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joined Aug 26, 2018

PS: Just saw that ridiculous new polyamory suggestion. Come on, just pairing up characters for the sake of having them paired up is terrible writing and not something Nakatani would do. There is sooo much wrong with thinking wedging Sayaka into the adult pair makes any sense.

Having some problems with polyamory? It's your problem, not of anyone else, we don't care for your complexes.

Btw, it was not about pairing Sayaka with an adult pair. Many people would like to see Yuu x Touko x Sayaka ending.

What is the problem here? Anyone has a right to ship their own preferences. Silly is making fuss and calling something ridiculous just because it's different of your own preference.
No one is giving you right to spit around on anything what is different from you and yours.
You are not higher than anyone else here who is expressing their opinions. Learn to behave, vanity princess. Your self-made "crown" worths nothing. Your opinions are just as equal as of anyone else, you are not "highness" as you want to believe, in nonsense, obviously.

Ok, now you are just trying to pick a fight. Jeez.
To make it short, someone actually did suggest that Sayaka should get involved with Miyako and Hakozaki-sensei. Have fun reading the last page again.

Blah blah blah. I have no interest in your hypocrisy or your special snowflake needs. Stay on topic or be ignored. rolls eyes

joined Aug 26, 2018

You ended yours, we'll end ours when we finish, you're not our commander.
You are speaking a nonsense, because you were speaking about our answer to BV, what is interfering without being called to interfere. It shows how rude you are.
And it's toxic behavior.
If you are frustrated with your own life, don't pour your bitterness out on someone else.
We are not your boxing bag. And you will not make us swallow your sh*ts.
So find someone who is equal to you, in your rank. We are other category, and don't bother to find which.



For Touko x Sayaka shippers.

Classic Canno. Seeing Touko in that artstyle is making my head ache tho (it surprisingly fits Sayaka however) lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

Who called you to interfere and judge, "bug devil"?
Suppose you are one of those smartses who always know better than any person about themselves.

Mind your own businesses and don't express any opinions in names of someone else, and don't throw your worthless judgments into the air, judgments made up from prejudices, which are proving how much valuable yours "arguments "are, and how judgmental you are .

We did not call for desinsection yet, but it's true that every site has some bugs.
Some of them just mosquito levels. That's the damage and ability which they can cause.
So fly away from our sight.

Fine fine, whatever you say, you beautiful intellectual butterfly you.
My reply was only for BV and that's the end of this conversation~

joined Aug 26, 2018

Haha well, these chapters take too long to be released, and life is busy...It baffles me some people here seem to remember minute details about the story.

I must say I do think the play is already showing the whole story, so I think it will end with a dialogue similar to this one. Now the question is whether Yuu is simultaneously the girlfriend and the nurse (most likely since it's about falling in love with the same person on different terms), or whether Sayaka was the girlfriend all along. I like original endings, so I'd bet on the former but would love for it to be the latter even if it's bittersweet for Yuu.

It baffles me that someone would make claims on plot points they don't remember lol

That's not it. The play is a mirror to Touko's situation only in the sense of her personalities. It's not representative of the entire story. Yuu/The nurse represents seeing the value of the current her and nothing else. Sayaka/The girlfriend represents the one who recognizes her for her vulnerable and needy side, but ignores the other aspects.

If anything after mindlessly applying that to the real situation, Yuu is the girlfriend and picking the original ending would have assured Yuu got happy. Instead she chooses to change the ending to save Touko from herself and let her be the person she already is, rather than forcing her to be just that vulnerable needy person. Sayaka doesn't even factor into the equation at all. Hence why we cant mindlessly apply the play to the overall story.

last edited at Jan 4, 2019 9:11AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

She does? I thought she ended up on her own, going on to figure out her life.

In Chapter 31:
Touko: "So... Would you go out with me, all over again?"
Sayaka: "I can see myself, falling in love with you all over again"

I can't believe everyone forgot how the play ended. She only denied to move in with her, because she wants to try and reconnect with her family, they still got together in the revised ending too.

Exactly. The play's focus was not on changing her relationships, it was about figuring out who she would BE. The bonds didn't disappear just because they were lost temporarily.

That was a much more philosophycal answer than I expected...

Some may also call it esoteric nonsense or a phase. You're a nice guy BV.

last edited at Jan 4, 2019 9:01AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

For crying out loud, people pretend they see the deeper meaning of imagery, but then interpret the superficial idea of "suicidal" into it... That would be the obvious metaphor rather than the deep one and thus wrong.
It's like when people see the tarot card Death XIII and think it means literally death. It's about a new journey.

You're right I guess… rather than "arrogant" I should have said "disrespectful", in that it shows a lack of trust in people she knows. That's also what Sayaka means by "Don't look down on me."

Yeah I can definitely see that.

