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Oy, gamers!
@takachi - whoa! you should turn that into fan fic. kinda hot and IMHO, in line with the characters.
I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.==
I'm sexual, therefore people who are "asexual" don't exist.
Is it so horrible that a manga character might actually be asexual? It's a thing, whether you believe it is or not. I'm impressed with Shuninta for attempting to depict a relationship involving someone that might identify as asexual, and I really hope she doesn't end up getting back with Asuna for the sake of pairing everyone off. Honestly, while I enjoy this manga, I hope none of the characters end up together.
Also, I'm tipsy and I may be over reacting to this comment. I totally signed up for an account just to reply.
welcome to the frey. btw, watch out fer hangovers. they're a b!+ch
last edited at Nov 1, 2014 1:37AM
"Do you still want to take a peek inside of me"...Best thing. ever said. in the history of ever.
ummm.... really? not my cup of tea, but if it floats your boat, salut!
last edited at Oct 31, 2014 9:32PM
It's on hold while the author works on the printed version which is supposed to be shipping soon, I forget exactly when.
available Dec 24. not sure which sellers will have it. Amazon and Barnes and Noble will make it available (will ship?) on Jan. 15, 2015. pre-orders now open.
btw, ch. 4 is out, but not complete.
Can anyone confirm what spacepowers said? Is it weekly? I'd like to know before I take the plunge.
cannot confirm. but spacepowers is correct, Shiniez (Stjepan Sejic) is on hiatus working on getting the book to print, so I'd check back on his page to see when he's back to working on the current and newer chapters.
last edited at Oct 31, 2014 9:27PM
Does anyone know how far Yawaraka Spirits is likely to allow things to go? Because this could go on like this for a while. Since it's so popular, it's very unlikely that they'll wrap it up anytime soon...
I would not be surprised if Yawaraka Spirits milk this series for all it it worth, assuming Shou-san can crank out enough new material to keep the plot going. that said, I kind of see this concluding around Valentine's day or maybe white day. of course, that is if it comes to a romantic conclusion.
last edited at Oct 31, 2014 9:41AM
I'm reminded a bit of At The Bottom Of The Stairway To Adulthood, where all the characters are happy at the end, everyone got pretty much what they wanted, and yet people were initially caught off guard by how it ended. I suppose because so much yuri has conditioned us to root for and expect the POV character to get together with the girl she's got her eye on, and nobody else will do. So when an author switches it up, it's difficult to do away with that expectation.
yeah, we've been Pavlov'd. can't remember if it was Shuninta-sensei or someone else, but there were near back to back releases by that mangaka, and each was of a different style. all I remember was all the hee-king and haw-ing about how terrible it was because it wasn't what the mangaka normally produced. * shrugs * i guess that's why we need more variety.
i am curious what she meant by "relapse" though. Am I forgetting a plot point?
I keep thinking she is referring to when she and Keiko got drunk as a skunk on their roof (ch. 18) or after the drinking party (ch. 19?).
3 points:
Ran is practically screaming at Keiko that she likes her (asking if Keiko would mind if a guy picked her up, sudden phone call that screams save me, and almost glee when Keiko calls 7+ times)
whoever said Keiko might be self-concious of her feelings, I totally agree (the 7+ calls to Ran and her reply to Ran, "so what if I was")
could Shou-san be introducing lgbt extras with the Saeki fan club? Who says, "let's go for a second round babe"? unless they are trying to pick someone up.
last edited at Oct 31, 2014 9:33AM
So, let me get this straight. We got three chapters of that crappy My Beloved series...but two chapters of the actually good, Kila Kila/Rin Rin series that I loved (at least one of which, was very, very short,not even 20 pages) WHICH THE WHOLE BOOK WAS NAMED AFTER...I have too much to be upset about here, but at least we got a conclusion to Kila Kila. That's a bright side.
But this is basically what happened here.
Yuri Goddesses: "Hey, look it's that YuriLoveFan douchenozzle again. That pricks always complaining about everything....You know what we should do...GIVE HIM SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT."
