joined Jul 26, 2016


Please translate, because I want to know whether my reaction was similar to yours.

"I See What You Did There"

joined Jul 26, 2016

WYM "vigilante"? More like the OG chuunibyou and menace to unsuspecting windmills everywhere.

Same difference.

Not even close.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Is Koguma's entire body one huge erogenous zone or something in your scenario? That's crazy sensitive.

I doubt Hino needs to touch her specifically erogenous parts for Koguma to start feeling, quote, weird, unquote... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

She was huffing up a storm like she was sufffering a 40°C fever. So either Hino has magic fingers that would make world class masseuses envious... or Koguma is more sensitive than a whole body clitoris.
That or Don Quijote magic. Your call lol

More like just getting touched by Hino gets Koguma all hot and bothered. If she actually got to the proper erogenous parts the latter would probably need a change of underwear and fast.

For the record, "Quijote" is the modern Spanish spelling of "Quixote".

Yeah it's a really famous convenience store chain in Japan. Though I have no idea why they would name it after a classical Spanish vigilante.

WYM "vigilante"? More like the OG chuunibyou and menace to unsuspecting windmills everywhere.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, there is that point of view. However, maybe Hino was messing with her a third time. Cause Hima notices how Koguma was feeling and so she said that. So it was actually sunscreen but Koguma actually believed it to be an aphrodisiac meaning she felt and admitted to ... I believe I don’t need to say anymore on this.

Is Koguma's entire body one huge erogenous zone or something in your scenario? That's crazy sensitive.

I doubt Hino needs to touch her specifically erogenous parts for Koguma to start feeling, quote, weird, unquote... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also known as the "Dead Fish" way.

But I wonder -- will it work on a woman as well as it's supposed to work on a man? lol

Well, Mimi adapted quickly enough... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Seriously tho, aint never picking on the kid with connection the univeral rule of HS? Let alone picking on a kid whose girlfriend is a fkin superhuman.

TBF Kirigaya is as of yet blissfully ignorant of the latter detail.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Incidentally thisthe above is apparently the 1001th post on this thread. So who's going to marry the crazy wife-executing king soon?

Someone check for the birthmark!

I feel like there's a reference I'm missing.

The Artist Also Known As One Thousand and One Nights or more commonly but rather inaccurately The Arabian Nights.