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joined Sep 25, 2019

People dye their hair to get attention.

Not really, I used to dye my hair entirely because I just wanted to.
Lots of my friends have also died their hair at one point or another, usually just to emulate their favourite anime character.

Sweeping generalizations are bad, m'kay.

joined Sep 25, 2019

I still don't get the Miyako x Kouko ship tbh

Is not that hard.

Kouko is a pretty well adjusted adult woman (all things considered) that completely understands Miyako's flaws and good points, she also provides the encouragement that Miyako so desperately needs to get over her shyness and general distrust of strangers.

Adding to this, while Kouko's actions are creepy in the eyes of most people, we can tell clearly from the audience' perspective that nothing she does is actually harmful or dangerous.
Her worst offense is literally that she's creepy, and all things considered that's a harmless "offense."

To some people it wouldn't be an issue even in real life. Anyone who's ever had a controversial interest has likely had to deal with similar experiences and therefor are less inclined to be bothered about it in others.

joined Sep 25, 2019

...Pink hair is associated with being slutty? First I've heard of it.
Is this actually true anywhere, or is it just the mangaka making something up for the sake of the story?

(Or is it supposed to be a local stereotype that evolved because the pinkhead MC started to believe it, then act like it, thus creating the stereotype by inadvertently planting it in everyone else's heads?)

joined Sep 25, 2019

I feel like someone just dropped me into the middle of a random chapter in an on-going series.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Well if you like Fifa you're probably into soccer or sports, if you like CoD you're probably into guns, war history or action movies. If you like loli eroge, you're into...........

Your two sets of examples are not parallel. Playing a sport game + playing that sport are not at all the same as playing a game simulating war + reading about military history.

I know several wargamers who are military history buffs and yet are complete pacifists in real life.

Being into loli eroge demonstrates that you're into loli eroge. Full stop.

I honestly found it really touching how the mom still places enough trust in her sister despite her interests to let her babysit her daughter. Not all lolicons are that fortunate, and modern pop culture would have you believe they're all child molesters who just haven't gotten caught yet.

(Which is just a disgustingly inaccurate assessment.)

last edited at Oct 23, 2019 2:43PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

That senpai is the true MVP of this manga, not wasting any time with that subtext nonsense and straight dropping the yuri D-bomb right away to get the ball rolling.

(Please don't take that as critique of the subtext genre, it's just not my cup of tea.)

joined Sep 25, 2019

Good thing for Koguma that her friend is such a complete idiot. xD

joined Sep 25, 2019

nice! At this rate Bocchi gonna take over the world!

I can hear the evil WA-HA-HA so clearly.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Too wholesome... I'm gonna die and turn into vanilla (;__;)

joined Sep 25, 2019

That was sooooo gay.
I'll take you're entire stock.

joined Sep 25, 2019

That whole segment with the plant girl was weirdly off-beat. A cute monstergirl offers to let the MC pee on her, and suddenly the MC is totally not a super perv who'd absolutely do that?

It's like they were both trying to do a pervy tsukomi routine on the other so the girl who's in the not-pervert role temporarily becomes not-a-pervert when it's her turn.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Am I alone in totally hearing Kuwashima Houko voicing this thirsty MC in a potential anime?

joined Sep 25, 2019

Her name's more of a statement of intent.

So, less "Magical Fuck" and more "Magical Fucker"?
I suppose that makes the other meanings "Magical Kisser" and "Magical Pooper" which is somehow even more hilarious.

Really hope pooper is the one that sticks with people, if for no other reason than for the slim chance the author might hear about it and bring it to the character's attention.

joined Sep 25, 2019

So Evil Leaderess' new name means (so far) The Magical Kiss, The Magical Poop and The Magical Fuck.

As far as unfortunate names go, that's almost as bad as that poor girl (In another manga I don't remember the name of) who got stuck with Pussy Bitch for a last name thanks to her Russian dad. xD

joined Sep 25, 2019

I made an account after 4+ years of lurking just to say this.

In Swedish, Magia Baisen roughly translates to "The Magical Poop."

You may now continue enjoying the manga with that knowledge in the back of your mind.

last edited at Sep 25, 2019 6:52AM