And thus this volume was madelol but in all seriousness, I'm grateful that about (or rather, at most) 1/4 of this volume was quite enjoyable.
lmao, so you enjoyed it, right?
truncating the response for brevity.
How about I put the pin on this argument since people seem to not understand a couple things.
argument. ummm, ok. tamest argument if ever there was one.
People aren't carnal animals. We don't simply want to have sex and only sex all the time...
Animals are carnal. people are animals. the difference is whether we act on those desires or not. that said, our discussion was a long winded version of what you were getting at. as for the sexuality bit, shrugs, OK, big whoop. again, the discussion (symantically challenged or not) was about understanding the differences between Asuna and Fue.
I stand by my points from earlier that I was disappointed overall with the hole the author dug themselves into with this relationship, but whether or not they wanted to have sex was not what broke them apart (for now)...
very good. please stand by your points as they are as valid as anyone else's.
now, if you really wanted to ask everyone to can this discussion and move on, wouldn't it have been easier to do that than post this long tirade about what "really" is going on in 'your' opinion? would have saved you a lot of typing...
also, I am going to apologize to you if this ticks you off. it is not an attack on you. your response just sounded a little preachy and authoritarian like your response is the only valid one and we all should just shut up. now if this is a misrepresentation and mischaracterization of your reply, then I humbly apologize. if not, then make of this post what you will.
^And what site would that be?
the link is a few pages back in the thread, but I would say don't bother. if memory serves me, the version posted on the link's web page versus the "official" release was different. after I read the "official" version, it seemed like there were more pages compared to the non-official release.
last edited at Oct 29, 2014 10:51PM
author is no good. unnatural, stupid clifhanger every episode. I think he/she is the kind who like korean drama lol, this is not typical japan yuri manga.
doth protest too much, and yet ye return each and every chapter.
but seriously, this is the perfect hook. you're interested. you're frustrated. you cannot wait for the next chapter to come out. at this point you have been thoroughly baited and are now an addict. you'll come back. check the threads a couple of more times. maybe post a few more comments about how this is silly or how it is no good, and in a month or two, you'll be right here reading the next chapter. heaven forbid if there is another cliffhanger. at that point I say, "wash, rinse, and repeat."
new stretch chapter
Ran really cannot hold her liquor!
ak38, thanks for posting the link.
last edited at Oct 29, 2014 5:08PM
I gain more and more respect for Takamiya-sensei, and it looks like I need to expend my list of favorite mangaka. they are like my Pokemon. I just gotta collect them all!
I didn't even notice miss sunflower wasn't wearing spectacles not until she said it herself! And now I'm really bugged about her real name.
I guess she'll just have to be known as Matsuri's miss sunflower.
dammit,I went through every freaking chapter looking for Miss Sunflower's real name. at one point I thought it was Rei, but that iirc was the name of one of the high schoolers visiting the bookery. yeah, looks like we'll have to keep referring to her as Miss Sunflower. :-\
sigh, there is many a day I feel like one. most days I'm a drone, worker bee #1, #2, and #3.
Don't get all depressed now GendoIkari is just being a troll(which is fine since that post put a smile on my face).
depressed, heck naw, just acknowledging the facts of life. plus, I like trolls. always rooted for them when I was a kid. I always thought those annoying billy goat gruffs, had it coming to them. alas, the trolls were to stupid/arrogant to see what was coming :-)
let it be known that you should always wait for the official release!
Mei: "knowing that, do you still want to take a peek inside of me?"
at that point, Yuzu's only answer should be YES! then cue the swanky porn music. j/k. ;-)
however, ignoring that last part, Yuzu's answer should still be YES! man I'll be happy when they stop dancing around the question of love vs. family and acknowledge the love.
We are all bots, I am a bot, everyone else is a bot, there is only one real human out there everything else is bots invented to be a kind of turing test for it.
sigh, there is many a day I feel like one. most days I'm a drone, worker bee #1, #2, and #3.
