That senpai is the true MVP of this manga, not wasting any time with that subtext nonsense and straight dropping the yuri D-bomb right away to get the ball rolling.
(Please don't take that as critique of the subtext genre, it's just not my cup of tea.)
That whole segment with the plant girl was weirdly off-beat. A cute monstergirl offers to let the MC pee on her, and suddenly the MC is totally not a super perv who'd absolutely do that?
It's like they were both trying to do a pervy tsukomi routine on the other so the girl who's in the not-pervert role temporarily becomes not-a-pervert when it's her turn.
So, less "Magical Fuck" and more "Magical Fucker"?
I suppose that makes the other meanings "Magical Kisser" and "Magical Pooper" which is somehow even more hilarious.
Really hope pooper is the one that sticks with people, if for no other reason than for the slim chance the author might hear about it and bring it to the character's attention.
So Evil Leaderess' new name means (so far) The Magical Kiss, The Magical Poop and The Magical Fuck.
As far as unfortunate names go, that's almost as bad as that poor girl (In another manga I don't remember the name of) who got stuck with Pussy Bitch for a last name thanks to her Russian dad. xD