PS: Just saw that ridiculous new polyamory suggestion. Come on, just pairing up characters for the sake of having them paired up is terrible writing and not something Nakatani would do. There is sooo much wrong with thinking wedging Sayaka into the adult pair makes any sense.

last edited at Jan 4, 2019 8:35AM

Image Comments 04 Jan 08:10
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Sayaka put them on her

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm half-wondering now if Koyomi's rewrite of the play was meta and Nakatani originally intended for Yuu to enable Touko and Sayaka to get together, but rewrote the script to pair her with Yuu.

It's not likely but it's fun to consider.

Called it first: the play WAS meta, which means the ending is already set: Touko chooses the 3rd path and end up with neither Yuu nor Sayaka. Everyone moves on happily as friends. The end. No hot makeout scene ;__;

Yes that is totally what the play was about. Except it wasn't.
I'm really tryin' to take this as the joke you obviously want it to sound like, but there are too many people who would actually believe that at this point lol

It might seem to come at the worst moment, but it might be for the best. Touko now has to consider that there are two people who love her for who she is, flaws included, and maybe she'll start to see how… arrogant it was of her to think only her perfect self deserved to be loved.

Kinda the opposite, isn't it? Instead of arrogant it's self-loathing. She doesn't think her perfect self deserves love either, after all that is the anti-thesis of what she has been trying to do. Her sister wasn't in a relationship, so her perfect side couldn't be either. She doesn't perceive it as her real self either way, so the only part people can love is her true self, which she can't accept due to self-loathing.

joined Aug 26, 2018

So it was just me banging my head against a wall for the entire chapter? Yeak ok. Ouch.

This was the exact same amount of dread I felt during Yuu's confession chapter. Touko sure is an imposing foe. That "Everything?" was a looooooot worse than an outright rejection though. Touko is not allowed to reject one and accept the other. Both of them accept her completely, so she better not get the wrong idea.

The fact that she could see it coming is interesting at least. On one hand I'd like to think she could sense it thanks to what happened with Yuu, on the other I wouldn't be surprised if she had a suspicion for a long time.

Escapism is the name of the game, so let me just focus on Midori and Manaka who are totally gay for each other as well! I mean come on, the entire chapter was lowkey showing them off!
Alright... that isn't gonna distract me at all. sigh

I dream of the day where I can read an ending to a yuri love triangle where everyone just agrees to go the polyamorous route.

That kind of thing has to be set up right and be actually a threeway thing. Anything short of that is a trainwreck and would make things 100 times worse. Like if there was ANYTHING between Yuu and Sayaka that would be a off-hand possibility... but nope. Polyamory is weak at best and gets worse when the partners are made to feel like third wheels to each other.

last edited at Jan 3, 2019 5:51AM

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:10
joined Aug 26, 2018

Now this is more accurate to the anime.

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:08
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^The "Sasuke-just-defeated-Naruto-but-isn't-sure-whether-he-should-kiss-him-while-KO" pose.
I'm not sorry.

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:07
joined Aug 26, 2018

That artstyle is so recognizable now. Also the OG pairing, nice.

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:05
joined Aug 26, 2018

Womanizing civilisation.
Also official-ception.

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:02
joined Aug 26, 2018

In Sonya's head : "Baby, please kill me."

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:02
joined Aug 26, 2018

Why can I actually imagine Touko to make such a specific request? "Let me lay my head against your bra covered chest." lmao

last edited at Jan 4, 2019 8:25AM

Image Comments 03 Jan 05:00
joined Aug 26, 2018

Well I always did say that this is the only Aoba ship with any weight to it.... BUT IT IS NOT ALLOWED! Rin x Kou or the world shall buuuuurn!!!

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:57
joined Aug 26, 2018

Ah the return of the balloon tits. I'm surprised they managed to survive lying on top of each other.

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:56
joined Aug 26, 2018

She even specifically asked for interlocked fingers. Can you believe how advanced these girls are? You don't start different grip positions until you are off age!

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:53
joined Aug 26, 2018

A sexual fling is nothing to the lewd queen, but genuine love? She never felt that before. (obligatory poor Fergus )

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:52
joined Aug 26, 2018

It's not cheating if they were never together. C'mon guys lol

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:50
joined Aug 26, 2018

Wedding rings and comfort hugging. My double layered kryptonite.

last edited at Jan 3, 2019 4:50AM

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:49
joined Aug 26, 2018

She is not a third wheel she is a disguised wingwoman! It's all part of her master plan. Minus the part where they start getting frisky on her back of course...

Image Comments 03 Jan 04:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

I wonder if anyone here has ever seen a pregnant woman. This would barely even qualify as having put on weight, much less pregnancy. Her back is in a curved line because she was side-hugged. Sheesh.

Image Comments 02 Jan 02:48
joined Aug 26, 2018

^They did it off-screen. A lot. Hundreds of times even!

Image Comments 01 Jan 11:40
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Definitely just you. That girl looks thin as heck!