People keep saying Fue is asexual, but I'm not so sure that's actually the case. I think it's more that she's really depressed, in the clinical sense. To quote Wikipedia "Both DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 mark out typical (main) depressive symptoms. ICD-10 defines three typical depressive symptoms (depressed mood, anhedonia, and reduced energy), two of which should be present to determine depressive disorder diagnosis."
EVERYTHING is a bother for her, eating, being with the person she cares about, not being with the person she cares about, being awake, sleeping, going on vacation... The list goes on. So, there's anhedonia.
She seems to have no energy or drive and is constantly falling asleep, even at inappropriate times. That would be a lack of energy.
Finally, her internal monologue was pretty gloomy, which would be a depressed mood.
Omega, interesting hypothosis. never though of depression. hmmm, more food for thought.
Actually, depending on how you read it, pg.29 in chapter 00 could be her saying that glasses (I have forgotten her name) turns her on, which would also count against her being asexual. For those who don't want to search, I'm talking about the second speech bubble on the right of the following page:
here I believe I will have to disagree with you. let's take that whole conversation into context. first, they are talking about their "relationship" and how Fue-chan really feels about Asuna. In all the bubbles, there are two ways in which we can read it (I read it three ways, but I'm probably blowing a bunch of smoke out my @@@ with the 3rd reading). never the less, here they are:
Bubble1: "It's hard for me too y'know."
Bubble2: "I like you so much and you turn me on."
Non-bubble: If I say this, i might as well say good bye to my peaceful days.
Bubble: ... just bear with it.
Non-bubble2: But
Given this dialogue, it is not 100% who is saying what, but let's play devil's advocate.
1.) Dialogue bubbles belong to Fue: she could be turned on by Asuna, but still not want to engage in sex. But for the sake of argument, she does (and did). The next morning, Fue says, "I don't really get why people want to do this so much." As I have been learning, asexuality can be more than sex. OK, so for Fue-chan, sex is not big on her lists of TODOs, and just because she had sex with Asuna does not mean that she really isn't asexual. Verdict: mixed, but possibly leaning towards asexuality.
2.) Dialogue bubbles belongs to Asuna, non-bubbles belong to Fue-chan: Fue in an attempt to appease Asuna, sleeps with her, then the next morning vocally confirms what she was silently thinking in the non-bubble dialogue above. However, she does say that she doesn't mind sleeping with Asuna, just not often. She is willing to have sex, but infrequently and with no one else but Asuna. Again, leans heavily towards asexuality. Verdict: asexual, but possibly mixed due to the caveat - sex is not interesting, but Asuna would be the one exception, and that would be on a limited timeframe.
3.) Rehash of premise #1, but let's take into consideration your hypothosis that Fue-chan is depressed. A medical condition masks her true feelings and gives the impression that Fue-chan is either asexual, disinterested in sex in general, or does not want to have sex with Asuna, but is willing to do it anyway (whether it was to appease Asuna, try it out once, or <fill-in-the-bkank-here>). Verdict: asexual due to depression, but mixed because we do not know how Fue-chan would react if she were not in a state of depression.
My overall conclusion? IMHO, asexual, but from the points listed above, I recognize that it is an open issue, therefore inconclusive because context matters. It matters from the point of dialogue, it matters from the point of whether Fue-chan is depressed or not, and it matters from the point of whether she sees sex as a function of the relationship or as an other-ness that is tolerable, but only in limited quantities.
But this is my humble opinion, and I always try to keep an open mind. I do hope this part of the story is revisited, and we get a little more clarification into what is really going on with Fue-chan. Also, I'd like to understand why Asuna is so hyper sexual. Because when you think about it, as much as Fue-chan is "non-sexual," Asuna is very much the opposite.
last edited at Oct 29, 2014 2:24AM
There you go:
That's just the technical explanation, of course. The dynasty chat is on the rizon servers, info: (that's the small link in the form of a megaphone at the top, btw). You can use the web-based interface there, but should you decide to visit the channel more often I strongly recommend a dedicated client for whatever system you use.
gotta ask, I see that a channel exists for Dynasty, but I never see people actively chit-chatting. I just see the bots holding down the fort. do people actually use the channel anymore or is everyone pm-ing?
I would thumb up your post if I could, OrangePekoe. I'd like to add that it may also be the case that an asexual person does not desire physical connection with their partner, but can wholly connect on a mental or spiritual level. Nothing says that physical connection is the pinnacle of a relationship, and not participating in that particular aspect of a relationship does not make the relationship "lacking" in any way. It would be like saying not participating in BDSM play means your relationship is not as "whole" as those of people who do participate in it. Of course not. It just means it's not your cup of tea.
all points taken into consideration and as you and OP have so eloquenty stated, I guess I shouldn't be so narrow minded in my views, nor generalize. BTW, I know you didn't explicitly say I was being narrow-minded, but after rereading my comment and both replies, well... and as for generalizing, both bad things to do and I so try not to do them.
however, I was basing my question/comment in terms of the storyline btw Asuna and Fue-chan, so perhaps I should quantify my statement a bit more in terms of those two. I don't get the one-sidedness. specifically, how do two people with different tastes in terms of sexuality work in a relationship? i suspect it usually doesn't work out, but as you've described above, there is no right answer. I guess I'm over-analyzing the story. Anyhoo, g'nite/morning to all.
heh, I got an account on DevArt just so I could download the chapters. I was attracted to the art, but totally stayed for the story which is unapologetically good. but man oh man, some of the rigs are... ummmmmm.........
moThis was a nice development, but... it's just... I wanted something else to happen as well...
I know I'm going against the grain here, but I don't think, nor at this time want anything more to happen. "Miss Sunflower" is by no means a "Chatting at the Amber Tea house" where everyone is rooting for the two MCs to get together. As much as Matsuri-chan professes her love to Miss Sunflower, I see Matsuri as immature. For that matter, I still see Miss Sunflower as immature too. Miss Sunflower may be an adult, but she is finding herself, and Matsuri, as both sure and uncertain of herself as she is, may know what she wants, but I still want her to become more adult and less simple.
OK, that was a bit of hot air. honestly, I want Ayame and Miss Sunflower to get together, cuz in all the panels with Ayame (Miss Sunflower's sempai), I kept getting the 'I really like you' vibes both in high school and as adults. But because this is about Miss Sunflower and Matsuri-chan ( awww, no Ayame and Miss Sunflower ), i will straddle the fence and reiterate my comments from the paragraph above (yeah I know it's not good to try to maintain two positions of an argument and I should just pick a side).
RE: ch. 00 - I don't get it. asexuality I mean. especially if you are dating someone. I can understand and even rationalize having a relationship on an emotional level, but I would think the relationship is lacking. unwhole. incomplete such that it is not relational, nor fully connected. And to that point, I cannot imagine nor understand how one can be in love with someone, yet not be fully connected to that person either on the mental, physical or spiritual (for those who are spiritual) level.
now with respect to Fue-chan and Asuna-chan, I keep thinking why did Asuna keep pursuing Fue. More so, if everything is/was a bother to Fue, why did she agree to date Asuna? I know on some level there was serious codependancy issues, but it feels like something else was missing (that, or I need to reread the Fue/Asuna segments).
Fue really needs treatment for her narcolepsy :/
poor diet and a lack of exercise? like I should be one to talk... kinda funny, but I kept thinking that if she were not such a picky eater, she might be more energetic and might enjoy life a bit more. JMHO tho.
last edited at Oct 28, 2014 12:02AM
Aaaaaaand this has just gone off the rails.
Well D_T, think of it this way... train wrecks have one redeeming quality, their ability to grab your attention until all the carnage and wreckage are strewn everywhere. in this case, maybe it won't be so bad.